Chapter 21

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Tenko was uncomfortable. He and Izuku met the two kids. Although he was getting along well with Izuku and Macchan, he still doesn't know how to interact with the other kids without getting them scared of him. He used to have friends back then, but that was before his quirk manifested. Now, he is afraid that the others will judge him. Izuku was different. He is warm and friendly which is why it was easier for him to make Shinsou and Amajiki comfortable. In fact, he was now showing them his toys and his heroes' collection while Tenko was just standing in the kitchen, not knowing what to do.

"Uhm," a voice startled Tenko. He turned his attention to the black-haired boy who was supposed to be with the two. "I-I'm Tamaki. H-how old are you, Aizawa-kun?"

Tenko didn't notice it before, but now that he was observing the other boy, it came to him that he's not the only one who's nervous with meeting new people. "Nine. You?"

"I'm seven," he answered.

Silence befalls them, both not knowing what to say.

"Are you also an orphan too?" Tenko asked. He felt guilty when Tamaki flinched. It seems like it was not a good question to ask, he thought. He was about to apologize when Tamaki answered.

"M-my mom died but I still have my papa. He is just n-not here for now."

"Oh." No one spoke again. Tenko heard Izuku's excited voice coming from his room. He was about to go to the living room when he noticed Tamaki staring at his hair. No, he was staring at the sleeping Fuzzy.

"Do you want to pet her?"

"Can I?" Tamaki shyly asked.

Tenko nodded before he gently removed Fuzzy from his head and cradle her in his arms. "Her name is Moja, but we call her Fuzzy sometimes. She came from Izuku's quirk."

Tamaki hesitated first but with the encouragement from Tenko, he started to pet her. "She's cute." Tenko agreed. He looked at Tamaki for a few moments. "Y-you know, you can call me Tenko-nii," he offered. Tamaki was surprised but a small smile appeared on his face. Tenko returned it with his own.

Unknown to them, Aizawa was watching them in the corner, relieved that both of his sons were handling the newcomers well. 'Oh well, if it didn't work, I'll just blame Nedzu for it.'

"What?" Tsukauchi's disbelieved in his voice was expected by Chief Tsuragamae. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. As I have said, Shinsou Yua's quirk 'Brainwashing', same with her son, is now gone. She is now quirkless." Chief Tsuragamae continued, "She will be transferred under the Witness Protection Program. I am just waiting for the confirmation letter."

"How did you find out? I thought she's still in coma."

"The nurse on duty stated that the patient woke up during her visit to check her vital signs. When she asked her how her a few questions, Shinsou-san only whispered 'My quirk is gone. He stole it,' before she fell unconscious again."

Tsukauchi hands were trembling. If she was telling the truth, then that means he is back. 'I need to inform Toshinori about this. He needs to return.'

"What about her son? What will happen to Shinsou Hitoshi?"

Chief Tsuragamae took a folder in his desk and gave it to the detective. "He is also a witness, but we are still unsure if he needs to be transferred with his mother, or we will find another hero to protect him."

"He is under the care of Eraserhead right now."

"That will not be enough. Eraserhead won't be able to give him the full protection he needs. We will also find a new guardian for Amajiki Tamaki."

"Why?" Tsukauchi knew the answer, but he still asked. "Because one of his sons is in danger from the same threat the Hitoshi family is right now. Eraserhead might be dependable hero, but he cannot protect all those children at the same time. The only reasons we are not removing Shimura's grandson from his care is because he already officially adopted him."

'He is right. I know that he is right but,' "The UA can protect them." Tsukauchi stated.

The Chief of the Police Force observed Detective Tsukauchi for a second. "Did they offer?"

"Nedzu already made it clear when he suggested Eraserhead to foster the two kids."

"Yes, but that was before this new revelation." The dog-man massaged his forehead, "Inform Nedzu first, then we will discuss this again."

Tsukauchi nodded before he exits the office. He needed to calm himself. No matter how much he trust Aizawa's ability to protect the children, he still just one hero. Shimura and Shinsou's case were one thing, Amajiki was another.

A few hours ago, before his meeting with the Chief, he received a report about the whereabouts of the Silian Group. The organization was too big, and they only captured a small branch. No one from the captured members knew who the main leader is, except for Shikari.

"I don't know where he is, and even if I knew, I am not stupid enough to tell you." Shikari paused, "but I can tell you one thing. He is busy with his new weapons but he will return soon to get more."

The interrogation didn't go well as he planned. Shikari was convinced that he will be killed by the boss if he said anything more. The new weapons don't sound good, not even the slightest.

"For now, I need to call Nedzu and Toshinori. Hopefully, I could get at least one good news from them." He reached for his phone and started to dial the numbers. 'This will be a long day, I can see it now.'

Although Aizawa was given a few days off due to his new situation, he still decided to go to UA with the kids to finish a few paperwork left. He entrusted the four children to Recovery Girl but when Ojiro came as well, Maijima babysit them.

He was about to go to check on them when he heard Nedzu called him, "Aizawa-san, please come to my office. We need to talk." The lack of usual smile on the principal's face made Aizawa unease.

'What now?'


Author's Note: Please Read It!

Thank you for waiting. And thank you support and encouragement. I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.

As for my this fanfic. I would like to say this and I hope everyone will read it:

I am going outside of the original plot of BNHA. Meaning, please, do not expect the events, revelations, and characters personality will be the same here in fanfic. It's been awhile since I read the manga so my knowledge was not updated. I want to continue the plot that I already build, that's why, think of me throwing away the original plot  of BNHA.

Also, as I mentioned before, I am not really good in English. It's not first language, nor my second. If there is someone who could edit it for me, I would appreciate it. Although, I cannot give you anything other than credits and appreciation.

Also, those who made a fanart of this fanfic, will you please send it to me? So I could post it here and share it with everyone. Just private message me. :)


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