Chapter 22

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"Are you sure it's ready?" Macchan asked for nth time. Hitoshi noticed the wagging tail of the blonde boy and he was tempted to hold it but he knew that would be rude. 'Being rude and scaring a new friend is not good, Tamaki-nii said,' he reminded himself.

"It's moving! It's moving! Toshi, you need to see this!" Izuku pulled him closer to the incubator. Hitoshi was still unsure of how he should feel about this new situation. Although he missed his mom and Amajiki-san, he was glad that Tamaki-nii was with him. He was also overwhelmed by the warmth welcome they received from the Aizawa family, particularly the youngest. Aizawa-san seems unapproachable at first, but he's not mean, nor scary. Tenko-nii was a little bit awkward, but he and Tamaki-nii get along well. And then, there's Izuku. Izuku was talkative but kind. It didn't even take him a whole five minutes to be comfortable with him. The green-haired boy insisted on calling each other by their first name since "we are now friends!", by Izuku's words.

When they arrived to UA ('I can't believe we are in UA', Hitoshi thoughts), the first person they met was Lunch Rush. He cooked them the most delicious lunch Shinsou ever tasted. 'I can live here if it means eating this kind of food every day.' Then, the next stop was the clinic. Recovery Girl gave them a full check-up. She even drew blood from them, which was not fun at all, but the candies worth it. That was also the time when Izuku's bestfriend came, Ojiro Mashirao.

"Call me Macchan, if you want," he offered with a friendly grin. Since Izuku and Macchan's excitement were getting louder, Recovery Girl called Powerloader to pick them up and let them play outside.

"Oh! We should visit Totoro and Snorlax!" Izuku suggested. "Can we, Uncle Jima? Please." When the hero agreed, Izuku and Macchan excitedly ran outside of the building with the rest of them trying to catch up. There, Shinsou saw the biggest and fluffiest animals in the world. Unfortunately, both were still sleeping, just like Fuzzy in Tenko-nii's head.

"I think they are still tired." Tenko-nii explained. "Maybe we could play with them later." Izuku nodded. "My dad will sleep for a whole day every time he drinks beer at night," Macchan whispered.

"What's a beer?" Hitoshi and Izuku asked at the same time. "Dunno. Dad said I can't drink it yet because they are for adults. Mom said it doesn't taste good, but dad disagree. He said that he will let me taste it once I turned eighteen, just don't tell mom."

"Why?" Izuku asked, still whispering.

"Because you are not allowed to drink alcohol until you turned twenty, that's the law here in Japan" Powerloader answered. They all flinched at the same time. "You should refuse once your dad offer it to you, Mashirao-kun." Macchan giggled, "I will. Maybe." The last word was said in a low volume so that Hitoshi and Izuku will be the only people who can hear it. Powerloader looked at him unconvinced, but he let it go.

"Well, it seems like the digiegg will hatch today. Do you kids want to see it?" This excite the three even more while Hitoshi and Tamaki were confused. "What's that?" Hitoshi asked. Izuku and Macchan explained it to them while they were on their way to Powerloader's laboratory. And that is how Hitoshi found himself staring at the tiger-looking egg.

"Do you know what you will name it?" Tenko-nii asked Macchan. He nodded. "We will be a duo heroes someday, that's why I will name him Seiji."

"Hmm. Just and lawful. Good choice, kid." Powerloader praised him. Hitoshi returned his focus on the digiegg. It was starting to shake. "Here it goes."

The shake didn't stop until it rolled on its side. Then, suddenly, one paw cracked it open, then another paw. Hitoshi was getting excited, they all were, especially Macchan. The paws tried to get up and walked, not knowing where to go, until it hit itself on the screen of the incubator. Its remaining shell broke and revealed a cat looking creature with a very long tail and a pair of green eyes. The cat-like looked around him until it noticed them. He stared directly at Izuku.

"Seiji," Macchan whispered. Seiji turned at Macchan, then walked closer to him with his four legs. This made Macchan beamed brighter. Powerloader opened the door of the incubator slowly to let the creature free.

"H-hi. My name is Ojiro Mashirao and I will become a hero someday. C-can you be my new friend and p-partner?" Seiji tilted his head before he suddenly jumped on Macchan. The boy was surprised at this action, but he was still able to catch him. He giggled. "I like you a lot, Seiji."

Hitoshi smiled. Seiji's tail was wagging, just like Macchan's.

"I want to be Seiji's friend too." Izuku declared.

"Me too." Tenko-nii commented while Tamaki-nii nodded.

"I also want to be his friend." Hitoshi shyly said. Macchan then introduced them to Seiji and they were all given a chance to pet him. This made Hitoshi want a cat. 'Maybe someday, I could keep one.'

They spend the rest of their day playing with Seiji. When Totoro finally woke up, Hitoshi and Tamaki were cuddled by him. Hitoshi also learned a lot of things about their new friends. And although he first hesitated, he told them his quirk.

"Really?! Your quirk is really cool, Toshi!" Izuku exclaimed. Tenko-nii nodded in agreement, "It is."

"I wish I have the same quirk as yours, Toshi-kun. My tail is boring compared to yours."

Hitoshi shook his head, "M-my quirk is not cool. I like your quirk better, M-Macchan."

"Nu-uh. Yours is really cool. Like really really cool." Macchan insisted.

"Yeah! You can make the villains stop doing bad things," Izuku said.

"Nedzu-sensei will like your quirk." Tenko added, "Your quirk is cool too, Tamaki."

Hitoshi and Tamaki were unsure how to react. This was the first time outside of their family who complimented them of their quirk.

"Our quirk is not a bad quirk, my kitten. There are just too many stupid people who cannot accept us, but that is okay." His mommy explained. "Someday, once you become a hero, they will finally see that you're a good person and they should not judge you for your quirk. That is why, do not give up on your dream. No matter what happen. Can you promise that to me, huh? Hitoshi?"

Hitoshi was overwhelmed with their new situation, but he does not dislike it.


Author's Note:

The digimon is Mikemon. Here is the picture I found from Amino App:

 Here is the picture I found from Amino App:

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I decided for Mikemon because I think it compliment Ojiro's martial arts. Hope you will give Seiji lots of love as well. :)

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