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Colbys POV:


I have been home for 4 hours and crying the whole time. "COLE ROBERT BROCK" my dad shouted throughout the apartment, I didn't get up but he called me again so I reluctantly stood up and fixed my hair. "What do y- Why the fuck is he here?!" I yelled seeing the olive toned asshole before me. "I could ask you the same thing, your boyfriend is here for you" My dad said harshly. "What do you want Brennen you broke up with me the first day I was gone." I asked him with a rude tone. "Don't talk to me like that you little slut!" He yelled and pulled me into my room locking the door.  "Your gonna let me do what ever I want or I'll lie and tell your parents that your with that blonde hick" Brennen said with anger in his eyes and voice. I tried to stop him.

Sam's POV:

I woke up and looked at the broken mirror on the ground, I fell asleep crying. I stared at my reflection it was uglier than usual, large eye bags, my eyes red from the crying, tear stained cheeks and lastly my face covered in scratches from my untrimmed nails. I went to curse under my breath  but no sound came out, the loud sobs made my voice quiet and raspy. Looking around the room broken mirrors, broken glass from small antiques and clothes thrown. I grabbed a bottle of water from the bedside but I went to grab my medications and they were spilled on the table. I sorted them for the next half hour, anxiety, ADHD, bi polar. My three medications all sorted. My mother and father couldn't financially take care of me due to me needing three expensive medications, and I don't do well around people. So, I was sent to my grandparent's farm. My parents visit around the holidays and my birthday, and to be fair I prefer my grandparents. "Sweetie? If your up your dinner is outside the door"My gran said and a plate was placed on the floor. I waited for her to leave and grabbed the plate. Mashed potatoes, chicken and mixed vegetables, I placed it down and began eating.

Colby's Pov:
(1 week later)

Brennen left after using me for the 20th time this week, I was in pain both mentally and physically. Sam hates me and Brennen is using me, which I can't tell anyone about.  I began sobbing.


I reached in my bedside drawer, and grabbed the razor. I made a few small cuts, but the quickly got deeper and longer. Tears and blood dripping onto my bed sheets. I continued the cuts and soon moved to my thighs, but just as I was going to make more I felt my body grow limp and I was taken into an abyss.


I woke up in the hospital, looking around I saw Sam and his grandma. "Colby?" Sam said with sadness in his voice. "H-hi baby" I said my voice dry, I reached for the water. But before I realized my arms were strapped down. I sighed and was soon pulled into Sam's warm embrace. I smiled lightly, "Oh your up!" The doctor said.

Sam hugged me goodbye and I walked into the mental hospital. I looked around and wanted to cry seeing all the other patients.

(5 months later)

I get released today, which is good because my birthday is tomorrow. "COLBY! Get your stuff and let's go" One of the workers yelled at me, I did as I was told. I walked outside seeing Sam, "Hey baby, let's get out of here I have something planned for you!" I gave him a kiss and he began driving. "I don't know if you got my card but Happy 16th bubs" I said as I rubbed my thumb on the back of his hand. "Thank you baby, I got the card" he said kissing my hand, I smiled and laid back. Sam and I talked about our time away from each other and fell asleep.

"Colbs, colbear... baby get up" Sam groaned trying to get me up. "Hm? How long was I out?" I asked as ruffled my hair.  "I don't know, like an hour or two?" The blonde said without certainty, "now get up sleepy we're here." I got out of the car and grabbed Sam's hand, we walked into a restaurant.

After dinner Sam sat me in the car and refused to say where we were going. "Ok, babes we have arrived" Sam said patting my leg, signaling me to get up. "Sam? Why are we at a trampoline park?" I asked him as we started to walk in. He bought us passes, "because we're gonna stay overnight with my friends!" We jumped for a little bit and soon found a hiding spot underneath the trampolines. "We'll introduce our selves later" One of the boys whispered.

"We will let you guys stay overnight just give us a shout out on your social media's" a worker told us. We nodded and did as he asked. "Hey! I'm Jake!" One of the boys said, "and I'm Corey! Sam's bestieeee" the other boy said. "Oh Colbs, I used to live in the city so that may explain why they are also 'city folk' Anyway what do y'all wanna do first?" Sam said wrapping in arm around my waist.

"That was fun, we gotta go. Nice meeting you Colby! Bye Sam!" Jake yelled as he and Corey got in a car. "You have fun baby?" Sam asked as he sat in the car, "yeah just tired" I replied with slight panting. "Well I'll get you home soon." We talked about our favorite activities of the night. "Tomorrow can be a chill day or we can do something" Sam said making a turn. "Hmmmmmm we can see in the morning" I told him with a large yawn. Sam continued driving down the long boring road.

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