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Justin was standing in the doorway looking me up and down, I was wearing a strapless, short black mini dress with black stilettos. My hair was natural and I had minimal makeup on. He was standing there for a few seconds before he cleared his thought and finally told me what he was doing here 'we all decided to get our drivers to drive us so we can drink, there is room for you to come in the car with us but we are leaving in a minute'
'I am ready' I say as I walk out of my hotel room with Justin walking next to me. He was wearing a black suit with a slim black tie and a white shirt, as I was looking at him I thought to myself that I could see his muscles through his suit.

***2 hours later***

We had just finished eating and talking about random things that I can't even remember when we all get up to leave. We are walking to the car When I feel someone rub their hand on my arm, I slowly look over to see Justin's hand on my arm. He gestures for me to get into the one car with him while Ben gets in the other car with some other cast mates. I get in the car first and move over to the otherside of the car so Justin can get in after me. As the car pulls away from the restaurant I look at Justin and we just sit there speechless for a few seconds until I feel his hand on my leg and it makes me tingle with a feeling I haven't felt in a very long time. I then put my hand on his leg as we stared into each other's eyes, I felt so protected and loved even if it was just in his presence. As we leaned in closer we pulled up to the hotel and realized what was about to happen and stopped it.

It was a few minutes later as Justin and I were waiting for the elevator to go up to our separate rooms as that is where the entire cast were staying on the top floor. I walked ahead of Justin and I pressed the button in the hotel lobby to call the lift, Justin and I stared at each other as the doors opened.

***few minutes later***

I was walking up to my room door while I was thanking Justin for an amazing night. I went into my hotel room and took a shower after a long and busy day to get ready for bed. All I could think about was Justin and how we nearly kissed in the car and how I felt when he put his hand on my leg.

***the next morning***

I woke up to my alarm going off, I got out of bed and went to wash my face and put on some workout clothes as I went out of my hotel room and down the gym. As I walked into the gym there was someone else in there but I couldn't figure out who it was.

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