| • CHP 5 - The Potions Master • |

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" No ! I - I mean sure you can sit with us."

Third Person Pov


We learned something everyday

Red Dean bounced on the table going over to Hermione. He hoots pulling away from her fork " sorry he a little excited " it's okay I am too I wonder what we're going to learn today!" She shouts excitedly I joined her looking over at the guys. They all laughed grabbing their stuff and off to our first class. " Bloody Hell I forgot my wand! Harry can you come with me too gets  it ?" Ron panicked pulling harry's arm " sure you guys go ahead "

Hermione and I sat in the front taking notes from a book. Then I saw Auntie Minnie Transformed into a Cat sitting peacefully watching over us. Minutes later Ron and Harry rush in Huffing heavily, " imagine the face Professor McGonagall had if she saw us rights now "

Professor McGonagall turned back confronting them with an angry but peaceful expression. "That was bloody brilliant " Ron said astonished,"Thank you mr. Weasley maybe I can turn both of you and Harry in watches and you'll get to class on time""we got lost
... " Maybe a map then........ I assumed you don't need one to find your seats"

Hermione shook her Head sighing in disappointment at the boys,"hopefully it's only one time thing, right Monie " yeah, boys ..... Always nothing but just trouble"Yet we chose them to be friends with " she giggled going back to her notes until it's time to go to the potions classrooms next.

Ah potions.... My second favorite thing to do. Unlike the last class Harry and Ron were in Their seats.. and for The Gryffindor tables to be exact I sadly had to sit in the front with malfoy and his friends.

" Evansville White why don't you sit next to me " Malfoy waved getting my attention at this point I already know that I don't like Draco Already since as he was being mean toward my friends in the Howgwarts express Ride.

" No Thanks Malfoy I Rather sit on a Mountain Troll Then sit with you " I said and saw that everyone was trying their to best to not laugh at him at all.

Uncle Grumpy emo squid ward Snape bursted through the door scaring half of the class, " there will be no foolishs wand - waving here , many of you will hardly believe this is magic." He said pausing going over the class with such cold eyes Expect for me.

" I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with it's shimmerings fumes , the delicate power of the liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching mind , ensnaring the senses .... I can teach you how to bottle fame , brew glory , even stopper death if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach ... Like if you aren't paying attention Potter " we all turn around and seeing Harry place his quills in the ink bottle nervous hearing his surname in Uncle snape's mouth.

" Our new Celebrity ... Tell me what would I get it I added powered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood " knowing Hermione she instantly just raised up her Hand. Snape ignore Her asking more questions. Harry Answer being the same as the First," I don't know sir " " clearly fame isn't now all everything "

I then heard Malfoy Giggled at Harry's distress I faced him smacking Him the back of his head,"why'd you do that " because one that's rude and two I bet you don't know either "

" What about you Miss Evans White Our Other Celebrity...  Do you know anything I said to Potter or are as the clueless as him" Snape slammed his hands on the table the cauldron titled to the side.

" Asphodel and wormwood would make a sleeping potion so powerful it's known as Draught of Living Death. A Bezoar is a stone which is taken by a goat stomach thus saving you from most poisons. And monkshood and wolfsbane they're the same plant which goes by the name of acontie ... I - is that all or am I missing something else that you said Professor?"

He pressed his lips into a thin line standing Straight, " that is all correct, clearly you have your mother's great intelligence on potion making all five point of Glytherclaw and a point will be taken from Gryffindor also that owl of yours has to stay in your dorm" Snape turned walking to his desk and begun to scribbling something on the parchment paper. Malfoy patted my back as I took a deep breath Turning to see Harry with a sad/ happy smile at my direction. Potions couldn't have gotten any worse but it did. Neville had somehow managed to melted off  Seamus's cauldron into a twisted blob, the potion sleeping onto the grounds burning holes in people shoes. Luckily I wasn't near the incident but still stood on my chair just in case.

" That was quiet the lesson today wasn't it guys ?" It was horrible  if you ask me Uncle Snape just kept taking points away from us and you still just gave points back 5oTap on a clip to paste it in the to us " Ron Fum with Hatred. " You're only whinnying because he kept criticizing your way of making potions " Hermione says as we strolled down the Corridors to The Great Hall.

" Wasn't my fault Neville decided too burn off everyone's shoes off " Ron continued to argue. Harry Laughed as we finally found a spot. Our books all spread around the table Hermione wrote on her book going back and forth. " Hey Hermione can you help me with this " " sure it's simple if you break it down one step at a time ".

After Finally understanding what the hell I was looking at, I noticed a kid waving his hand around at a cup , " Eye of Rabbit , Harpstring Hum turn this water into Rum" over and over his face became red from all of the frustration.

" Do any of you guys know what's he's doing ?" I turned to Harry as he to just  shrugged turning over to Ron," turned it to rum. Actually managed a weak tea yesterday, before - " a loud Explosion came from the cup ashes on the boys gave his hair spread right in a bizarre way.

A screeching noise flew around us, " Mails Here " Ron Looks up as I follow owls cane through the windows just dropping boxes and letters bird came swooping in with jewel behind Her.

A letter on Jewel while a venue small package was on birches back. I pulled the letter off petting jewel as she flew away after biting my finger goodbyes. " Let's see what they sent me .... Thank you birch " she at there waddling now closer eyeing Red Dean. And so I  then  placed Red Dean next to her as they're both hooting together.

The letter was neatly wrapped with my family Jewelry as well.

The letter was neatly wrapped with my family Jewelry as well

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