Update page

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Hello Kiwi here! This is where all the updates/teasers shall go so I don't have to create new chapters! ^^

March 1st 2021
Hello kiwi here, so I had a plan that chapter 6 involved Tommy. But he just had to go off and die today so I'm currently at a stand still for what I should do. I have a note book so chapter 4 is almost done as well. I would really appreciate some ideas and thoughts!

March 20th 2021
I- Oh my god thank you so much for 850 reads! I never thought I would make it this far, so thankful for you guys! Seriously thank you, you guys make me smile every day and I hope I can do the same, I hope I can make you smile and happy. That is my goal as an author. Once again thank you so much, I appreciate you! Stay safe!
-Kiwi ❤

May 26th 2021

Hello readers! Just a PSA chapter 10 is about half way done, I've been finding it hard to find time to write due to school and my graduation coming up so I sincerely apologize for the long waits. That being said I just wanted to thank you once again for 8k+ reads! I never thought I'd make it this far and I'm extremely thankful, someone in my home says you shouldn't be paying so much attention to those stupid stories of yours. I believed that for the longest time until my book reached 1k, you guys have given me the confidence to say "If its stupid then how come so many people like it?" I'm extremely thankful for you, and I will continue my goal as an author. It's not to get famous or for the money, it's for the people I will make smile, happy and content. I can not thank you enough, please stay safe and you matter!

June 6th 2021

Hello guys gals and non-binary pals!
It has come to my attention that some of you are night owls, I can tell from the notifications I get for when you vote, comment or add this story to your reading list. I'm aware you are most likely in a different timezone or just a hour ahead or behind. But some, maybe even only 1 or 2 are in my timezone, and for how late it is it's quite concerning. So I'm here to tell you this, if your tired go to sleep, if you need a break, go take one, if your hungry or didn't eat today, try to have something even if it's small cause just you getting out of the bed in the morning makes me ever so proud of you and you deserve this break. Remember that you are valid no matter what, so how are you? There's no need to be shy, I'm listening and I'm sure many others are to. But if that makes you uncomfortable its understandable and completely reasonable! Just remember this comment section is a safe place

Also happy pride month! Just thought I'd let you know that I'm  gender fluid so you may call me all pronouns, if you want to please tell me yours so I know for the future!

Remember I'm still proud of you!

August 19th 2021

Hello my lovely readers, if you couldn't tell I'm going on a break for a bit. I've been having trouble with focus and I've been busy, also I'm going to a new school. There are alot of changes for me at the moment and my mental health has taken a bit of a toll, but this break wont last forever and I will be back as soon as possible.
I'm truly sorry if this disappoints you but I will be back.
Remember to drink some water and make sure you've eaten well.
Have a good day/night!

Update: I lost someone very important yesterday so the break might take longer I'm sorry but it hurt me badly. They ment the world to me then suddenly they're gone.

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