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𝙙𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙣 𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙨
𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝟧/𝟤𝟢/𝟣𝟫

I walked into my new high schools gates. I wasn't really scared. I only needed the friends I have now. I walked through the doors to a erubtion of kids talking. I walked to where my new locker was sopposed to be and my best friend Kyle was waiting there with another guy Id never met before. "Zoey!!" He said hugging me and I returned the hug. "Damn baby girl you've had a glow up" he said leaning to look at my ass. By the way I should have mentioned that Kyle is gay. "Oh come on Kyle. So whooos this?" I said leaning to the side just like he did before and looking at the boy. "Z I would like you to meet my new formally first gay boyfriend,  Logan" kyle said interlocking fingers with Logan. "Awwe I'm so happy for you too" I yelled and jumped around. Logan put out his hand for me to shake but I fist bumped him instead. Kyle was the kind of person to be creative, judgmental, crazy, caring and friendly but Jacob seemed like he was more sensitive, shy and book smart. They were perfect! "Have you seen rio around?" I asked kyle. "He's probably fucking some girl in the bathroom" kyle said "true but we both know he's not the best at it" I said and me and Kyle started to crack up. "Go find him girlie" kyle said pushing me into the big hallway as I waved goodbye. I walked away and ended up bumping into some girl and I made her drop her stuff on the floor. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I'm so ignorant some times let me help you" I said pulling the girl up. I saw her face. It was Ava. Me and Ava used to be best friends before middle school hanging out every day with her Kyle and Rio. We were a bond that would never be broken until middle school when she got popular and was into makeup and kissing and boys. She stopped talking to us because we were outcasts to her who only had each other. We we're fine with each other and let her go. We knew she was fake for a while just never ended our friend ship. See Rio is a real friend because in 7th grade he made tons of new friends and became a different popular person. He was more popular than Ava ever was. But that didn't stop us from being friends. He never left us out. Some nights when he would get new girlfriends it would only be me and Kyle but we knew that Rio had a special place for us in his heart so most of the time we let him do his thing. At the end of 8th grade. The middle of June. Ava became an outcast and tried to become friends with us again but we didn't welcome her back because we knew she would just break up with us again. Anyways sorry back to me and her right now. "Uh it's ok" she said looking at me with shock. Wow. "Your really pretty" ava said trying something but she knew if wasn't gonna work. "Erm thanks I guess" I said giving her her books back and walking away as fast as possible. "YOU STILL HITTING IT WITH RIO?" She asked knowing that wasn't true and that me and Rio were best friends. Everyone looked at me and I hid putting my head down looking at the smirk on her face. "Don't listen to this bitch. She's facker than the earth being flat" a voice called out. I slowly looked up and turned around. Tessa. My best friend. Oh right I forgot to mention Tessa just the suspense for you I guess !!. Everyone looked away snickering. "Tessa!!!!" I screamed at running into her arm for a huge hug. "What the fuck are you doing here" I asked her. "Surprise?" Tessa said. "WHEN DID YOU MOVE BACK!" I screamed. "Calm down. I moved back a week ago. I live across the street from you!" She said. "Bitch really?" I said "yes bitch really" she said causing me to laugh. "I will tell you everything" I said. "Maybe do that later?" She said as the bell rang. "Ok love you" I said "love you too babe" she said walking away.

First period: Ms Melanie// English room 516
Second period: Mr Dolan// science room 113
Third period: Ms Mc G// math room 234
Fourth period: Mr Pearson// History room 236
Lunch room 125
Fifth period: Ms Azher// Gym room:: off campus. Guide will take you
Sixth period: Ms Lake// Art room 596
Seventh period: Mr Dolan// Sexual Health room: 141

Cute! I didn't know my school was this big. I have to get from one end to the school to the other. 5 floors plus an extra gym place. Oh My god. I was close to my first class which was English. I got to pick Sexuall health and art. I double checked my paper. Why were there two mr Dolan in different rooms? I guess they made a mistake. I will figure this out later I thought to my self. 1st period was boring and I'm pretty sure I was the only person listening to the old lady who could barley get a sentence out. At least I had Kyle in this class. But I was in the front with some girl who chew her gum extremely loud and who was sexting her boyfriend with the photos she sent her ex boyfriend. Ok I was snitching but there wasn't any other thing to do. Kyle sat next to Logan of course. The bell rang for first period to be over and I heard the old lady give a sigh and said goodbye in her quiet voice. I waved at her and she smiled. I like making people feel happy. It's my thing lol. I ran to second period because it was so far away. I walked into the class with one minute to spare and got to the back of the class room where everyone else was ligned up. There was a guy at his desk who definitely didnt look like a teacher more like a fuck boy student. He was tan. Had on a very tight white shirt. Had a Luis Vuitton belt on and some black striped pants with grey ish stripes and he has a pair of perfectly square glasses on his face. He had nice cheek bones but even I have better. He had floppy messy hair that he ran his long fingers through. Ok I need to stop I've never thought like this. I said going over his features in my head to master his appearance. He stood up giving me strait I contact staring at me in awe. I looked away trying to hide from imberecment. "Uhhh so Im mr Dolan even though you probably know that already" he said and I couldn't help but smile. "So first I want to start off with seat assignments. Sounds good" he said smiling ear to ear with his perfect teeth and perfect lips. God who am I? He looked at me to see if I agreed and his smile grew when he saw me nodding. It was weird he was like attached to me. "Tessa and Mark. Last row" he said going down the rows of names. "Zoey and Kyle first row" the one close to his desk. "Yes" I whisperd and I saw Kyle do himself a little twirl. We sat next to each other. "So you have the hots for the teacher" he asked me. "I don't even know that guy Kyle" I said. "Mmmhm" he said with duck lips. "Stop lying baby" he said giving me a giggle and I giggled back. "I've gotta admit he's a hottie" Kyle said. "Kyle you have a boyfriend" I said playing around with him. "Oh whatever just don't tell him I said that" kyle said and I nodded giggling. He sat down in his chair as a girl got up and went over to him while everyone else was reading. Since i sat next to mr dolan i could hear there convorsation. "how may i help you ms sadie?" he asked the girl. "could you meet me in the bathroom" the girl said with a develish smirk. "im sorry but no. Please take a seat" he said nudging his head in the direction of a seat and she let out a huff and walked away. I couldn't help myself and I started to laugh lightly into my book. "is something here so amusing you can share with the whole class" he said to me and I quickly

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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