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This is a good show, even if it is old. After third stage.

3rd pov

Takumi isn't used to being taken care of. Don't get him wrong, his father takes care of him, provides him food, shelter and everything he could need, but he's also never been an affectionate men and he tends to leave Takumi with medicine, several water bottles and a few blankets when he gets sick, not able to stand being near his son when he gets sick. The thing with Takumi is that he has a great immune system, so when he gets sick, he goes down hard.

The sickness couldn't have happened at a worse time, though honestly any time was not a good time, and never would be preferred in Takumi's opinion. It's after he's finished another race for Project D, winning with a combination of skill and timing, his impeccable driving sense helping him as it always does, when he first feels it. He's leaning against his 86, water bottle in hand and listening to Shuichi talking about something with his cars wheels, when he almost falls over, the world spinning in front of him and then righting itself pretty quickly, though he has to cut his action - he was falling from disorientation - into an aborted lurch action, putting more weight on his hands. 

Takumi is confused. He has always had signs before he gets sick and this is not a sign. This is his body telling him he's sick and he had better rest soon or he will collapse. Now that he's paying attention, he can feel the fever creeping up his body, heat flashing through him, while a pounding in his head starts to get more of his focus than Shuichi.  Another unfortunate affect of Takumi not being sick often, is that he gets odd side affects to go along with the sickness, and this one appears to have aimed for his joints, with the way they start to ache. 

Takumi sets a hand on Shuichi's shoulder and starts to look for Ryosuke,  knowing he has to inform his manager and get home soon before the sickness really sets in, though a part of him already says its too late. He knows it is too, when his world starts to swim a little more and his knees erupt into pain, with how often those joints are used and he almost crumples. 

Shuichi had been focusing on his report, talking to his driver as he usually does, when Takumi sets a hand on his shoulder. He stops for two reasons, one being that Takumi rarely ever touches other people, let alone as casually as this, and two he can feel the heat coming off the hand on his shoulder even through their clothes. He turns to his driver and sees half-lidded eyes, red cheeks, pale skin, and lines of pain near his mouth, then sets his eyes for Ryosuke.

Ryosuke looks up from where he is talking with Fumihiro and Keisuke, sensing eyes on him and a feeling in his gut. He locks eyes with Shuichi, the mechanic he assigned to Takumi, and he looks worried, using short hand motions to beckon him over. He hurries - or as much as he can, which is a fast walk - over to them, figuring out what's wrong within 5 feet of them. Takumi hadn't looked like this before the race, and something seems off about this. He seems to notice his approach, because his eyes get dimmer, a sign of trust from the calm stoic driver.

"What seems to be the trouble over here? Takumi, you didn't look this bad before the race. Did something happen?"

Takumi registers the voice and words, but it takes a few moments for him to understand what is being asked. He answers honestly, his filter gone just a bit because of the pain and sickness.

"I don't tend to get sick, but the times I do, I go down hard. I'll need someone else to drive the 86 back for me and drop me off as well. "

Ryosuke pauses, turning to Shuichi - who shrugs, though he's also supporting most of Takumi's weight and it's more a tilt of his head - before turning back to his teammate, feeling Keisuke and the other gathering behind him - forming a barrier between their ailing teammate and the people they just beat, just in case. Ryosuke settles a hand on Takumi's forehead, though it's not entirely necessarily, he can feel the heat coming from him within a few inches of his skin, obviously burning him up.

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