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𝙙𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙣 𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙨
𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝟦/𝟥𝟣/𝟣𝟫

I just moved to New Jersey from California . I moved to New Jersey because that's were my moms family lived and she wanted to spend more time with them because before she never really got to. We just moved into a small Beach house that was small but cute (picture at the end) I was 16 and I had to leave all of my best friends behind me and make new friends which was going to be hard but I think for my brother moving was going to be even worse because he had to leave his girlfriend behind. My brother is 23 and has been dating the same girl for about 5 years and now after my mom told him the news that we were moving and after we moved all he's done is stayed in his room and not really talked much anyways it had just turned spring and I started at my new school tomorrow I was really scared. It was time for bed now I had just picked out a cute outfit for tomorrow trying to make my best impression. I turned of the light and in my mind I hoped that tomorrow would be good but I had no idea what was coming my way. The next morning I got up and had like 2 hours to get ready and every minute getting closer to the first day I was getting more nervous. This isn't the first time I've had to move states. We have moved 5 times already because of my moms job which is super annoying and also since my dad died we move even more often then we did before. I had 1 more hour left until school and I was already ready. I had my backpack ready, I did my makeup all ready and I was already wearing a cute outfit. I had no idea what to do for the remaining hour so I just sat on my phone.
Mom:  y/n get up we are going to be late!
Y/n: I'm coming mom!!!!!!
We got in the car and my mom drove me to school
Mom: bye sweetheart have a good first day I love you and oh after school your brother is going to pick you up
Y/n: ok mom. I rolled my eyes.
Y/n: love you too. She then drove off and I could feel my palms sweat as I started to walk into the gate of the school. When I was walking through the hallway I could feel every ones eyes on me. I hated that. I think they were staring cause I was the new kid. Well at least I hope. I was wearing white jeans and I was on my period but they weren't laughing so that wasn't it. Don't worry I have expiriens with that one. The first bell rang and I went into my math class. I sat down in the back of the class room. A boy walked over to me and asked it he could sit
??: hi. Can I sit next to you?
Y/n: mmm sure
??: hi I'm Grayson
Y/n: I'm Y/n
Grayson: so were did you move from? As soon as he asked that a group of boys and girl walked into the classroom after the bell rang. They were looking at me especially one boy who was with a girl and had his arms around her waist. The guy looked almost exactly like Grayson. The kids who had walked in were making everyone in the front row move so they could sit down.
Y/n: *wow bitchy* I said under my breath. The boy who looked like Grayson stood up
??: excuse me what did you say.
Y/n: nothing to consen your half ass I said and then Grayson grabbed my wrist and pulled me down.
Grayson: you don't want to deal with him. He's my twin brother and he is "popular" and part of his little gang. I wouldn't mess with them.
Y/n: oh don't worry I know how to screw up that boy. I knew how too because at some of my schools that I went to i had massive bully's. They would put notes in my locker saying go kill your self and horrible stuff like that. They would pick on me every day and follow me home and make me feel so bad. The only thing that made me feel better was my brother during those times because I knew I could talk to him and he would always understand but lately after we have moved he's been disconnecting with me and my mom so Manley he only feels like I'm home every time because I only get to see my mom 1 time every 2 weeks because of her job. As I was thinking about this I hadn't realized I had started to cry and I quickly came back into the real world. Everyone was looking at me and laughing. I felt like i was going to throw up.
??: oh is princess going to cry? The rest of his friends laughed. I stood up and walked over to his desk and when he wasn't looking I punched him strait along his jawline and ran strait out of the class room
??: oh your going to get it now. COME BACK HERE BITCH IM NOT DONE  WITH YOU. I ran down the hall laughing I'm pretty sure this was stage two of my mental breakdown.
                                Graysons per
I looked over at y/n and she was crying I didn't know what to do and then everyone started to laugh at her and Ethan started to say rude shit to her. I wanted to do something but I couldn't move the thought in my head that I was once like Ethan and I once would have bulled y/n haunted me. I stoped hanging out with Ethan and his friends after one night when they all got me drunk and I was high I did really bad things and then the next day i promised myself I wasn't going to go in contact with Ethan's friends or him ever again which was hard considering we lived together but that's how it is. I watched y/n stand up and I was wondering what she was doing but I didn't say anything. All of the sudden I herd Ethan's jaw crack and his lip was bleeding and so was his cheek. Y/n ACTUALLY JUST FUCKING DID THAT. I thought in my head. Dam that made me even more attracted to her then when I say her beautiful face walk into the classroom for the first time. I then heard Ethan y'all something at her and she sprinted and Ethan ran after her. I finally felt weirdly Conscious again and I ran after Ethan pretty fast.
