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Sams POV:
I stepped out of the shower, tracing the newest scar on my arm. I got it from moving bunnies, one jumped out of my arms. I ran a hand through my blonde hair and began getting dressed.

"SAM!! SAMUEL!" My grandmother yelled up for me, I put my phone in my pocket and began down the stairs. That's when blue met blue, the brunette boy in front of me was fidgeting with his fingers. "H-hey" he said, "hey, are you Colby? I'm Sam" I told him reaching out my hand. He shook my hand and I turned to my grandmother.

"Ok Colby, I'll take this and follow me" I told him grabbing his bags and leading him to my room. I placed the bags on the second bed, it being his. "So, I live here with my Grandma and I help out on the farm. You will as well, and my grandfather lives here too but he's to sick to work." I told Colby showing him around the house. "O-ok...." he said nervously, I pulled him into a different room. "Hey bud you ok?" I asked placing a hand on his shoulder. "Uhm... well my parents dropped me here thinking it would be like conversion  camp... and well my boyfriend is mad at me" he said tears rimming his eyes, 'boyfriend' that word hurt me to hear. I pulled him into a hug. "Don't worry it's nothing like conversion camp, you can trust that fact because I'm gay" I told him as I let him out of the hug. He gave a soft smile and I brushed his bangs out of his face, "I'll let you call your boyfriend" I told him as I started to leave the room, "n-no... I don't wanna be left alone on the phone with him, just stay in the room at least" he said as he grabbed my arm. I turned around and sat across from him, I held his hand playing with his rings. He called his boyfriend, "hey Brennen, yeah? Oh... ok... b-bye" he finished the call in tears. I pulled him into another hug, "it's ok Colbs" I comforted him. "Boys dinner!" My grandma called up to us, I pulled Colby out of the chair he was in and we walked down to us.

We finished our food and I took Colby back upstairs, "here's the bathroom I'll be in our room" I told him. He grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom. I played on my phone until he got out. "Uh Sam I'm sorry to ask this but could I borrow a hoodie? Just until my parents can mail me my other one... I forgot it." He looked scared, "of course pick anyone you want" I told him pointing towards my dresser, blushing at his toned abs. "T-thanks" he said still sounding nervous. "Colby it's ok don't be nervous I'm not like what's his name, Brennen I'm not like him" I said to the skittish brunette. He threw on a hoodie and laid in his bed on his phone. I stared at him for a few minutes and began to look on my phone. I slowly began to fall asleep listening to Colby on the phone with his best friend Jake listening to his laughs.

I woke up to the bright sun in my eyes and light snores coming from Colby, I got dressed and woke him up. "Get up and get dressed Im gonna teach you the ropes today" I told him as I opened the curtains wider. He groaned making me laugh, "my grandma is making french toast" I said trying to get him up. He finally got up and dressed, "hey sleepy heads breakfast is ready"  my grandma told us. As we ate we discussed the day's  work. Colby and I placed our dishes in the sink and we began walking outside.

"Alright we work with animals, so we're gonna move the stack of hay bales, transfer the chickens and give water to the horses." I told him patting his back, he nodded. We arrived at the barn, I picked up the bale with some slight struggle, Colby picked one up with ease. "How the hell are you so good at this?" I asked laughing. "Well in L.A. I used to go to the gym a lot." He explained moving more bales.

"Now we're gonna get on the gator and transfer the chickens" I said as we hopped on the gator. We arrived at the coops and started putting the chicks in the gator bed. We set off to put the chicks in the coop they belong in. "already sundown? Wow what's left?" Colby asked, "watering the horses" I told him as we arrived to fill the water trough. He nodded and started the water. Once it was filled we walked back home. 

After our showers grandma called us for dinner. "So boys, Grandpa has a doctors appointment tomorrow we'll be gone all day and you won't have to do your chores. The reason being is Uncle Elton moved in across the street and has offered to do them." She said, "oh yeah Elton is my uncle who is super amazing" I told Colby.  He nodded and finished his food and put his dishes in the sink.  He began up the stairs and I followed him.

I hope you like it! This story will be updated on Wednesdays!

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