| • CHP 6 - Hagrids and Flying Lesson • |

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Previously :

" let's see what they sent me "



Dear Renaeè ,

I'm so proud of you mostly me but your mother will be so excited and also too  proud nonetheless. And the house elves are doing well and are happy for you too and miss you dearly. I've noticed the owl by our Windows pane continuous pecking and now just screeching, that bird came annoy anyone within exactly just one minute. There should be a box with the owl and jewelry it's a present my father Gave to me when I was accepted into the big of  Gryffindor House as well. Hope you like it dear.

With love ,

Third Person Pov

Huh I said Immediately " okay who's the Hell is anonymous " I said looking at Hermione my best friend.

She shuttered her shoulders and then so I decided to opened the box a well placed necklace chocker sat there. The Silver Chain shines as if it was all now  recently bought as well.

" That's nice who gave it to you " my best friend hermione leans against in expecting the necklace too

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" That's nice who gave it to you " my best friend hermione leans against in expecting the necklace too. " Well as I just don't know and who the hell just is this anonymous guy " she nods her head gathering her stuff " well come on we'll be late for flying lessons. " As she Said Clipping the necklace on as I rushed to gather my belongings. I sent birch back as I took Reddy Dean on to my shoulders.

I watched from the other side of harry  madam hooch walks in the big middle her yellow eyes resembling a hawk of piercing ones ," welcome to you first flying lessons. Well what are you all waiting for step to the left side of your Broomsticks. " Hurry now " soon then all of us stepped out to the left side as near our Broomsticks looking back up from this angle I could see Red Dean bouncing behind everyone I giggled trying to listen to madam hooch,"stick your hand over the broom and nows  all of you say " up "

" Up " all of us shouted then soon the broom begun to fly on my hands and I smiled when I saw that Harry finished his as well. I then noticed that Ron all now stucked as well " with Feelings " Madam hooch said " Up " Ron shouted loudly but the broom went straight up and hit him Straight onto the face and Harry and the rest of the class include me also giggled at this as well.

" Oh Bloody Hell Shut up Harry " He Said immediately after then he blush when he heard me to encourage word to him and finally he did and but she's already was too busy to noticed that's many boys/ females was glaring daggs at Him. But I didn't noticed that at All.

" Now once you've got hold of your broom , I want you to mount it." Already knowing how to fly a broom I sat on it as it floats an inch off the bigs grounds." When I blow my whistles , I want you to kick off the ground hard, keep your broom steady hover for a moment... Then lean forward for a moment and touch back down. On my whistle. Three , two " it seemed like Neville knew what he was doing seeing as he flew off at a fast Speed," why do you feel like this isn't going to end well " I mumbled Neville fell off his broom landing in a painfully way.

Madam hooch ran over checking his hand claiming it was in fact broken and went off too the hospital wing." Did you see his face " malfoy stood in the middle tossing around a glass ball, " maybe if he had squeezed this, he'd have remembered to fall on his arse " other Slytherins laughed with him as Harry step up, " give it here malfoy "" No. I'll leave it somewhere for this so cool Longbottom to find " he hops on his broom flying up " how about the roof ?" What an idiot... Might as well give him company on the train," I flew up right next to Harry." Give it Here's Malfoy or I'll knock you off that so call broom of yours" malfoy dodges Harry attempted to grab the glass ball right before he threw it out.

I zoomed turning around Harry behind me the ball almost hitting the wall catching it in time " here you go Harry " I tossed he ball at him. He to then tossed it back at me " nah I want to catch it but you got it far and ways much square then me " I smiled " um so how about I throw it and you catch it " he nods flying off catching the Ball grazing the grass as we landed and the whole class cheered patting mine and Harry back " Harry Potter! Renaeè Rosemary Evansville White ! Follow me " crap.

Auntie Minnie walked fast down the hall Harry and I jogged behind her," hasn't been full weeks and we're now going back home " I whispered softly to Harry his worried face says it all. He clenched the ball and his Broom. Auntie Minnie stopped turned around and said " Ahem well um wait here ..... Professor Quirrel , excuse me could I borrow Wood for a moment " yep , we are so Dead " a boy with cute measure messy brown hair walked and we'll as I be surprised he was a Gryffindore he plays Team Captain Leader of the bigs Quidditch Captain for Gryffindore.

" What just happened ?"

We both walked down the hall some Quidditch Members came over to me and saying good luck then patting my Head. Somehow Red Dean Found His way back to me in the crowded Halls Harry and Ron were just ahead of me as I caught up with Them," hey did you get into Gryffindore Quidditch Team by any chance ?" Harry and me nods. " You are the youngest player in the whole of a century !" Ron shouted with very much excitement.
" Congratulations Harry and Renaeè Wood just told us ... He mentioned you too " one of the twins said turns to me squishing my face in a playful way." Why was he taking about me ?" The other perks in," he knows your father afraid that your father taught you his tricks " I giggled," well also Harry I'm a Seeker in the Gryffindor House Team "

His his widened scratching the back of his head," we got lucky this time didn't we " I nodded my head," I've never played. What if I make a Fool of myself?" Harry Start too doubting ups  Himself. Hermione walks up to us , " you won't make a Fool of yourself it's in your Blood."

We walked to the trophy room hall there was a wooden plaque writtens under seeker was Harry's Father JAMES POTTER in gold." Hey looked my Dads name is there too... And he's still Captain in Gryffindor Team " I say as they looked My Father Trophy in all such awe as well.

Hogwarts Beauty ( Yandere Various Hogwarts/Percy Jackson x Renaeè ) Book 1 -  7Where stories live. Discover now