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Sam's POV:

I woke up conveniently before Colby. I pulled my self out of the bed, being careful of the brunette. I waved to my grandmother, her and Elton talking. Colby came down about half an hour later, "Hey bub" he said groggily. "Hey baby, happy birthday! Finally 15, I got breakfast ready" I told him as I set a plate in front of him. He smiled and ate happily, "So babe.. do you wanna cuddle all day or-"I was cut off. "Cuddle for sure" He replied, I laughed and took his empty plate. I met him upstairs, I felt a wide smile on my face. "why are you so smiley, sunny boy?" Colby asked, "Your in my hoodie and you look adorable, now come here" I said pulling him into my arms. He laughed and cuddled into me as we watched Netflix.

We were cuddling all day yesterday, it was great. "Samuel! Someone is here for Colby!" Elton yelled upstairs, I heard foot steps. I woke up Colby and opened the door. "Wheres that slut?!!?" Brennen spat at me, I felt rage grow inside me. I could throw this kid across the house if it wouldn't scare Colby. "You will NOT come to MY house to try and hurt MY boyfriend you sick asshole!" I spat back. I felt Colby cling onto my shirt. Brennen reached for the smaller boy, I quickly grabbed his arm. "Don't fucking touch him" I said throwing his arm back at him, "If you dare lay a finger on him I'll beat your ass." Brennen glared at me and threw a punch, I caught the weak punch. "If your trying to fight we can go outside" I told the small non-muscular kid in front of me. He nodded and went downstairs, I gave Colby a kiss and we both followed Brennen. Colby looked upset, I hugged him and walked to Brennen. He threw a weak punch that I blocked but I threw one back faster, harder and I didn't miss his face. He spat blood out and got a good punch in, I wiped the bloody spit from my mouth. I repeatedly beat his face, blood coming from both is nose and mouth.

I let Colby nurse my wounds once Brennen left, of course I gave him the beat down of his life. "Thank you Sammy, hold this rag to your nose as i get ice." Colby said handing me a wet rag. I looked in the mirror my eye blackened, my nose bleeding and a cut from me biting my lip. Compared to Brennen's injuries I got it quite easy. Colby came back and iced my eye, he wiped the blood off my nose. "and done! Now let's go cuddle before you get hurt more" The brunette said with a small giggle, I picked him up and threw him on the bed and crawled in after.

"Hey colby?" I asked the sleeping brunette, he didn't reply. I slowly crawled out of the bed, my gran and Elton were gone. I went back to the room and called my friend Aaron.

Colby's Pov:

I woke up to laughing in the living room. I sat up, Sam wasn't there I listened more and realized it was Sam and another guy laughing. After I threw on my hoodie I walked out to the living room, there it was Sam and another boy with dirty-blonde hair. The dirty-blonde haired boy had an arm around my boyfriend and they were taking pictures. I stared for a moment, is this what Sam has been doing while I was gone? Well I'll figure it out later. I slowly walked up the stairs avoiding the creaky parts, I began packing my bags. As I finished I felt a small stream of tears fall, I wiped them and stood up. Once I opened the door I was face to face with the boy. I glared and began downstairs, "Have fun with him" I said with pure jealousy and anger. Sam began speaking but I slammed the door, I realize I have no where to go other then home. I just continue walking down the road without any idea where to go, a car begins to slow down. "Wait Colby?" Jake asks making a full stop. "O-oh hey.." I said shivering due to the cold. "Get in dude" he said, I did so not knowing what else to do. "You don't have to explain at all just tell me your ok?" Jake said as he began driving. "Well uhm I don't know if I overreacted but Sam and this kid were basically cuddling on the couch and I left." I told him fidgeting with my hands. "I don't mean to worry you but Sam and this blonde kid have hung out a lot since you going to the mental hospital" Jake said as he waited at a light. "I kinda felt like this would happen, could I stay with you for a bit?" I asked him as he pulled into a Walmart parking lot. "Yeah, I'm getting stuff to sleep over at Corey's tonight though but you can come" The black haired boy said as he got out of the car.

Jake's phone began blowing up with messages, mine soon after. All of which were Sam, I sighed and turned off notifications for Sam's calls and texts. Jake did the same, we continued our shopping trip and checked out. We put our haul in Jake's trunk and drove to Corey's house. "Hey guys! Is Sam blowing up yall's phones too?" Corey asked as we grabbed the bags. "Yeah.. I'll explain once were inside." I said kinda nervously.

"And as I was walking Jake picked me up." I finished telling Corey of the previous events, he gave a small nod and a sympathetic smile. We continued talking about dumb stuff and telling stories as we ate snacks. "I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back"I told them as I stood up. I opened the door to leave the bathroom, Jake pulled me into another room. "Sam found us jump out this window and get to the car" he whispered and helped me out of the window.

"FUCK!" Jake yelled as he began driving to what I assume is his house. "I can't believe he went to Corey's, but he didn't see me or my car so hopefully he won't come to my house." Jake said with annoyance in his voice. I gave him a small pat on his leg and rubbed his hand in a sympathetic way. He smiled at my gestures and pulled into his driveway. I picked up my phone and texted Sam, (Hey, I'm ok. I have a place to stay, but we need to take a break for a bit) I put my phone down and followed Jake inside. Sam called me.

<S-Sam C-Colby>

C-I'm fine, but we need to take a break were both going through stuff right now
S- ok.. goodbye be safe
C- bye Sam

I hung up the phone, I felt tears begin to fall. Jake stood for a second and soon pulled me into a hug. It felt nice, I wiped the tears and pulled away. "Thanks for all of this" I said with a sad tone. Jake smiled,"of course dude, wanna eat these snacks and watch a few movies?" I smiled and nodded, we sat on opposite sides of the couch.

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