Chapter One

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A/N: the picture has nothing to do with this chapter, i just thought it was cute

Remember all that peaceful stuff I was taking about earlier? Poof. Gone. No more small town, no more Seven Eleven, no more peaceful lights and the way the pavement sounded under my skateboard. It's gone. All of it is gone. You wanna know why? It's because of my parents. They got divorced but honestly, I don't blame them. They argued 24/7 and it drove me and my siblings crazy.

I have one older sibling and two younger ones which leaves me stuck in the middle. My dad took me and my brother and my mom took my two sisters. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to see my sisters again because Dad moved me and Ian (my brother) halfway across the country to a city in Ohio I've never heard of.

The city is decent I guess. I just wish I could've had the choice to leave or not. I had to pack up all my stuff and I had to leave all my friends behind without getting to say goodbye or without warning.

I had to leave my three friends to be exact. People at my old school didn't really like me. People tell me I come across as scary or intimidating. I don't really know why. It might be because of my attitude or the way I dress but I don't know.

It's November and I ride the bus to school everyday now since I don't know the way yet. The streets are kind of full so if I end up finding a small detour I could try riding to school like I did before we moved.

It just wouldn't be the same. Sometimes when I snuck out at night before we moved, I would ride around with my neighbor/best friend. His name was River. Me and him have been best friends since we could walk. We lived right next to each other so we were over each other's houses almost everyday. We even learned how to skate together. Our late night skating sessions were the best.

The bus pulled up to the school. I wasn't nervous when I first left this morning but as soon as the bus screeched to a stop, my heart started racing. It felt like my heart was going to burst out of my rib cage. What if I messed up and everyone laughed at me? What if I made the wrong first impression on someone popular and they spread what I said or did around the school? Then everyone would most definitely hate me. Popular kids are the most respected kids in the building. If I messed up with them then I'm definitely screwed. There were so many kids. They were all swarming around the doors.

I stood up. Everyone limb of my body was shaking. As soon as I entered the crowd to fit in, I whipped out my phone and texted River.

Taylor: Help. SOS. Phase 4.

When we were little, our windows were facing each other so whenever we weren't hanging out, we would communicate using paper or cups and a piece of string. When we turned 11 and we matured enough to know what most things meant, we came up with five different phases.

Phase one was: I need to talk to someone.
Phase two was: something big happened and major tea needs to be spilt.
Phase three was: I need to rant really badly.
Phase four was: get online right now, I'm about to have a panic attack.
And finally, phase five was: I'm having a full on mental breakdown.

I checked the time. It was 6:15 in South Dakota for him. He was either in the shower or still sleeping. It was absolutely nothing like my old school. Was this town really that big? My phone buzzed; it was River replying to my text.

River: Ok I'm here. What happened? What did Ian or your dad do to you?

Taylor: Nobody did anything to me, unless my brain counts, I typed.

River: Ok ok spill. What happened. Why did I have to stop my shower for this? 

I laughed a little as those words popped up on my screen.

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