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𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙮𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙙𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙣

I have always been a bad kid. Sneaking out after cerfue, having sex, doing drugs, drinking auchohal, spray painting, going to party, skinny dipping and most importantly I've broken over 120 laws and I even have about 2 tattoos and I have a fake ID. I know it's not a lot but I'm also trying to break more laws but I always get caught. I've been taken to jail about 4 times and have always been bailed out by my friends. You probably are thinking why is she doing this  there must be problems in her life but I have a perfect life everything is great nothing ever really goes wrong I just have some kind of weird urge to do stuff I'm not sopored too it's really weird but I get the feeling at any moment of the day like once in the middle of class i had the urge to leave and not listen so I got up and left school. I had ditention the next day on the weekend and then again I snuck out of the window because I could be doing better things with my life. I've never listened to what people say I've just done the things I wanted to do. My worst law I have broken is stealing a car when I was 13 but now I am 16 I have also had a secret I've never told anyone. When I was 13 and until now I have been working at the main play boy factory illegally to get money. I don't really care if someone finds out I've been to jail I can go again. Today I had to go to school but I really didn't want to. Me and my older brother and younger brother live in Los Angeles California. When I was 13 my parents moved out because they were fed up with me breaking rules and breaking laws but I didn't care if they left I could live on my own I was fine. They took my brothers with them but a year later my brothers came back to me to take care of me and I guess I have been a little bit happier with them around just a little though. Anyways it was school time I didn't want to go but today I didn't have anything to do so I just said fuck it and drove to school in my Tesla. Yeah I have a Tesla what do you think I would spend my play boy money on besides drugs? I bought a Tesla. I drove it to school and went through the hallways people kept staring at me as i was walking down the hallway and I just growled at them and laughed. When I got to my locker I was pulled into the girls bathroom by my friends Kate, Maya and Ella
Kate: what the fuck y/n
Ella: yeah why didn't you tell us????!!??
Y/n: you guys what the fuck? Tell you what??
Maya: that your a play boy bunny??
Ella: is that how you got your Tesla??
Y/n: what the hell you guys who told you that??!!??!
Kate: a video got leaked of you stripping at the playboy factory.
Y/n: no shit
Kate: it doesn't matter. We are still going to be your friends but the police are looking for you so we need to leave.
Y/n: thanks guys let's go. We all jumped out of the bathroom window and started to run. As we were running my life flashed through my eyes and I had a urge to leave and never come back so me and my friends just kept running until we didn't know were we were but we were in a forest a few days went by of running and sleeping in foreste. I kept running the next day. My friends were out of breath but my urge just kept telling me to run and run until I passed out. I woke up in a guys bed. Did I sleep with another guy again?? I sat up and I had the same clothes on that I did the night before so nothing happened. There was no one in the room until the room door opend and shut and I looked up. There was a perfect guy standing there looking at me he was just ugh perfect I couldn't even describe him I then I had the urge again to get up and just have sex with him right now but I fought it. It's really hard to fight my urge. Sometimes i need to stop breathing to make it go away and sometimes it gets so bad that I have to stop doing everything and just cry because then my feeling get hurt and I stop. So this time it got super bad and I started to cry he looked at me and tilted his head. I got into a little ball and cried on the floor
?:hey Whats wrong?
Y/n: give me a second.
?: ok I'll be back with some aspirin
Y/n: mmhm. It was about 5 minutes and I was done crying and my urge was gone. He walked into the room with some tilonal
I couldn't take it because then I might be on with drawl and I could get hurt.
?: hey so I got you some tilonal
Y/n: Im sorry i can't take it.
?: why not it will make you feel better
Y/n: i cant take it ok!
?: but WHY NOT!!
?: WHY THE HELL NOT!!??!!!?
The guy sat down on the end of his bed and put his hand over his face.
?: is that why i found you passed out?
Y/n: no. I dont have money for drugs right now. So can you buy me some please so i dont die?
?: your not going to die. Im also not buying you drugs.
Y/n: oh come on please daddy?
There was the urge again so i just held my breath
?: im not your daddy ok right now im not intereated
Y/n: fuck you. I said and then passed out again because i was light headed from holding my breath. About 30 minutes later i woke up and i was in the guys bed under the covers. He walked into the room
?: hi so i know
Y/n: know??
?: why you were running.
Y/n: ok then why was  i running
?: your the play boy bunny girl. The one who got her video leacked.
Y/n: ugh now everyone knows?
?: its been on the news all week
Y/n: thats just great im gonna get fired and loose my money
?: you really think thats the worst part of it
Y/n: ehhhhhh
?: ok i dont know who you are or why you were a stripper but my name is 𝒢𝓇𝒶𝓎𝓈ℴ𝓃
Y/n: nice to meet you Grayson. So were in the fucking world am i
Grayson: your in New Jersey
Y/n: dead ass?
Grayson: dead ass why?
Y/n: because i ran here from California
Garyson: omg uh wow
Y/n: yeah i guess. What does it turn you on? You said and then walked over too him.
Grayson: dont even think about it.
Y/n: im sorry i have to its a urge.
Grayson: oh and it also was a urge to be a play boy bunny wasnt it
Y/n: oh shut up i needed money and i still do need money.
Grayson: ok i dont think your that desprate so we will leave it at that. You should get some rest play boy bunny you probably need it.
Y/n: ok bitch. You know I have a name
Grayson: and what is that?
Y/n: y/n
Grayson: ok y/n go to sleep it's 3 in the morning
Y/n: I don't sleep though.
Grayson: well starting tonight yes you do
Y/n: ugh fine I whispered *control me like that under the sheets not above them* and I think he heard me because his face turned red
Y/n: but before I go to bed can I please have something to eat? It's been about 5 days sense I've eaten something.
Grayson: yeah sure we have food in the pantry down stairs be aware though I have 2 siblings.
Y/n: ok I'll just fuck em
Grayson: one of them a girl
Y/n: ohhhhh well ok I'm gonna go get something to eat thanks for letting me stay here away from the police i guess
Grayson: yeah no problem also when I found you in the forest you had some friends with you but when I put you in my car a cop car pulled up and took them away.
Y/n: really oh no
Grayson: yup
Y/n: well shit ugh I hate my life
Grayson: go get some food
Y/n: fine your pushy
Garyson: yes i am
Y/n: i like that
Grayson: GO
Y/n: fine. I walked down Graysons steps and into his kitchen and went to the fridge. I found some yogurt but I couldn't fine a spoon so I yelled Graysons name to come help me. As I was about to turn around I ran into Grayson well it really looked like Grayson.
Y/n: how did you get downstairs so fast Grayson?
?: what I'm not Grayson
Y/n: yeah very funny Grayson
?: what im not Grayson!
And then Grayson walked down the stairs. I was so confused because i was still a bit tired.
Grayson: seems like you have met my brother Ethan
Y/n: you didnt tell me he was your twin
Grayson: well now i am telling you
Y/n: great help Grayson
Ethan: wait dont i know you?
Y/n: i mean you could get to know me i said and winked
Grayson: oh stop hitting on him!
Y/n: what are u gelious?
Grayson: no never would be. Now lets go up stairs bunny you need to sleep
Ethan: wait omg arent you the girl on the news?? The one that the police couldnt find. The striper?
Y/n: how did u guess i said and rolled my eyes.
Ethan: i dont know but Grayson can i talk to you for a second in private please?
Grayson: sure I guess. I sat down on the couch and waited for them to stop talking.

