-Chapter Two-

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Jin looked at himself in the mirror, skin tight ripped blue jeans hugging his legs and making his booty look extra plump , a white oversized t-shirt tucked lightly, black hair parted from the middle falling right above his doe eyes, plush lips looking glossy. It was a simple, light, and soft look.

Appreciating himself for a few second more, he looked at the clock. He had half an hour left, perfect he got ready in time. Sitting on the bed, he quickly texted jimin that he was ready and was going to pick him up. Also noticing that jungkook has not replied but left him on seen. It wasn't a big deal tho, he never replies cause he was too busy to write even a small 'ok'. Writing ok is very time consuming you know?

He once again falled into his thoughts thinking and cherishing the time, when jungkook was never this busy with his work. He remembered how jungkook used to call him or text him everyday once or twice asking if he needed something, if he's ok, if he's safe, and what not. Present jungkook doesn't even know what his lover is feeling. Jin doesn't know when was the last time jungkook asked if he was ok. Well to be honest, they both barely talk now, jin stopped talking to him cause whenever he did, jungkook was just uninterested, heck he didn't even listen and just hummed. Especially this one time when jungkook yelled at him saying, "WILL YOU STOP THIS? I AM GETTING ANNOYED, CAN'T YOU SEE I'M EXHAUSTED FROM THE WORK?!" He'll never be able to forget the words, it has been imprinted on his heart. It was the first time jungkook yelled at him. So now he just replies whenever jungkook talks to him, or ask him something.

Feeling a tear stroll down his right cheek, he wipes it quickly, "No no this isn't the time to cry! Why am I so annoying? I wish I wasn't this weak." Getting up he looks at himself in the mirror one last time, before grabbing his coat, wallet, keys and walking his way out of the house.

"light up your mood seokjin! You are so good at ruining your own mood" he muttered to himself, settling himself in the drivers seat, heading off to jimin's house.


"I'm glad you shared what you have been feeling and going through, but are you so sure that jungkook doesn't love you anymore? He's falling out of love?" jimin asked, caressing jin's hair. He couldn't get himself to believe that jungkook had became like this. Both jin and jungkook had been together for past 7 years, married for 4 years. If looked at the couple back then, you would definitely be at awe seeing how much caring and lovely they were, never leaving each other side, and always being each other's comfort. It can't be written in words. Jimin have to say that, they were a perfect definition of 'true love'. But now it seems to break apart which he never wanted, especially how miserable his best friend is looking right now.

"i-I don't k-know anymore!" jin sniffles, hiding is face in jimin's shoulder and holding him tightly for dear life. He didn't wanted to ruin their day out today.

"i cannot bring myself to believe this! How can jungkook be so ignorant towards you? The same jungkook, who was always so worried about you, couldn't sit patiently if he didn't get any information about if you were ok." he's grip on seokjin become tighter, as seokjin began to sob more.

" but seokjin, please listen to me! You both can work this out, give it a thought and talk to each other about this, you think jungkook has fallen out of love and it may look like that but you don't know if he really has. Perhaps do you think you have fallen out of love with him because of his ignorance? "

" I'm not. I-I-I can't fall out of love with him. He's a-all I ever wanted! Us d-drifting apart is a nightmare for me." Jin's head was aching, his words were choked. His mind was playing the seen they witnessed before.


It was close to 7 pm, jin and jimin were in their way to a club, that jimin was so excited about, he said it was a new club and got pretty famous. Jin wasn't a club guy, but agreed because of jimin's constant rants and nagging. Well he gotta give in, they were supposed to have fun, so he shouldn't be so picky. And jungkook was busy and coming home late today, it wasn't a problem.

Cutting it short, it had only been few minutes upon entering the club. Jin had to say it was fun, both him and jimin danced like anything, had some few shots . He was feeling happy, genuinely happy. Currently they were roaming around the club, it was big and beautiful.

But he wasn't expecting to see someone he know.

He wasn't expecting to see jungkook.

There was jungkook sitting on the lounge far away from him, seeming to have a lot of fun, enjoying drinks, talking, laughing.

He didn't recall jungkook saying he had some busy work in a club.

He didn't knew what to think, he was having mixed emotions. Jimin noticed him and followed his gaze to were seokjin was staring. "wait! Is that jungkook, what is he doing here? Did you knew?" "no-" "oh i see who you both are staring at! Isn't it the guy in black shirt, rolled up sleeves in the third lounge? He's so handsome and hot . I mean just look at him, he catches a lot of people attention here, no wonder he catched yours too. He's Mr. Jeon by the way. A regular customer here." Jin's words were cutoff by this very young looking bartender. He looked at the young man with shock, it was a double punch in his stomach. A regular customer, the only thing he heard was that.
" oh wow, see jungkook comes here too plus a regular customer, you didn't tell me about that jin! "
"wait you know him?" the bartender asked out of curiosity . "yeah we do" jimin replied with a small smile. Muttering a small 'oh' the bartender returned to his usual work, not interrupting the two anymore.
"so yeah jin! Why didn't you tell me? Have you been here before with jungkook?" jimin asked again, but he didn't failed to notice the way jin's face was formed in a frown and his eyes holding sadness. Something was wrong.
"how can I tell you, when I didn't knew this myself" the sadness in jin's voice made him worried. He knew jin was acting really off lately, he asked jin if he was ok, but every time it was 'I'm fine, I'm ok'. Today jimin was sure jin was not ok . He was determined to get answers from jin, he isn't leaving him after seeing him look so broken. "i- jin hear me out please, I'm really concerned for you. I know you are not ok. Let me help you, tell me what's wrong. I can't have you looking dull and broken. Lets go to your house, we'll talk this out"

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Word count : 1235

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