Finally (Part I)

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

Kings Cross Station [1991]

"Do you have your trunks?"

"Yes." Both Hadrian and Destiny replied, patting their pockets. Bellatrix had shrunken their trunks in order for there to be less of a hassle to get onto the train.

"Do you have your money pouches?"

"Yes." They responded. They had both been given a bottomless pouch of galleons that connected directly to the Riddle, Black, and Lestrange vaults.

"Destiny, did you send Inferno off to Hogwarts?"

"Yes, I sent Inferno off this morning." Destiny said, her voice laced with irritation.

"Good. Now don't get into too much trouble, alright? I need you both back in one piece."

"Fine." They both chorused together.

"Oh, and what's the number one rule if you get caught doing something wrong?"

"Don't get caught, first of all." Hadrian smiled. "And if you somehow do get caught.."

"Blame someone else or lie your way out of it." Destiny finished.

Bellatrix beamed proudly. She glanced around, making sure no one was watching, before pulling them both in for a quick hug. Hadrian rolled his eyes, but hugged her back with less enthusiasm.

"Stop worrying, Bella. We'll be fine!" Hadrian reassured her with a small smile.

"I'll owl you every month, mother." Destiny promised.

"Every week you mean?" Bellatrix corrected.

"Thats what I said, every month." Destiny winked, and Bellatrix chuckled.

"I'm sorry for being like this. I'll just miss you." Bellatrix confessed.

"Yes, without me, who else will you chase around with dark hexes?" Hadrian questioned dramatically.

"And without me, who else will tell you where the best spots for muggle hunting are?" Destiny added.

"Oh shut up. Is it a crime for me to miss you? I'm sure even the Dark Lord will somewhat miss you whiney brats." Bellatrix scowled.

Hadrian and Destiny exchanged a glance before laughing. The Dark Lord would miss them? That was funny.

"This is where I leave you. You know how to get to the platform, right?" Bellatrix asked. The Dark Lord hadn't allowed her to enter the station, for fear of the Ministry officials that were sure to be around.

"Walk straight through the barrier between platforms nine and ten. We know." Destiny said.

Bellatrix nodded stiffly, and sniffed. "I'll see you at the end of the year. Goodbye." She waved. Destiny and Hadrian waved back, and she disapparated in a whirl of black smoke.

"Shall we, Miss Lestrange?" Hadrian asked formally, slipping on his pureblood mask.

"Lead the way, Mr. Riddle." She replied, trying to stifle a laugh. Destiny had been taught all the pureblooded traditions and proper etiquette by Narcissa Malfoy as well. Now she could go from being a giggling eleven year old girl, to a cold, elegant lady in less than two seconds.

They entered the station, hiding frowns at all the quirky muggles. Hadrian's scowl deepened as he saw the large family of redheads bustling towards the platform.

"Weaselys." Destiny whispered with disgust, following Hadrian's gaze.

Hadrian glared at the family of...well, too many to count. Those idiots were the Lightest family after the Potters themselves. He noticed the only girl Weasley, looking almost as annoyed as him. Hadrian smirked. A Weasley annoyed by her family? It was unheard of.

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