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𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙮𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙙𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙣
𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝟧/𝟥𝟣/𝟣𝟫

Jake wanted to go to Garflied. Ivan wanted to go to Garfield and me. Well I didn't care I wanted to be with my best friends. Let me first tell you about my friends. They are the type of friends you text at 2 am because you can't sleep and they come over to your house with you and watch a movie even the boys. We all had sleepovers every weekend. No one could separate us we were best friends. We would text every night until one by one everyone would fall asleep. We would fall asleep next to each other of group face times. I loved my friends and I could tell they loved me back. Anyways back to high school. We started to get into arguments the week before we had to turn in our paper aplicacións. Avellina has always wanted to keep knowing how to speak Chinese but the only high school with that option was Cleavlend. I was sorta rich. I hated being rich it brought all the attention to you. I have 3 brothers and that's it. My oldest brother is 18 he's name is Mickey and he's almost done with high school and he went to Franklin. My youngest brother is 8 years old and his name is Noah. My last brother is my twin I hate him. It sucks being a fucking twin. You gotta share everything with you twin except friends of course. Me and my twin are obviously 14 because we are going into high school but in case you didn't know we are 14. Our birthday is April 24 and it also sucks because we have to share a birthday. Each sibling in my family has there one thing. For Mickey it's popularity. He's almost too popular. He has party's every time my parents leave the house and a guy ends up coming into my room everytime. It really gets annoying. For Noah it's Sports. He loves sports and he's so good. Like major good. He plays the level of soccer of a 8th grader. MY AGE!!! I'm really proud of him too. In most situations he's my favorite sibling. He is the one that comes in my room when he hears we crying and then comforts me and sleeps next to me in bed comforting me. He's so sweet and I wouldn't know what to do with out him. Anyways my thing is looks. I hate having looks though. It also draws major attention especially because I'm a girl. Anyways let's not talk about looks. My twins thing is that he's so smart. It's been multiple times he has been told that he can go up a grade but he's always refused because he doesn't want to be in a different grade then me. That's why I love about him. His dedication. For my mom it's her looks too. I took after her. She used to model and she always tells me to model but I refuse. I just don't like that stuff. I'm not a girly girl. I'm adventurous. If you want to take me on a first date don't take me to dinner or a walk on the beach I want to go sky diving or cliff jumping until I feel the Adrenaline in my blood and I'm satisfied. My mom always knows I am not a girly girl so she takes me hickeing every weekend just like dad used too
Last year my dad died from cancer. It made my family get so sad. My dad was the closest to me which made things even harder for me. Anyways off from the sad family thing let's talk about the school things. So like I said earlier I'm rich and Avellina wanted to learn Chinese. I bought her a after school Chinese tutor so she could study for Chinese. After a while she went with it and I finally had one more on board to go to Franklin. So now I just needed to get the boys. All I needed to do for Denny was to get his girlfriend to go to Franklin. He's never givin up on his girlfriend so it makes sense he will go to Franklin it she goes. I got her phone number and persuaded her to go. She agreed and that was one more person checked of the list. I saved the worst for last. I knew I couldn't get Jake to go to Franklin because his mom worked at Garfield and Ivan and Jake were best friends so Ivan could never leave Jake. I got my way eventually let's just say I did something very serious haha. It made Ivan and Jake go to Franklin and everyone was checked off. That was the happiest I had ever been and we all started to re connect. Sense we were all going to the same high school we started to have way more sleep overs again. Every night. Because it was summer. We would also all run down to the lake together. Ride bikes together. Go to parks together. Remember we're best friends lol. We also learned how to drive together. So far me and Emi are the only ones who know how but they are still learning. Even right now the girls are with me I'm looking at them right now. We are in my room. And school starts in less then 24 hours. We are so scared right now but you know what we will have to see what happens at school tomorrow goodnight. I woke up the next day tired because me and my friends were up till 1 am which wasn't really smart but we didn't care. I did my normal morning routine. Took a shower. Did my makeup. Did my hair. Got dressed. Ate Breakfast and then went to school. Me and my friends all did our morning routines and I did light makeup I hate being caked tbh. Today we were driving to school for the first time because as I said I can drive (in some states people can drive at 14) me and my friends hoped in the car I drove Avellina sat next to me and Emi and Mira sat in the back. We were sopposed to be picking up the boys today. Sense I drive a Jeep The boys could fit in the very back. We had small talk in the car and talked about how scared we were for school
Ave: guys I'm scared for high school.
