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Minor spoilers for Loki and stuff. You have been warned.

Looks really cool right

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Looks really cool right.

Looks really cool right

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Did he?

Did he?

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I mean they have a whole collection of them

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I mean they have a whole collection of them.

I mean they have a whole collection of them

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When you fail the are you a robot quiz.

I'm calling it, there will be like 5 different types of Lokis at least in the show

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I'm calling it, there will be like 5 different types of Lokis at least in the show.

I'm calling it, there will be like 5 different types of Lokis at least in the show

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Maybe I do suck a science.

Maybe I do suck a science

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A revelations

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A revelations.

So what did you all think about the Loki series? I like it timey wimey stuff too. I kind of liked the TVA and the jacket thing that Loki wears. I'm also excited for all the quality memes to come out of Loki.

Hope you liked this and stuff, have a nice week. See you guys later. -Aura

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