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A/n: I don't own or claim to own OHSHC, all rights to Bisco Hatori. I also don't claim to own any lines used within this fanfiction that are quotes.

Personal A/n: This has been in the works since July 24, 2019. So many of you guys have been excited about it. I have to. So let's see this idea come to fruition.
It's only June 1st right now but it'll be a sprint to that June 16th finish line. Let's go-

Jackie's POV Jackie Deloris Duheart (due-heart)

I ran my hand through my dark off red hair. My reddish-orange eyes set on the mailbox. I walked up to it opening its door.

I stared inside the mailbox. I grabbed out the letter with the ornate O pressed into wax. I gently pulled the letter open.

'Dear Miss Jackie Deheart,

With all your talents in the art of singing we, at Ouran, would like to offer you a music scholarship. You would be one of the only two students this year to receive scholarships. The other student is getting an academic scholarship.

If you choose to attend please come to the school between 9 and 5 on Monday. We hope to see you then. You'd make an excellent addition to the school.'

I stopped reading the letter not even caring to finish reading it. I made it. I ran into the house squealing with excitement. Miss Sakura noticed me, "Well, what is it?"

I beamed, "You won't believe it. Remember that audition you convinced me to do. Well I passed, I'm accepted into Ouran!" She smiled at me.

She said, "Well, that's great, sweetie." I nodded, "Thanks so much, Miss Sakura." I'm surprised that ever since I met Miss Sakura everything has been going right. Maybe she's what the world decided to bless me with.

-One month earlier-

It was late at night and cold. It was early winter. I rummaged in my backpack as Serenity sat on my lap. Serenity had just turned 3 that day. I pulled out the fluffy grey teddy bear.

Serenity smiled, "I wuv it, mama." Serenity was layered in clothes. I had her bundled in two shirts, a thin jacket, a thick jacket, leggings, thin sweat pants, and thick pants. Mittens on her hands and a hat on her head. 2 pairs of socks on her feet as well as boots.

I smiled gently tugging her jacket on her tighter readjusting the zipper. She gently clutched at the bear.

She said, "Mama I'm hungry."

I rubbed her cheek, "Let me look, baby."

I looked in my backpack. It had two blankets shoved in it and a half-frozen water bottle. I searched and my eyes landed on the 1 piece of somewhat halfway stale bread. I said, "I have bread, baby." Can't wait for payday tomorrow.

Her stomach growled, "Ok, mama." I took it out and handed it to her.

I sadly said, "Sorry I couldn't get you a cupcake for your birthday, baby."

She said, "What's a cup cup?"

I smiled and rubbed at her cheek, "I'll get you a cupcake someday, babygirl." She nodded her head and bit into the bread. Halfway through she stared at me then tried to hand me the rest.

She said, "Eat mama, mama hungry."

I shook my head, "No, baby girl, I'm not hungry." She looked at the bread then at me, she smiled then kept eating.

I heard, "Hey hot mama." I turned to notice two men that looked to be around twenty.

One said, "Let's ditch the kid." Then he winked at me.

I felt myself tense up, "Leave me alone."

They came over to me. One scooped up Serenity's teddy bear. She whined, "Nooo."

Then I heard, "Leave my grandkids alone!" The men sighed. The one holding the teddy bear threw it to the ground then the pair walked off.

Serenity ran the 3-4 feet it was away from us and picked it up clutching it to her chest. I smiled as she came back and I scooped her up in my arms. I zipped up my backpack. I turned to the lady that had chased the men off.

She was tall. She had long black hair and brown eyes. I smiled, "Thanks, Miss. I guess me and her will head off."

She said, "No sweetie, are you okay?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, I'm fine."

She said, "Let me walk you walk you home."

I shook my head, "No that's fine."

Serenity asked, "What's home?"

The lady looked shocked. She said, "Where do you sleep, baby?"

Serenity responded, "With Mama."

She said, "Mama, where do you sleep?"

I said, "It's fine."

She stated, "No it's not. Now come with me both of you." I wanted to deny her. Yet internally I was pulled to follow her. So I did. While walking she asked, "How old is your baby?"

I said, "She just turned 3 today."

She asked Serenity, "What'd you get for your birthday?" Serenity shoves her teddy bear away from her presenting it. She said, "My your bear is beautiful. What's your name?"

She replied, "Sen... Senity."

I responded, "Serenity Jane."

The lady responded, "I'm Sakura Duheart but you can call me Gram."

Eventually, we arrived at the apartment. I put serenity in the bed that was in the spare bedroom she had. Then I went and sat with her at the table. She asked, "Sweetie, why are you on the streets? You're still a baby."

I said, "Well my name is Jackie Deloris. I'm 17 and I got disowned. I was banished from my family's name and I've barely been surviving raising her and school."

She said, "Well, consider you and your baby safe. I think it was fate. My daughter, she... I believe fate drew me to you and your baby girl Serenity tonight. Would you like to both become Duhearts now?"

-end memory-

Serenity came in clutching one of her teddy bear's arms with her tiny hand. She said, "Mama, Gramie... What is it?" I smiled that she dearly loved the bear I had gotten her.

Miss Sakura said, "Mama got into a good school."

Serenity questioned, "School?"

I scoped her up, "Somewhere to read books, baby girl."

I smiled, well I guess I'll be ready for this. Time for a nice life. Hopefully, it's not too crazy.

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