lil update<3

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hi loves! i should've put this at the beginning of the story but i didn't and i'm really sorry about that ._.

first of all, thank you so  much for 23 reads! it may not be a lot in numbers but it means so much to me <33

second, i have another story in the works so that would explain the lack of chapters on this story. i try to keep the time i work on these equal but my mental health has been rapidly declining and i'm so sorry about that, i'm really excited to start writing the mlm story i have planned, i feel like you guys are gonna like it. i don't really have any idea on how a mlm relationship works, if its different from a straight relationship or a lesbian relationship (i'm a girl for now, my pronouns are she/they but i've also never really been in a lesbian relationship but i'm friends with more girls then gay guys so i have an general idea of how a lesbian relationship works from tea that my friends have spilt 👀) so i have to read a ton of fanfics (rip my sleep schedule 🥲) and stuff like that so it's gonna be a few months before i can even start writing it (if anyone could give me any mlm stories on here that you recommend that would be amazing<3).

third, i suck at spelling and grammar and stuff like that. i'm horrible at it, i always have been lol. dont be afraid to correct me if i word anything wrong or anything like that. it would be greatly appreciated. i plan on reading and editing the whole story once it's complete and i'll get rid of these little things that take up a whole chapter 😅 so just bare with me on that. dont be afraid to comment either, i love reading through comments and stuff like that on tik tok and insta (those are in my bio if you wanna follow me. i'm not super active on insta but i try to be).

finally, if there is anything that may trigger any readers, i promise, at the beginning of the chapter and right before it's mentioned, i'll put content warnings/trigger warnings (such as caps/yelling or cussing). as someone who is really sensitive, they mean a lot to me and i would feel super bad if i didn't warn anyone about anything that could bother or upset them.

i love youuuuu<3 make sure you're eating something and staying hydrated:)

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