Chapter 24

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Izuku and Mashirao were happily eating their snacks when Izuku noticed a girl with blonde hair siting alone. Izuku tried to remember who she was, but he was sure he had never seen her before.

"Macchan, who is that?"

Mashirao turned his head and saw the girl. "Oh, her? I think her name is Yazoki Kajiko."

"Is she new?"

"Nope. I heard she's always sick that's why we don't usually see her around. And you met her before, Izu. She was here on your first day, remember?"

Izuku tried to remember but he can't. "Really?"

"Yup. She looked worried when Sumida-kun wanted you to draw a dinosaur." Sumida was the first person who approached Izuku on his first day. He's bossy and loud which reminds Izu of Kacchan. 'So, Yazoki-chan was there. But I can't remember her.'

Izuku was still thinking when they noticed that the girl they were talking about was walking towards them. Izuku smiled brightly to her. "Hello! I'm Aizawa Izuku! Nice to meet you!"

Yazoki was glaring at the top of Izuku's head. She looked like she was having a hard time to decide whether she should say something or just ignore him. Finally, she opened her mouth.

"Your lifespan reduced by 3 years. Are you sick?"

'This is awkward.' Tenko wanted to say. Although he doesn't need it, Yano-sensei assigned someone to help Tenko on catching up with their lessons. 'Nedzu-sensei already taught this to me. Why do I need to learn it again? And why with him?'

Beside him is the Todoroki boy, the big supporter of Endeavor, at least according to how he defended the pro-hero this morning.

"Do you need help with this?" Todoroki pointed at the workbook that they have. Tenko shook his head.

"I see," then he turned back on his own seatwork. They were silently writing for few minutes before Todoroki turned to him again. "By the way, who are you again?"

". . . Aizawa Tenko."

"Then Aizawa-kun, just call me Touya. Nice to meet you."

"N-Nice to meet you too." Tenko only paused for a second before he returned to his notebook. He tried to concentrate but Touya is still watching him. He decided to ignore it.

"Do you like All Might?" Tenko flinched in surprise. He was thinking whether to answer or not. He peaked on Touya's expression, but it was blank. "N-Not really."

Touya's face brightened in instant. "Really?!"

"W-Well. I do not hate All Might. I just don't know him that well."

"How about Endeavor?" Touya asked excitedly.

'Oh. Should I tell him the truth? What if he gets mad? He seems like a big fan of Endeavor.'

"Uhm. I also don't hate him, but I don't like him either." He answered. Tenko ready himself to receive a yell from the other boy but Touya didn't look like he was offended. "Heh. Then, who is your favorite hero?"

". . . Eraserhead."

"Eraserhead? Who is that?" Touya tilted his head quizzically. "I've never heard him before."

Tenko opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by their teacher. "Focus on your work. I can hear you talking." Both flinched and immediately returned on solving their workbooks.

"Lifespan?" both Izuku and Ojiro tilted their heads in confusion. Yazoki took a deep breath before answering, "Lifespan is the time of how long a person will live according to their life energy."

"Wow! You sounds really smart, Yazoki-chan." Izuku said in admiration while Ojiro- sweat dropped at his friend's reaction. The girl 's cheek turned red in embarrassment. "I-I just memorized what my daddy told me. Y-you know, because it's my quirk."

"Oh! That means you could see someone's lifespan?" Izuku asked.

Yazoki nodded. "It appears on the top of the person's head. Daddy named my quirk 'Life vision.' It's similar to his, but he could only see the life energy while I can see the numbers," she explained.

"So cool! Can you turn off your quirk? Do you need to activate it or is it always there? Can you only see the years or the exact time? What if you can't see the person's face, will you still see their lifespan? What if the person who were sick is getting well? Will it also change their lifespan? How about if.."

"Izu, you're getting too excited." Ojiro interrupted his friend. "Yazoki-chan, what do you mean Izu's lifespan reduced by 3 years?"

"Exactly just what I said. Compared to the last time I saw his lifespan, it changed and lessened by 3 years."

"Do you know why?"

Yazoki shook her head. "I can't see the cause. I can only see the numbers."

"Of years? How about months? And days? How about minutes and seconds?" Izuku immediately asked.

"Well, it depends on the numbers color. Black means years, blue for months and red for days. That's it," Yazoki paused. "My daddy is a doctor, you know. He helped me learn all about my quirk by visiting the hospital before."

"Can you see your own lifespan?"

"What is Izu's lifespan now?"

Izuku and Ojiro asked the same time. Yazoki was flustered. "I-I can't see my own lifespan. And I can't tell you your lifespan. I did before, with daddy's patients. It not only scared them, but it also made me really sick."

The two friends looked at each other before turning back to Yazoki. "I'm sorry. If it will make you sick, I won't ask again." Ojiro scratched his head. "I'm just worried about Izu."

"D-don't worry. Both of you still have a very long years to live! Just don't get sick and avoid accident." Yazoki assured them.

"I don't think we can avoid accidents." Ojiro said.

"Ooohh. Does that mean. . ." before Izuku could finish his question, their teacher started to call them. Their break is over. The three of them went back to their classroom. Unlike Izuku who was excited for making a new friend, Ojiro was still worried. 'Should I tell Aizawa-san about it? If Izuku is really sick, then he should see a doctor.' He glanced at Yazoki. 'Maybe Yazoki-chan's father could help them, if Recovery Girl can't.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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