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Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

"Mo-Mother...." A small girl spoke slowly, testing out the new name before continuing, "I have a question."

"Yes?" The dark haired woman smiled at her daughter fondly, an action that was quickly becoming more and more normal after each passing day.

"Why can't I be a grown up, like you?" She asked curiously, fidgeting with the hem of her pale pink dress.

The woman let out a rough sound, akin to a laugh, the corners of her eyes crinkling. "Now why would you want to be a grown up just yet?"

The girl pouted, "Because you can do anything you want. You can even make that tree go boom with just your hands!" She proceeded to further express her point by using her hands to gesticulate an explosion, whilst yelling, "BOOM!" in a high-pitched voice.

The mother smirked, "You mean like this?" She hid her wand behind her back as she silently cast a 'Reducto' spell towards a tree in the distance. In less than a second, the entire tree was blown to pieces and the remaining fragments started to burn down to ashes.

The little girl clapped her hands animatedly, "I want to do that too!" Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she moved her hands, waiting for the tree to explode just as it had a moment earlier. Her shoulders drooped as she realized she wasn't successful.

She scowled and crossed her arms, looking chagrined, "See? It doesn't work when I do it!"

The girl's mother, if possible, only smiled wider. "Patience is key, my dear." She said, absentmindedly ruffling the girl's blonde hair. "If you keep trying with all your heart, you'll certainly get it someday."

"You mean I have to try every single day?" The girl asked, wrinkling her nose as if the mere thought seemed tiresome to her, "Wouldn't that take a lot of time?"

The woman chuckled, "You're still young, my dark angel. You have all the time you need, and then some."

"But Mr. Waldemart-"


"Yes, yes. Mr. Voldemort always says not to waste time." The girl said in a matter-of-fact toning, "He says time is preci-prece-preces." She made a face as she struggled to pronounce the word correctly.

"Precious." The mother corrected, trying to stifle a laugh. "In some ways he is correct. But sometimes the dark lo-" She paused and corrected herself upon seeing the perplexed look on her daughter's face, "Mr Voldemort, forgets that you aren't a grown up. You exactly can't blame him because look what a big girl you've become!"

The little girl puffed out her chest in pride, "I'm a big girl now." She repeated, her sky blue eyes twinkling.

"Adults can't waste time because they have so many other things to do. But you still have your entire life ahead of you. Just be patient and you'll see how much fun it will be."

"Someday will I ever be as wonderful at magic as you are?"

The mother kissed the top of her daughter's head affectionately, "Someday my dear, you will become twice the witch I am today."

Flourish and Blots [August 17]

"Patience is key. Patience is key. Patience is key. Patien-"

"Destiny?" A voice ahead of her drawled out coldly, "Can you shut up, please?"

She grinned sheepishly, "Sorry Drake-"

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