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Jackie's POV

I laid still in the bed. My body was sore as I was tired. I felt my eyelids wish to close. I heard crying, they are okay... My eyelids shut. With my fleeting consciousness, I heard beeping. The last thing I heard was Takashi calling out, "Jackie!"

Takashi's POV

I went to the end of the hall. I went into the waiting room. I noticed Sakura, Mitsukuni, and Serenity all inside. Serenity came over, "Daddy!"

I picked her up. I squeezed her in a tight hug. She pushed so I loosened my grip but still held her. She said, "Dad, when can I see mom? Do I have a brother? A sister? Hmm?"

I chuckled lightly, "You'll love when you meet them. But right now I have to talk to Uncle and Gramie." The instantly stood up sensing the urgency in my voice. I put Serenity down in a nearby chair, "Wait in here, okay?"

Serenity nodded, "Of course, dad."

I headed out followed by Mitsukuni and Sakura. After the door was closed I sighed. I tried for a moment to say it but broke down in tears.

I felt arms wrap around me as I cried. Eventually, I got out, "It's Jackie..."

Sakura said, "So your baby is okay? What happened?"

I mumbled, "S-s-she..." Tears ran down my face. I said, "She..."

I heard, "Mr. Morinozuka!" I turned to see a doctor jogging down the hall. He said, "Mr. Morinozuka, we got her back!"

Mitsukuni mumbled lightly, "Back..."

Mitsukuni's POV

Got her back? Wait that means... I hugged Takashi tighter. That means he watched her die... It must be. I looked up at the now smile on his face. Tears still flowed on his cheeks. J you know I told you that "I'm not letting you two end up apart again."

I didn't tell you to find a loophole to that. Please, while you're fighting for your life. Please, stay. I then pushed Takashi away towards the doctor. He glanced back at me then rushed to the doctor.

Serenity's POV

After a wee, I'd finally get to see mom again. It felt like forever. I hope she'll be home for my 7th birthday next week. I gently tugged at my necklace with my name. I'm so excited and so nervous. I wonder if I have a brother. I hope I have a brother!

Gramie stopped outside the door. I clutched my backpack straps tightly. First grade hasn't been a problem with all the help I get. I was so distracted today. Did the teacher tell Gramie?

Gramie calmly said, "Okay, now this is the room." I started smiling with excitement. A brother?! Gramie said, "Now, you need to be quiet. Mama may be asleep, your sibling may be too."

I nodded in understanding. I let myself relax and calm down. I smiled, "I'm ready."

Gramie pushed open the door. I went inside and noticed Mom was holding the baby. I slowly walked over trying to be cautious. I saw Dad in the chair beside the bed.

Although he had his head laid out of my view. I usually don't see Dad sleeping. I wonder why he is? I got to the foot of the bed. I mumbled, "Mom..."

She looked up at me. She then smiled at me and motioned for me to come to the side Dad wasn't on. I went over and looked at the baby. I asked, "Is this a brother or sister?"

Mom responded, "This is your little sister. We decided to name her Suki." She gently rubbed at Suki's face. I wish I had I brother. Then the baby's eyes opened revealing deep gray eyes.

I spoke in awe, "She has Dad's eyes."

Mom nodded, "Mhmm. Do you want to hold her?"

I nodded in response, "Of course, she's got Dad's eyes."

Mom scooted over and I got into the bed with her. Mom slowly started to place Suki in my arms. She readjusted my elbow near Suki's head. She said, "Hold her head like that."

She then moved my arms a bit more. Then Mom wrapped her arms around my shoulders. I stared into Suki's eyes. Suki then smiled at me so I smiled back.

Then I heard a snap noise. I looked to see Gramie holding a camera. I asked, "Why take a photo?"

Gramie replied, "Well, all of my beautiful girls are her. I thought it'd be perfect."

"Hmm..." I heard. I turned to look at Dad as he sat up. He covered his mouth with one hand as he yawned. He then looked over to Mom and I.

He said, "All my precious princesses. I'm terrified of losing a single one of you."

I rumbled lightly, "I'm not, Dad." I know I am.

He stood up and reached over patting my head. He grinned at me. He said, "Alright, Serenity. You're my peace." He had a far-off look in his eyes. I didn't really understand what he meant. I could tell it meant a lot to him, though.

I smiled, "Thanks, Dad."

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