~WandaVison: Meme Lifestyle~

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Anytime my parent ask me if my grades are good

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Anytime my parent ask me if my grades are good. I totally don't sound suspicious.

 I totally don't sound suspicious

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Can't unsee it now..

I don't even know what to do anymore

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I don't even know what to do anymore...

I don't even know what to do anymore

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I mean... It's the truth.

SO cute

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SO cute.

My new wallpaper

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My new wallpaper

I really like the SWORD trio

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I really like the SWORD trio. A 10/10 group.

How I feel Currently

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How I feel Currently.... Hope this episode answers all of my questions... But knowing Marvel they probably leave us with a million questions instead.

Woah, two post in one day. (I need to find some productive way to spend my time, instead of staying up till three re-watching WandaVision and memes.) It's never been done before. (IDK)

Hope you guys like my WandaVision memes, and I'll just wait till Friday to cry that it ended. And then Falcon and Winter Soldier to fill the void that WandaVision left.

(Dang, I really need a new Hobby.)

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