
740 39 28

Tw: Descriptive gore, nostalgia, break downs, passing out, anxiety, panic, burning, ✨mommy issues✨, Heavy detail for war scene, abandonment(?)

Me: Says chapter is almost done
Motivation: Goes to get the milk
I'm sorry-

The tournaments are over. 
Techno was waiting outside by his door. He saw two figures walking towards the home, instantly he ran up to them. Ranboo, oh God Ranboos expression. His eyes were wide with terror, fresh tear scolds on his cheeks, his pupils were tiny and he was shaking like a leaf. Not to mention he was covered in bandages, Phil was looking down his hat shadowing his eyes. The blood god didn't hesitate to pull Ranboo into a tight hug, the enderman buried his face in the piglins shoulder. He screamed, and not in lower case this time. It was a scream of agony and suffering, but it was an Ender scream. Techno jolted slightly and held the boy tighter, Phil joined the hug but didn't move his wings. The boys jaw split only causing him to scream again, 
((Descriptive gore warning))
His skin tore, veins burst and ripped causing a bloody mess as muscles split. The tearing was so bad you could see the teen's Morales and back teeth. He cried out, the agony was unbearable, the loose skin hung limply and only tore more as he cried. His vision grew blurry and slowly faded into darkness.

“Ranboo!” A woman called in a soft tone, an Aussie accent was clear. The boy slowly opened his eyes, he was in a soft purple bed, A woman stood before him with a hand on his shoulder. “Good morning Ranboo” Her voice was soft as silk, her eyes were green and held a calm and soothing demeanor. "Morning mum.." Ranboo grumbled and sat up, the woman smiled and picked up the small multi-colored boy from the purple bed. "Let's get some breakfast, yeah?" She offered.

The small enderman sat in his room with a black dragon plush, it still had a purple ribbon on it. He had just received it as a gift, his Christmas eyes held happiness and excitement. He kept the ribbon on, liking the look. Ranboo noticed a tag on the plush dragon which read: "The ender dragon, our guardian, our protection, our home. We owe her our greatest gratitude." The small enderman giggled and hugged the plush protector tightly. "I wanna be just like you one day!”

“Sword fighting defies the standard learning curve. You, the untrained novice who picks up a sword actually has a better chance than someone who has been practicing for a couple of months, since your actions are almost always wild and unpredictable. When a student receives training, their chances will actually decline over the next few months, because they will be trying to operate by the rules, but will be very bad at it. You can never master the art of swordsmanship but it will only take about two years, maybe even less, for a natural to become dexterous at it if he has a good teacher. A complete novice could even become dangerously skilled in only a few months if he received some very condensed training, but even so, that is pushing it.” A tall enderian teen was talking to Ranboo, with a thin metallic sword and metal guard, on the blade engravings were etched in, in ender and enchantment-table . Ranboo was holding a similar sword, the only difference is that it had no engravings. “Can I-” “Yes you can ask a question Ranboo” The tallest said with a chuckle. “How many wounds can someone take?” The boy asked, curiosity was evident in his expression. “A warrior can sustain many wounds without dying. One knight in the battle of Fire sustained about 100 wounds and still survived. Most fatal wounds are cuts or stabs to organs that contain large amounts of blood, such as the heart or spleen. Wounds to the lungs are fatal because the lungs can fill with blood, drowning the wounded man. Any wound can become fatal if it gets infected. Stabs are harder to heal than cuts.” 

The enderian was listening intensely..or at least he was trying. “You lost me-” The boy started before the older sighed. “I could tell, went right over your head huh?” The eldest asked , putting the tin blade into its sheath that was attached to his belt. Ranboo gave a nod in response. “I’ll break it down for ya”

Panic | Ranboo timeline AuWhere stories live. Discover now