I could hear out math teacher yelling at me and Ethan to stop but we kept running. I grabbed Ethan hoodey and he tried to falale away but I knew how week he was
Ethan: Grayson LET ME FUCKING GO
Grayson: Ethan you need to calm down and stop he started to flale again and he got up and punched me. My lip was bleeding just like his I then continued to run after him until we were at a dead end of the school and he finally stopped running.
                                   Y/ns point of veía
When Ethan was running after me I heard him stop and I kept running and out ran him by a lot and I ran into the last Girls bathroom of the school. It was at the end of the hallway. I heard Ethan get to the end of the hallway. At this point I didn't give a fuck and I walked out of the bathroom and Ethan noticed me and I punched his stomach and he slapped me across the face. I then just kept punching him and he kicked me in the stomach I was trying not to give up because I wanted to show Ethan that I had the Dominice but I couldn't feel my body I felt someone grab me as I fell to the ground I looked up it was Grayson. I looked at him and stood up and kicked Ethan's legs and he fell and then I ran. Right after I had kicked Ethan i noticed Grayson running after me threw crowds of kids I wonder how much they saw because I only saw them now. I ran out of the main entrance doors and went and sat under the bleachers. Grayson followed me.
Grayson: I told you not to mess with him
At this point I had a bloody nose my lips were bleeding and I had a bruised eye and scrapes all over my nees.
Grayson: I'm taking you to my house.
Y/n: no Grayson b b but
Grayson: no buts
He grabbed me in his arms as if he was caring me like a baby. I saw a bunch of kids flood out side when he was caring me. They started to run after Grayson but he kept running. Ethan then ran out after we had got in the car and so did a bunch of teachers. It looked like the whole school was there including every single one. Ethan started to run at Graysons car as he was driving away with me in the front seat next to him.
Me being the crazy person I am I stuck my head out of the window and put my hands near my ears to make fun of him and then Grayson opens his window and stuck his middle finger out of it
We could faintly hear Ethan yelling. I'm going to tell mom. Me and Grayson started to laugh.
Grayson: hey you ok?
Y/n: I could use a tissue I said pointing at all the blood on my face and running down my body.
Y/n: I could use a couple actually.
Grayson: ok. We laughed. Grayson put his hand on my thigh and I looked at his eyes and we started me make out so fast. Grayson almost hit 5 cars on he way to his house. We go to his house and there was no one home he grabbed my hand and walked me to his bedroom and threw me on the bed and started to take his shirt of and so did I. I think you know what we did after that. Yeah... we did it until Ethan came home.
Ethan: WHERE ARE YOU YOU LITTLE BASTARD. He started to walk around and ran up stairs fast. I couldn't get dressed in time so I just pushed myself under Graysons covers. Ethan busted open the door.
Ethan: where is she Grayson
Grayson: who?
Ethan: stop playing dumb
Grayson: ok fine. I started to sweat.
Grayson: she left 2 hours ago.
Ethan: then what are these
Grayson: oh those well a girl came over
Ethan: oh a girl named y/n
Grayson: NOOOO now get the fuck out before I call mom
Ethan: try
Ethan walked up to right were I was laying and pulled the covers off of me and I screamed
Ethan: how was a sopposed to know you were actually going to be under there and don't worry there is nothing I have never seen before.
Y/n: bitch get out. I pointed to the exit
Ethan: oh no I'm not done with you. Because we both got suspended for 2 weeks and you and I have to do fucking counseling together
Grayson started to laugh a little I slapped his face but lightly he started to tickle me and then we started to kiss.
Ethan: ok break it up you ugly asses.
I didn't care about his comment and instead I checked my phone. 35 missed calls from my brother, 27 missed calls from my mom, about 18 texts from people in my family and my friends were even calling me. I checked the time and I noticed that me and Ethan had been arguing for so long that is was 12 am.
Y/n: shit shit shit shit shiiiiiiiiittt
Grayson: what happend y/n are you okay
Y/n: um yeah I'm fine I just gotta get home.
Grayson: oh ok then I will drive you home babe.
Y/n: I'm okay Grayson
Ethan: why are you so upset are you in trouble with daddy?
Y/n: my dad actually died when I was little in a ship reck so thanks for reminding me of that Ethan. Tears started to drip from my eyes and I just ran. I ran as fast as I could to get out of that naibouhr good but the bad part is I had no idea were I was because Grayson lived near rich people and I didn't so I had never been to his naibour hood. I heard Grayson run after me and he was yelling my name and I just kept going. I Learned how to run fast because again when I was little those older kids would follow me home so I learned how to run fast. Grayson couldn't ketch up with me but he was still running. I had just noticed I forgot my phone but here was no going back now I kept running and I saw Grayson running back home. Wow I thought. My eyes started tearing up more but I couldn't keep it in everything just came rushing out like a flood and I rolled up into a little ball on the side of the road and cried. I ended up sleeping there all night and woke up the next morning in the same spot. I had no idea where I was still and today was me and Ethan's last day before our suspension. Sense I had no idea what time it was I had no idea I'd I could be late to school or early. I just sat at the end of the road because I had no idea what to do and I had no idea were I was. I sat there for about 10 minutes and then a Jeep pulled up to me and I got really scared. I wasn't looking up and someone hopped out of the he car
??: hey you ok y/n?