                Grays POV
Ethan pulled me into our dads office
Ethan: GRAYSON do u know what that girl has done? She has broken over 120 laws. She stole a car. Shes been to jail. She already lost her virginity at 13 And for crying out loud she's a stripper and a stranger. Why did you bring her here?
Grayson: I had no other choice Ethan. I was driving home from the store and I saw her pass out so I put her in my car. She may have done bad things but Ethan do you remember when we did ecualy bad things? I bet you I can change her for the better and get her off of drugs
Ethan: Grayson bro you can't keep letting girls break your heart especially a stripper. I get you want to help her but you can't she's a lost cause
Grayson: wow E selfish much. She will be fine in a week after I fix her up.
Ethan: fine Gray just keep telling your self that.
Grayson: shut up E and go back to sleep
Ethan: fine we will talk about this tommarrow
Grayson: fine. Night E
Ethan: night Gray.

                 Y/ns POV
Grayson walked back into the living room.
Grayson: come on y/n let's go to bed.
Y/n: Grayson i need a spoon for my yogurt and i cant find one.
Grayson handed me a spoon and we went up to his room.
Y/n: Were am i sleeping?
Grayson: in my bed.
Y/n: by my self?
Grayson: duhh im not sleeping in the same bed as a bunny.
Y/n: oh shut it.
Garyson: fine. Get in bed!
Y/n: damb fine.
Garyson: i just want to go to sleep bunny i have school tommarrow!
Grayson sat up and looked into my eyes while tears fell out if them. Grayson walked over to me. And sat down next to me.
Grayson: y/n can i please help you?
Y/n: Grayson what?
Garyson: i want to help you get of drugs and to stop drinking aucohal make you a better person.
Y/n: Grayson im a lost cause ive been doing drugs sense i was 10 you cant help me.
Grayson: i think i can
Y/n: why are you so surten?
Grayon: because me and Ethan used to be as bad as you. We used to do drugs and have sex every night we were our schools fuck boys.
Y/n: thats hot Grayson but you will give up on me i know you will.
Garyson: im not going to give up on you y/n
Y/n: ok sure at this point that i am running from the police from a lifes sentince then sure Grayson you can try.
Grayson: great he said and wiped the tears off of my face and stood up.
I started to feel horrible I started to sweat a lot and get a bunch of chills and just fell to the ground.
Grayson: y/n what the hell are you ok?? We need to bring you to the hospital.
Y/n: Gray it's Withdrawl I can't breathe and no hostpital the police will find me. Go get me a shot it's in my bag!
Grayson ran down stairs to get me my shot. I almost fainted when Grayson came into the room and made sure I stayed awake.
Grayson: ok where do I put it. I lifted out my arm and he put the medal in it. Contensness washed over me as I felt better having a needle stuck into my arm. "Thank you Grayson" I said to him panting on the ground. "Um no problem" he said with a little worry still on his face. "Wait u were worried about me weren't you" I said with a smirk. "Why would I be" he said with sass "aww how cute Graybear"

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