Chapter 3

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A/N: again, the picture doesn't have anything to do with the chapter, i just think its cute:>

"Oh you do Who is this new friend of ours?" the woman asked. She seemed strict; nothing like Mr. Morris the math teacher. She was wearing a striped white and light pastel green shirt, a necklace but I couldn't really tell what it looked like other than the fact that it was gold and it had a small jewel as a charm. Maybe a ruby? She had black slip on shoes and white jeans that had a few rips in them; and like Mrs. Duffy, the english teacher had a white sweater except hers had pockets.

"This is Taylor! She and her brother moved here over the weekend. They will be part of our community now!" Mrs. Duffy explained again. By now, everyone's head had been up looking at me from whatever they were doing before I came and crashed the party.

"Welcome to Galion, Taylor. I'm Miss Garcia," she introduced herself. "You can come on in and sit next to Jacky." A girl with brown hair raised her hand and smiled at me. Her mouth was full of metal braces. I didn't say anything. This was super uncomfortable for me. I walked in and sat next to the girl who looked very kind. She had shiny brown eyes that looked like little chocolate chips. Her skin was very tan. She was wearing a dark pumpkiny orange turtleneck sweater with jean overalls that had a ton pins on them. She wore little mushroom earrings that were super cute on her.

"Would you like to tell the class about yourself, Taylor?" the teacher asked. She kept saying my name like I did something bad or I did something to intimidate her but I haven't said anything which is the weird part.

"Oh, sure. Well, uhm, my name's Taylor, I'm 16, I moved here with my brother and my dad after my parents got divorced. I have 2 other siblings who stayed in South Dakota with my mom. I'm really into skateboarding and I really like the sour cream and onion pringles," I answered.

"Wow, that must have been hard for you to leave all your friends, half your family and all those memories you make behind like that. How old are your siblings?" Miss Garcia asked.

"My brother is 17, my youngest sister is 4, and my other sister is 11," I told her. 

"So you're stuck in the middle too huh? I had one older brother one older sisters and two younger brothers so I get what it's like to be the middle child," she connected.

"Oh, nice," I said and gave her a half smile. 

"So, you're really into skateboarding you said?" the girl named Jacky asked me. I turned to face her.

"Yeah. I used to sneak out at night and skate all around the hotspots of my town. Sometimes I would go with my neighbor to the Seven Eleven that was a few miles from my house," I explained to the girl. Her eyes sparkled with interest.

"That sounds pretty cool," she replied. "I've always wanted to learn how to skate but I've never had the chance to. I always get caught up in a lot of my drawings," she continued. 

"Could I see some of them?" I asked shyly. She nodded and turned around and started to dig around in her small strap backpack that was hanging on her chair. The bag was navy blue and it had pink, medium sized flowers all over it. Eventually, she brought out a small sketchbook and opened it up. She flipped through the pages that consisted of mostly flowers, mushrooms, fairy houses, and a few mythical creatures here and there; and she explained them all as she went. They were all so good.

"Wow. You're really good as the whole art thing. I couldn't draw crap if I tried," I complimented adding a small laugh at the end.

"Thanks! Wow you seem so nice. You wanna stick by me for the rest of the day? Or even be friends?" Jacky asked kindly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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