I looked up. It was fucking Ethan I wasn't going to deal with his bitch ass again so I just got up and ran. He caught up to me tho and picked me up and put me in his car.
Ethan: I know that I hate you and you hate me but...
Y/n: no leave it there. Look at us your nose is bleeding again. You have cuts on your face and gashes and look at me my lip is bleeding again too and I have a black eye and scrapes all over my body. Look at us Ethan we did this too each other.
Ethan: I know Y/n but last night was tough after you left. Grayson ran after you and left his phone at home. I couldn't get in contact with him and he was gone for hours just running down the streets. He never gave up looking for you because he got in his car and was out until 5 am and me and my family had to go look for him and until we found him he was crying the whole time and he won't talk to me.
Y/n: wow um... ummm... uhh I sorry Ethan. Wow I I didn't know Grayson cared that much I thought he only liked me because of my looks but wow. I love Grayson wow
Ethan: and he loves you too Chloe he can't be himself without you he's not him and as much as I hate him I love him more.
Awwwww I thought. maybe Ethan wasn't such a bad person after all.
Ethan: now get your ass in the car were going to school before we are even later.
I rolled my eyes at Ethan and he helped me into the front seat. We then talked about Grayson and life in the car because he lives 20 minutes away from school and I live 5 minutes away.
Ethan: here we are he said as he pulled into the parking lot.
Ethan: good luck with Gray just know he love you
Y/n: thanks e good luck with him too cough cough your gonna need it cough cough. I hoped out of the car and started to run and he ran after me and then caught up to me when I was sinhning my name into the office and he grabbed me. I slapped him and ran to maths class. Ethan got transferred out of math class because I was in it and the school didn't want us in the same classes anymore. I walked into Math class and Grayson wasn't in the sit next to me. I'm fact he wasn't even in the classroom.
Y/n: miss Pearson were is Grayson Dolan?
Teacher: oh he hasn't showed today.
Y/n: oh ok i guess then can i go to the bathroom
Teacher: sure grab the pass sweetheart.
That was weird because the whole class day the class was looking at me I guess cause I fought Ethan. I was proud about that so I didn't care. I walked out of the classroom and when I was in the hallway I started running and crying a ran into the next bulding and walked into the classroom like nothing was wrong with me but Ethan looked at me and he could see the tears in my eyes when I looked back at him.  I was in Ethan's classroom. Ethan started to stand up and was about to walk over to me. But
Es teacher: mr Dolan sit back down this doesn't concern you. Ethan rolled his eyes at the teacher and sat back down next to his 5th girlfriend of the week.
Y/n: actually i need to talk to Ethan.
Es teacher: I'm sorry y/n but after yesterday all teachers have to make sure you guys are 5 feet apart at school.
Y/n: what the fuck that doesn't make sense. Ethan's friends started to laugh but Ethan just looked at me the whole time.
Ethan: he whispered *y/n what is it*
Y/n: i wisperd back *gray is gone meet me in the hallway* I walked out of the classroom and Ethan gave me a worried look and I gave him one back. I left the classroom and a few minutes Ethan walked out of the classroom. He didn't say anything and he grabbed wrist and started to run
Y/n: Ethan were are we going!!!!???!?
Ethan: Y/n if Grayson didn't show up he's doing something bad it's not his first time doing it.
Y/n: what i said and i stopped running
Ethan: self harm. He's done it when he thinks he hurts people.
Y/n: but he didn't hurt me
Ethan: I know y/n but he thinks he did.
Y/n: Ethan then we have to go.
Ethan: I know. He grabbed my hand and started to run. We think someone saw us running because teachers started coming out of the classrooms. Me and Ethan were not sopposed to be close together for this 1 day until we had to spend 2 weeks together. As we ran down the hallway from the teachers and trying to save Grayson I stripped and couldn't stand up. Ethan didn't notice but then he looked back at me and ran up to me and held me tight and kept running with me in his arms. He ran too his car and put me next to him and drove of super fast. We started driving to his house while Ethan was passing every red light. He didn't care. We got to there house and Ethan walked in slowly. We heard Grayson laughing with a girl up stairs in his room. I flipped my shit and was the maddest I have ever been. Right as I was about to storm into the room and Ethan grabbed my arm and put me over his shoulder and sat me down on the couch.
