Chapter 13

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"I just received the DNA result of the... hand... that little Tenko has and confirmed that it was Shimura Ichiro's. And according to the interview with the kid, his quirk activated when he reflexively grabbed his father from trying to jump from the 5th floor of their apartment."

Aizawa was stunned from what Tsukauchi told him. "Are you saying that the boy saw his father committing suicide and tried to save him but it killed him nevertheless?" Tsukauchi sadly nodded. "What about his mother?"

"She left with her new boyfriend, which might also cause the depression of Shimura Ichiro. Unfortunately, we don't know her whereabouts."

Aizawa almost cursed. 'The hell is wrong with these kids' parents?!' He looked to where Izuku and Tenko sitting. Ojiro was already picked up by his mother, two hours ago. Fuzzy was cuddling on Tenko's hair while Izuku giggled. Tenko was now wearing gloves with only his thumb covering the hand to avoid activating his quirk. They were just innocent children who does not deserved this kind of life.

"We don't have no choice but to put him in the system. Fortunately, I think someone will be interested to adopt him." Tsukauchi said. This caught an attention to Aizawa. "Who?"

Tsukauchi looked surprised. It seems that he doesn't meant to said the last sentence out loud. "Well, I am not sure if I should tell you this. But a friend of mine was a student of Shimura Tenko's grandmother. And I am very sure he would gladly to take the kid and raise him in a safe environment."

Aizawa was skeptical but he nodded. Hopefully, this person will be a better parent. The only problem is telling the boys about this.

He walked towards them with Tsukauchi following him behind. When the two noticed them, they gave them their attention. Izuku hopped from his seat and hugged Aizawa's leg. The pro-hero ruffled his hair in return before he glanced to the grayish-blue haired boy. But before he could open his mouth, Izuku asked him the question again. "Zawa-san, are we going to keep Tenko-nii?"

Aizawa sighed. He knelt down to Izuku's level with Tenko watching them. "Izuku, Tenko is not a pet."

"B-But, he'll stay with us, right?" Izuku voice with full of hope. How is he going to respond? It was Tsukauchi who answered by talking to Tenko.

"Tenko, a lady will come later to pick you up and give you a temporary place to stay. There will be other children there and they will take care of you while we'll try to find a more permanent home for you." Tsukauchi explained softly as he can. But this set the boy into panic.

"No. No. No! I don't want to!" He looked to Aizawa, "You're leaving me too?"

Aizawa did not know what to answer. 'Déjà vu.' He thought.

Izuku ran to Tenko and hold his hands. "D-Don't worry. Zawa-san w-won't let that happen. Right?" He set his eyes to Aizawa, silently pleading him. That look was so familiar it gave Aizawa an unsettled feeling.

'For Pete's sake, why is this happening to me? I can't just adopt all the problem kids I found!' He cursed in his head.

Tsukauchi seems read his thoughts. "You don't have to do this, Ereaserhead. I told you, he'll be in a safe place in no time. If you want, I could just call my friend so Shimura wouldn't need to be put in the system tonight."

"F-Friend? W-Who?" Tenko asked, still in panic. He hates it. Why would they pass him to someone? Izuku told him this Zawa-san will save him. Then, why this other guy telling him he will be put in the system, whatever that is. He doesn't like it. He wanted to cry. Why him?

Aizawa sighed. "You don't have to worry about that 'friend' of his, Tenko." The two little boys stared at him, both tears on their eyes. 'I can't believe I'm doing this again.'

He stood up and faced Tsukauchi. "If you want to tell your friend about the kid, it's fine. But Tenko will live with us."

No one said anything for a second. Tsukauchi was staring at him like he grew another head. "A-Are you serious?" Aizawa nodded. "How long will it take to process Tenko's adoption paper?" He asked.

Tenko release himself from Izuku's hold and walked towards Aizawa. The pro-hero was watching him carefully, not sure what does the kid will do. Then, he felt a hand holding his suit. "A-Are you really k-keeping me?"

Aizawa bend down on his level. "No, kid. I am not keeping you. But you are stuck with me and Izuku until you'll get tired of us and can't do anything about it. Will that be okay with you?"

Tenko slowly nodded then hesitated for a moment, which didn't go unnoticed by Aizawa. "What is it?" The kid shook his head, but decided to get closer and let his head rest on his hero's shoulder.

Aizawa was surprised but immediately wrapped his arms around the kid. It startled Tenko but he relaxed in just a second. The moment was warming the pro-hero's heart. It didn't help when Izuku squealed in happiness then ran to them and joined them with the biggest hug he could give. Aizawa fondly ruffled his hair.

It seems like his family was growing. Moja was running around them before he hopped on Tenko's hair again and settled down.

Tsukauchi scratched his head and sighed. Well, what is he going to do about this? He could inform Toshinori but he knew that Aizawa will fight for the kid. And Tenko obviously liked his new parent. Hopefully, it will be enough to keep him safe.

Unknown to them, a man hiding in the shadow was furiously watching them. His plan was destroyed because of the two brats and a pro-hero. He needs to think of another plan. Either kidnap the kid or kill the meddlesome family. But it won't be easy. He has to be careful. Or else, brainwashing won't work to the boy.

He glared to the white ball animal on the boy's head. If he's not mistaken, the animal was created by a quirk, according to what he heard from the brats. Interesting quirk. Maybe, he could use it in the future. But for now, he will leave them until the perfect time.

Moja's fur stood up. She looked to the dark side corner of the building beside the police station. She has a bad feeling about this. But it doesn't matter, she was sure Snorlax will inform her of the danger that will come. And Totoro will guide them of what they should do. He is Totoro. And Totoro won't be Totoro if he can't solve the problem, wouldn't he?


Author's Note:

Thank you for waiting!

I am a bit anxious after my entrance exam because I wasn't able to finish two subjects. The time was too short for me. So, I might take another test from my second choice of university. Better to do it while waiting for my test result.

Anyways, this is a rush update but I hope you like it.

As you might noticed, English is not my first language and I'm definitely not fluent on it. But, I'm trying my best. So, please, bear with me if there's some grammatically error and if the words I'm using were too bland or uninteresting. I'm still learning.

By the way, I might add a new creature soon. And no, it's not pikachu. Sorry. I am only going to use one character in each crossover anime. And since Snorlax was already here, I'm not planning to add another pokemon. I'm sorry if I disappoint you.

But I still hope that you will learn to love the other characters. Please......

Thank you for your support and comments. It means a lot to me. Not only it encourages me to continue but it makes my day every time you express your enjoyment in reading my fanfic.

Again, thank you so much!

And have a very nice day!

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