Chloe: don't be scared it's easy
Emi: that's just because you fight any one you don't like.
Mira: emi does have a good point.
Chloe: what ever. That just mean I'll protect you guys.
Mira: well I have Jake.
Avellina: no one cares
Emi: no one does. Then we arrived at Ivan's house were Jake and Denny were. I had to honk my horn about 20 times to get them to come out side when they finally came outside Mira opened her door and ran into Jakes arms. They were so cute. They have been dating for about a year now even though they started off as friends. Is still shipped them.
Chloe: so who's going to sit in the back today.
Ivan: me and Jake say in it last which mean one of the girls and Denny has to sit in the back.
Chloe: alright Emi can u go to the back?
Emi: ugh fine I hate you
Chloe: love you too Em
Emi just laughed and hoped out of the car letting Jake, Ivan and Mira in and she got in the back with Denny. We didn't talk much there we mainly argued. We always argue. We got to school and I parked my car and Mira got out and Let Denny And Emi out and we all got out of the car laughing because of something Denny said. We got to the gate of the school.
Chloe: you guys ready? The all nodded and we all walked in. I was sharing a locker with Mira and we were next to Avellina and Emis locker and Ivan and Jakes. Denny's locker buddy wasn't here yet. Then too tall boys walked down the school. Everyone in school looked at them in awe as they walked down the hall way. I just screamed down the hall way the the girl never seen a guy before??? Most of the cheerleaders flipped me off. Try me bitches I said as I slammed my locker. And yelled it down the hallway at the girls. I was about to walk away but ran into Denny's locker buddy because Denny's locker was on the other side of me and Mira. But I ran into someone
Chloe: hey I'm sorry
?: watch were ya going next time lady he said as he put his hand down for me to grab and i grabbed it
Chloe: thanks bitch ass
?: hey be careful with you words baby girl
Chloe: you too. Don't call me baby girl. Do you want to get punched?
?: hey Im just trying to be nice. Anyways my name is Gray gray son. He stuttered when he finally looked at me.
Chloe: well nice to meet you gray gray son
I laughed and he turned red
Chloe: just a joke Grayson. Walk it off
Grayson: damn you tough
Chloe: yes I am I said and walked away from him.
Mira: Chloe your dumb come get your books stupid.
Chloe: oh right sorry. Grayson started to laugh and I just glared at him
Mira: isn't he cute! She whispered in my ear.
Chloe: you have a boyfriend yknow and no I would rather date a potato. I looked at him And gave him a fake smile but he smiled back a real one and oh his smile it's like it lit up the whole hallway. I quickly looked back at Mira.
Chloe: u gonna give it a go?
Mira: hell no. He's interested in you. Look at him he's literally waiting for u to be done talking to me. I looked over and he was looking at his feet waiting
Chloe: you're right I should go be nice to him
Mira: yeah good job.
Chloe: I'm just kidding ass face I said and flipped her off while walking over to Grayson
Mira: I HEARD HE HAS A TWINNNNNN!! She yelled to me as i walked away
Chloe: oh shut it Mira I said as I turned the corner with Grayson next to me the whole time and I hadn't even noticed he was there and when I did I jumped backwards in shock
Grayson: what's wrong princess?
Chloe: number 1 I said and put 1 finger out and put my other hands finger over it.
Chloe: do not call me princess number 2 don't scare the living crap out of me and number 3 we just met so I need u to tone it way down
Grayson: awwwww but I was just getting started Princess
Me: you annoying. And a freak do just tone it down or stay away
Grayson: I can't stay away. My locker is next to your whatever I said while we turned another corner of the school. And we

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