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WOW I still can't believe that they are finally here my little girls are all here, they are small but healthier than we could of hoped for. I am sat in my hospital bed right now watching Justin with the girls just watching them sleep. They are all on oxygen just to keep their breathing stable as they were smaller than most babies but the doctor said that its nothing to worry about and it's just for precautions.

It was now the next day and I am sat with Justin waiting to hear from the doctor on how Sophia is doing as the nurse took her away for extra checks this morning after her breathing slowed down a bit.

Doctor: Mr. Theroux, Ms. Aniston We have taken a look at Sophia to see what the problems was and it looks as if her lung has collapsed we need your permission to do a small procedure on her so she can breathe its not surgery put she will be knocked out for it, so she wont feel any pain.

Jen: Please do anything you need to, anything for our baby girl to be okay

I started to cry at the fact of knowing our youngest baby girl wasn't very well but I need to be strong for my other 3 daughters and for Justin as I know that this will be hitting him harder than me right now as he is very protective over all his girls.


It had been about 2 hours and Justin was pacing back and forth trying to clam down a bit from not being able to be with his daughter right now.

Doctor: Everything went well she should be okay now you can go in and see her now if you want

Justin: thank you so much doctor


Finally the day was here that we could all go home, Courteney has been coming to the hospital everyday to see her god children and I can already tell they are going to be so close just like me and Coco.

I was packing the last thing into the babies bags while Justin was getting Joanna into her car seat then he loaded them all into the two prams one for me to push and one for him to push. I said goodbye to all the doctors and nurses who have helped us over the past few weeks and kept me and my babies alive and put up with all the paparazzi outside all the time. We were going out the back entrance where ambulances come so we don't get spotted leaving. I was in the back with Lilly and Sophia and Courteney was in the next back row with Charlotte and Joanna while Justin was driving.


we have been back at home with the girls for 4 days now and we were starting to get into a routine with then and today we are posting a photo of them on Instagram with their names and their weight now that we know they are all in the clear, Justin is also posting something but he won't tell me what he is putting as the caption he said I can read it at the same time as everyone else.

***A black and white photo of all the babies on their own with their names on their tops***

Jen's post: We would like to introduce to the world:

Joanna Mae Aniston-Theroux born 11:11am on June 11th 2014 at 5lb 1oz

Lilly Mae Aniston-Theroux born 11:21am on June 11th 2014 at 4lb 15oz

Charlotte Mae Aniston-Theroux born 11:32am on June 11th 2014 at 5lb 3oz

Sophia Mae Aniston-Theroux born 11:41am on June 11th 2014 at 4lb 10oz

It was a straight forward birth with no complications and all of them are now health after a scare with Sophia a few weeks ago we are happy to say we are home and all very happy and health. Justin I wouldn't be here without you so thank you so much Babe I love you!!


Justin's post: We would like to introduce to the world:

Joanna Mae Aniston-Theroux born 11:11am on June 11th 2014 at 5lb 1oz

Lilly Mae Aniston-Theroux born 11:21am on June 11th 2014 at 4lb 15oz

Charlotte Mae Aniston-Theroux born 11:32am on June 11th 2014 at 5lb 3oz

Sophia Mae Aniston-Theroux born 11:41am on June 11th 2014 at 4lb 10oz

I could not be proud of my fiancée right now, not once did she complain about the pain, she has been so strong during this and I have always had respect for women and what your bodies go through, but I have a new found respect on a whole other spectrum, she has been to hell and back with the pregnancy and birth and yet she has brought 4 amazing lives into this world with so little help. I am proud to be able to witness your strength everyday and be by your side in anyway I can.


As I read Justin's post tears started in my eyes and I didn't have nay words on ow to respond to what he wrote and all the kind things that he said and yeh I guess it is all true but I never thought of it in that way until I read it out loud to myself which made me realise the change that I have been through not only physically in the last 9 months but all the mental change on going form not having to be responsible for anyone's lives but the dogs to now being a parent of 4 baby girls who will look up to me and Justin for the rest of their lives, we will all have ups and downs within those years for however long that time may be but I know they will be the best years of my life and I wouldn't want to change what I have for anything. I am so blessed to have my 4 gorgeous daughters and my incredible and loving fiancée.

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