10-The Family

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Jackie's POV

I noticed a brown-haired boy slightly taller than Mitsukuni. After Mitsukuni jumped back it confirmed my suspicion, Yasuchika. He had on the Ouran's middle school uniform. Mitsukuni had separated over to him.

I watched their family tradition occur in front of us. And as expected, Mitsukuni won. Chika's pant legs were stuck to the ground. After the fight, I found out Chika was spiteful cause of the karate club at the middle school. They talked of Mitsukuni's greatness and that made him feel lower.

I was walking Chika to the high school gates. Chika glanced at me, "Why don't you just marry Takashi?"

I smiled at him, "I wish it were that easy."

Chika replied, "You're a Yasin, why wouldn't it be?"

I replied, "I'm a Duheart now."

Chika turned to me wide-eyed. He pondered, "Why? You're their only heir."

I shrugged, "It's fine. They probably adopted a son. They always wanted a boy anyway."

Chika asked, "Why'd they do it though?"

I paused, Serenity... I smiled although I wanted to cry. I said, "Because I refused to change my morals for them. They disowned me." I knew my voice cracked on my last sentence. The sorrow in Chika's eyes said so too. I said, "But please don't tell your father you saw me!"

Chika stared at me bewildered, "But our dad likes you."

I shook my head, "No, if Takashi's dad or Satoshi finds out..."

His eyes lit up as it clicked. He mumbled, "Ohhh... Okay! Yep! No way I'm telling!" Huh? That's not like him.

I asked, "What happened?"

He shrugged and shook his head. He let out a nervous laugh. He said, "I should get going! Stay safe, J!" He then dashed away.

I wanted to ask him what had happened. He looked scared...


I woke up to Sakura shaking me. I groggily turned to look at her. She mentioned, "That blonde is here for you and Serenity."

I stated, "Blonde?"

She said, "Yeah, the short one."

I said, "Ah, Mitsukuni. Tell him to let us get changed." Sakura left as I slowly let Serenity out of my arms. I walked to the dresser pulling it open.

I grabbed out some black jeans and a light grey t-shirt. I slipped on the clothes. I hope this will do. I then went over and shook Serenity's shoulder, "Wake up, baby girl."

She grumbled in her sleep. She turned over as though to ignore me. I sighed and moved around. I sat on my knees at her feet. I leaned forward and grabbed her under her arms.

I pulled her up. Her body dangled loosely slightly above the bed. I said, "Okay, I'll lay you down. I thought we might have had the chance to see Dada today."

Her eyes shot open, "Dada?"

I replied, "Yeah, maybe. But you have to get ready."

She ran over to the dresser. She opened drawers and rummaged through them. She finally pulled out a teal dress. She kept searching. Isn't a dress enough? She finally tugged out light green leggings. She presented them to me. I said, "Beautiful."

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