Ethan: look at me y/n everything is going to be ok
Y/n: ETHAN DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOI- he cut me off by kissing me. I felt guilty about Grayson but yet again he just cheated so I kissed Ethan back. He went into the kitchen and got us some drinks.
Y/n: Ethan I've never draken before
Ethan: y/n don't worry I'll take care of you he said and winked and I started sipping. After about 2 hours I was so drunk and my head was spinning. The twins family was out for a week because of work and college so we were fine. Ethan started to kiss me again and then picked me up and started to walk into his room but then Graysons door opend and Grayson looked tired and I looked at him and laughed and then kissed Ethan's cheek.
Grayson: yo what are you doing to my girlfriend.
Ethan: giving her a better night then you could ever give her. Also she's not your girlfriend so I don't know what you mean.
Grayson: y/n what the fuck are you doing.
Y/n: haha your silly and cute but I don't know you but you you look like Ethan here who is really cute. I was really messed up by now and I had no idea where I was
Ethan: see she loves me Gray. Sorry dude but you cheated on her so I am treating her better
Ethan: then who was in your room earlier when me and y/n came looking for you.
Y/n: Ethannnnnnnn, can we go to your room nowwwwwiiiieeee.
Ethan: sure baby girl
Y/n: yayyyyyyy
Grayson started to punch Ethan.
y/n: Awwwwwwwwwwwww eeeeeeeeeee!!!
I kissed him. I was so out of it. Grayson was flipping out
Grayson: ok E very funny prank now put her down and let me hug her I can't believe she's back.
Ethan: no can do this isn't a prank now g with your girl in there.
Ethan busted the door open of Graysons room and there were not 1 but 2 girls in his room. Ethan slapped Grayson and the girls started to get up and go over to Ethan. I started to cry.
Ethan: omg you stupid bitch what the fuck ass hole
Grayson: y/n I i I am so sorry
Y/n: fuck you i said while tears rolled down my face.
Ethan: look you fucking made her cry your a bitch.
Grayson looked down
Ethan: no no no y/n don't cry it's going to be fine Ethan is here ok?
Y/n: ok I whipped away a tear and he kissed my forehead still holding me in his arms.
Grayson Just stood there and didn't say anything and then he pointed the 2 girls out of the door
Both girls: bye daddy Grayson and bye daddy Ethan
Ethan: oh fuck off
Y/n: e? E? E?
Ethan: yeah what's up y/n I'm right here are you ok?
Y/n: I don't know Ethan is my nose bleeding
Ethan: yeah what the hell why is it just doing that. Omg Y/n your loosing a lot of blood.
Y/n: Ethan take me to the hospital pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee.
Ethan: what the hell why.
Y/n: I lied I have drinkin before and I am elergic to every single drink with aucohal in it. People throw up after drinking but my nose starts bleeding and E? E? E? We're are you Ethan?
Ethan: I'm right here y/n
Y/n: ETHAN!!??? We're are you please Ethan??????
Ethan: omg y/n I'm right here shit what the fuck is happening
Grayson: what the hell is going on
Ethan: I have no idea
My eyes started to go white and I only heard Ethan and Grayson scream my name until I went completely blank
                                 Ethan's POV
Her eyes went blank. Me and Grayson started yelling her name but she wouldn't answer us. She started to cough up blood and I scooped her up and put her in my car and ran every red light on every street. I was so focused on y/n I realized Grayson was still at home but I didn't care I just speeded to the hospital. I ran into the doors of the hospital with y/n in my arms. For some reason I cared so much about the girl that I fought with at school the girl who I cussed at the girl who I made bleed the girl who I made feel bad about herself. I don't think I cared because I started to yell at the lady at the front desk
lady: calm down what happened?
Y/n started coughing up blood in my arms and the lady's eyes widened and she finally got a doctor.
                            ~1 hour later~
I have been waiting for 1 hour so far and after one hour Grayson showed up to the hospital. I didn't care I just sat in silence and Grayson sat next to me and I moved away. As I moved away 3 nurses came out of a room with y/n. To be honest she looked dead like lifeless. The doctors and nurses were rushing fast to get her into another room so I couldn't talk to them. I saw y/n again it didn't look like she was breathing I can't believe it I might have just killed y/n OMFG I started to have a panic look on my face and Grayson looked at me
Grayson: Ethan?
Me: shut up Grayson.
Grayson: she's going to be ok
Me: no she's fucking not. I put her in the hospital in the first place and you broke her heart. If she even wakes up in the first place.

SPRING 2019 DTWhere stories live. Discover now