Chapter 28 - Italy Part 3 - Omertà

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Make sure you read the chapter before this one. A lot of people didn't get a notification for some reason.


"Hello Lottie."

I grinned wickedly at her as her face fell into what looked like to be a mix of fear and confusion. Her lips parted to say something but I pressed the blade harder against her stomach, causing it to tear a small line against the silk fabric.

"What do you wan-

"Uh uh, back up slowly If you know what's good for you."

I nudged my head towards the remainder of the hallway. There were a few doors along the walls and I wouldn't be surprised if they were unlocked. Hopefully un occupied, that would just be a pain.

She clenched her teeth and swallowed harshly as she began to do what I had asked. We were well hidden behind the big marble pillars and people were too shitfaced to be even paying attention to what was happening.

She backed up until her backside hit the wall and I reached my free hand down to the gold plated doorknob. Just as I suspected it was unlocked.

I roughly grabbed her wrist, yanking her inside and shutting the door with my heel. The room looked like to be an office space. Vintage interior with red accents and a ugly red carpet. There were brown leather chairs sat in front of a big wooden desk.

"Have a seat." I motioned towards one of the chairs and she hesitantly sat herself down, glaring at me intensely. I walked around the desk and pressed onto my earpiece.

"Found her, I'm upstairs second room down the main corridor."

I leaned both hands onto the wooden desk with my blade still between my fingers as I deadpanned towards her. She looked more pissed off than she was scared.

"Let's start off slow, what are you doing here and don't lie to me."

She shook her head slowly with a dry chuckle that escaped her lips and proceeded to take a sip of the dark liquor in her glass. I rolled my eyes at her lack of responsiveness and ran a hand down my face in frustration.

But just as I did so, she leaned forward quickly, placing her glass on the desk and prying the blade from my hand, cutting my palm as it escaped my grasp while catching me off guard.

She lunged forward, swinging her arm out in attempt to slice me but I brought my forearm up just in time to block her.

I leaped up onto the desk sliding my body over and knocking things down as I did so. I stood directly in front of her and swung a jab hook punch right along the side of her jaw causing her to fall hard to the floor, my blade dropped from her hand and onto the carpet from the impact.

"Nice try bitch."

I scoffed, dropping down to the ground to straddle her torso and she winced and grimaced when my thighs squeezed her body hard to keep her from moving.

There was a trail of blood escaping the side of her mouth and trickling down her cheek from how hard I punched her which she deserved. I retrieved my blade from the floor and grasped her jaw hard with my left hand, pressing the sharp side of the blade tightly to the front of her throat.

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