15-The Day

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Takashi's POV

Today is finally the day... I smiled absentmindedly. It's been a wild past two years. Now that Jackie has graduated recently it's time for our wedding. I stated, "We did it..."

We got my dad's begrudging acceptance. I never thought it'd happen. Without the Haninozuka family fully having my back I don't think I could have. I'll have to thank Mitsukuni again.

I readjusted my pale blue tie. I can't wait for this. Just like I can't wait for next week. The door opened to reveal my cousin and best friend, Mitsukuni.

I smiled, "Thanks again."

Mitsukuni chimed, "No need, Takashi. Now remember the ceremony starts in ten minutes." I nodded my head yes. Mitsukuni continued, "Do you want to head into the hall now or wait a bit more?"

I said, "My dad is out there... So let's wait."

Mitsukuni nodded in understanding. He smiled, "J sure looks pretty. All the girls are gushing, but especially Serenity."

I smiled at that, "Yep, my girl. Can't believe she's just about to be six..."

Mitsukuni grinned and came in. He occasionally checked his watch. Eventually he stated, "Three minutes. Let's get out there!"

We went to the archway that had been set up. Mitsukuni stayed by my left. I looked down the aisle. I scanned the crowd noticing the hosts split. They were all in the third row.

Kyoya and Tamaki on the grooms side. Tamaki by the aisle already peering down the aisle. The twins sat on the brides with Kaoru towards the aisle. It felt like time slowly ticked by until the doors opened.

In came Serenity. She started her way up the aisle. She was in a floor length pale blue dress. Her height taller then when I met her. Her curly black hair going down to her elbows around her. Her blue eyes locked onto me.

She would occasionally reach into her basket spreading out dark blue rose petals onto the aisle. Eventually she reached the end of the aisle. She slowly walked over to the bridal side.

The in came the ring barer, Satoshi. I smiled at this, he held the ring box cupped in between his hands. Eventually he came down and stood beside Mitsukuni.

Then the doors opened to reveal Haruhi. Haruhi had on a pale blue dress. It had a t shirt like top then puffed out at the bottom going to her knees. She came down. I noticed her small bouquet had six roses, half pale blue and half dark blue.

Then there was a pause. Everyone was anxiously awaiting the door to reopen, especially me. The music began playing and she started walking down. Jackie held a twelve rose bouquet, half of each color.

Her dress, stunning. Her hair down, gorgeous. Her reddish hair fell around her ending slightly above her elbows at her biceps. Her dress was a cream colored princess dress. It had a sweetheart neckline. It puffed out just as expected.

She looks so stunning... Then I noticed the feeling of the tear running down my cheek. I can't believe I got this chance. I can't believe she still loves me...

She arrived and passed her bouquet to Haruhi. She then held my hands. The officiant began their speech. Then it was time for the questions.

They asked, "Jackie Deloris Duheart, do you take this man, Takashi Morinozuka, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Jackie smiled while staring into my eyes, "I do."

The officiant continued, "Takashi Morinozuka, do you take this woman, Jackie Deloris Duheart, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

I replied, "I do."

The officiant announced, "You may now kiss the bride."

I leaned over. I moved one of my hands to gently cup her face. Then I gave her a soft kiss on the lips. I pulled away to see her broad grin.

The officiant stated, "I now present to you Mr and Mrs Morinozuka."


I sat beside Jackie at the reception. My hand was atop hers on the table. My fingers slightly intertwined with hers. Serenity was off talking animatedly with Haruhi.

Suddenly I looked up to see my father. He stood right in front of us. Mitsukuni then showed up beside him.

My dad said, "You'll never give up on her, hmm?"

I nodded, "I won't, I love her. You should have realized by now."

He said, "She lacks grace. She's impure. I don't get it. You're lucky I permitted you to marry her." Jackie tightened her fingers around mine.

I gave her hand a quick squeeze. I sighed, "We're married, now what do you want? Why did you come to say this?"

He whispered, "She has a child. Not even with you. Serenity Duheart, right?" I saw from the corner of my eyes the tears pricking at Jackie's eyes.

I spoke, "How dare you refer to my eldest child in that way?" He paused and seemed slightly stunned. I continued, "You've insulted my wife, the mother of my child. My gorgeous daughter from the night you hate the most."

He seemed frozen. Mitsukuni said, "Come on, Uncle. I'm sure everyone is happy." My dad looked around and let out a sigh of relief when he realized nobody else was paying attention.

Serenity grabbed at my other hand. She said, "Dada, Gramie said you forever with Mama now." She tugged at my arm, "Is that true?"

I removed my hand from Jackie's and patted her head. I smiled, "Yes, I love her. I'll always stick around. I can't live without her, I seriously can't."

Serenity pulled me by my neck into a hug. Nobody said a word. Jackie placed her hand on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around Serenity. I have my own family. I have to protect them.

Mitsukuni stated, "We don't need what happened last time. I'm sure you remember..." Dad hung his head and walked off. Mitsukuni then smiled at me. He said, "I'm so glad you and J got to get married. I feel like you guys are going to have the best marriage ever."

Serenity lulled lightly, "I'm happy."

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