Chapter 2

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When I walked into the school, it looked even bigger on the inside than it did on the outside.

What is this? A mansion? It's absolutely nothing like my old school.
My phone buzzed again. It was River.
Oops. I got to caught up with dealing with the raven haired boy and completely forgot about River.

River: Uhh Taylor?
Are you ok??
Girl if you don't answer me rn I'm walking all the way down to Ohio

Idiot. That would take like four days.

River: Or u could just come back. We would all want that, it would be so much better.

Missed call from Dumbass

River: Taylor

3 missed calls from Dumbass

River: Girl bye
So I don't get to see ur huge school?
Fine then, not like I'm upset about it anyway. I didn't even want to see it
I'm kidding I want to see it
Girl istg if you're crying in the bathroom stall

You know, that wouldn't seem too bad, I could cry all day bathroom while overthinking every possible thing that could go wrong.

3 missed calls from Dumbass

River: Ok, I'm getting back in the shower bc I have school

Taylor: Wait no River don't gooooooo. I was being bullied so I had to put the jerk in his place.

Just like that, his name popped up on my screen almost immediately.

River: Woah woah WOAH. Who bullied you?

Taylor: Some 16 year old kid. Hopefully he's not in any of my classes.

The bell rang right as I sent it.

Taylor: Gtg, I'll text you if anything major happens
I sent it and put my phone in the front pocket of my backpack.

I looked around and saw a girl who looked around my age. She had blonde hair, black leggings, a grey champion sweatshirt  and acrylic nails. I couldn't tell what her nails looked like but she was taking a selfie with her blue phone with a clear case and gold tinsel. She looked like a basic girl, maybe a little popular but she seems nice enough to ask for directions from, right? Maybe not be friends with but you, you get the idea.

What would I say? "Hi I'm the new emo kid and I have absolutely no idea where I'm supposed to go"
Yeah, no. Absolutely not. "Hi, I'm new here. Where's the office?" that could work.

I walked up to the girl and she seemed to notice me right away.

"Oh hey! I've never seen you around. Are you new here?" she asked. She was so much prettier up close. Her makeup was perfect, no acne, a symmetrical face, really pretty sky-blue eyes; her hair had highlights. I couldn't tell if they were fake or not but they clashed perfectly with her sandy-blonde hair. She had a few freckles. Not a ton but just the right amount.

"Uh yeah, I am. I was wondering if you could tell me where the office was?" my voice was quiet as I replied to her question and asked my own. She leaned in a little closer so she could hear me.

"Yeah it's right there," she looked past me and pointed to a room with a big long window. The door opened and a plump woman walked out and looked around.

"Oh thank you," I said and she gave me a smile with her pearly white teeth. Wow she is really pretty but also way out of my league.

I turned around and walked towards the woman standing in the doorway. She had short curly brown hair, a plain pink skirt with white jeans and a creamy white sweater on. Her eyes were grey and glossy as she scanned the area.

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