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3rd pov 

Everyone has wings. It was more rare to see a wingless person than it was to see one with wings, and honestly the wings are beautiful. Feather, leather, all different colors and textures, no two pair of wings ever quite the same, though they might appear the exact same, they are most certainly different. The most important thing is to remember wings are the most sensitive part of the human body, no matter gender, the wings are the most sensitive part. The most sensitive spot on the wings is the base where they connect to the back and the place where the feathers or leather connect to the wing.

The colors mean nothing, though they are beautiful. Ryosuke has silver wings lines with blue, while Keisuke has dark yellow ones spotted with red. Fumihiro has purple ones tipped with grey, while Shuichi has light brown ones stripped with white. Tomiguchi has lovely gray ones dappled with bronze and Kenta has lovely orange-brown wings zagged with green. Takumi has golden wings with white on the tips of his feathers. They all have seats to accommodate their wings, though Takumi also has no problem with binding his despite protests from his team. 

The feathers get everywhere, though never are wings allowed to be put out a window so the other person can't run the risk of injuring the other. The seats of every car are accommodated for wings, except for some of the older cars, like the 86 and such. Occasionally the team will go for a fly together, wanting to stretch their wings and be free, but the best thing is being able to fly freely with other people and trust them to not knock you out or target you. 

Takumi had initially not gone flying with them, choosing to fly on his own or with Itsuki if the younger boy had time to fly, since he had been bullied so badly that he had trauma. The bullies had liked to pull on his wings, yank feathers out and even tug on his wings so hard that the base would bleed slightly. He had been knocked out of the sky a lot too, so he has a hard time trusting people by him in the sky.

The Team had whittled him down, however - and he was curious, as well as lonely - and now he flies with them, spreading his wings out wide and free. The greatest thing is being able to spread your wings as wide as you can and fly. Takumi had never had that, always hiding his wings when he could. Shuichi and Tomiguchi had become skilled in picking feathers out of their drivers cars after every race, since they both shed quite a bit for some reason. It's not stress or anything, but they shed naturally. The others shed as well, but they don't do it quite as often as the aces.

Fumihiro grins as he watches Keisuke tweak Takumi's wing, which twitches and whacks him in the face. Keisuke's squeak reaches his ears even from across the way and he shares an amused grin with Ryosuke, who rolls his eyes and shakes a wing. Takumi and Keisuke start to bicker - or at least Takumi's equivalent of bicker - and the team watch in amusement, wings twitching and flicking. Their opponents watch in surprise and awe, as well as discomfort, as they all talk to each other with their wings, casually touching and brushing wings, something rarely done out in public.

Project D is full of affectionate people and none of them quite care for what's normal, so they have no fucks to give for touching wings or wing to wing. Project D happens to cream that team, putting down the race on their website, and almost immediately they get another challenge. It's not too far away and they would get there tomorrow, fix up the cars and everything, rest in a hotel and all, and then race that night. Ryosuke is suspicious, this request came in quickly and almost immediately, and while it's not worded as a threat, something in it feels off.

Keisuke feels it as well, but Takumi gets the worst feeling from it, recognizing it from the bullies and he wants for them to decline it. Fumihiro, Shuichi and Tomiguchi are all for whatever is decided, as long as no one gets hurt and everything goes well. None of them mind sleeping in a hotel or eating out, as long as it's shelter and sustenance, they don't care. The hotel doesn't cost much and tomorrow they're all free anyways, so they set up. They call anyone they need to so they're informed, and then they all fall asleep. It doesn't take any of them very long in order to sleep, since they've done this before.

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