Chapter 1

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"No way! You did not do that you dumbass!" Roman exclaimed as he playfully punched Remus' arm.

"I did too! Ask Janus!" Remus yelled, pointing at Janus.


"...Ask Virgil!" Remus said as he quickly redirected his finger towards Virgil.

"What-" Virgil looked up from his phone to the sudden attention directed to him, "Oh- yeah he- really did it," he looked back down at his phone to try and shake the gaze of everyone else around him.

"What did who do?" Patton chimed in as he skipped towards them with Logan, reading a book, not far behind.

"Remus tripped a teacher and spilled his coffee all over him 'cause he got a bad grade on his Spanish test." Virgil explained quickly, not looking up from his phone.

"Remus, I hope you realize that won't raise your grade," Logan said, not looking up from his book.

"I know! I just didn't like that teacher. He's a douche bag," Remus shrugged and started walking towards the school exit.

"Where are you going?" Janus asked.

"Home! I got suspended!" Remus replied, still walking away, as he waved and left.

After school, they were all walking to Roman and Remus' house. It was a fairly nice Friday, even Virgil had his hood off to let the light breeze flow through his faded purple hair.

"How trashed do you think the house is?" Roman suddenly asked, snapping the others out of the silence.

"Why would it be trashed?" Patton asked, slightly tilting his head, looking over to Roman.

"Re's been there for, like, four hours by himself." Roman replied plainly.

"True, but we should put some faith in him! He isn't that immature-"

"Think again," Janus interrupted.

Patton hesitated for a second before speaking up again, "I'll put enough faith in him for all of us!" This got an eye roll from Janus and Virgil at the same time.

When they got to the house, Janus walked in first and immediately spotted Remus on the couch playing with a lighter. "Where did you even get that??" He said as he went over and took it from his hand.

"I found it on the counter! I don't know where it came from. Last I checked, you guys don't smoke-... unless you do and I'm just stupid." Remus replied, smiling.

"No. None of us smoke, Remus. Did any of you guys, by any chance, leave a lighter on the counter?" Janus asked, turning to face the others as they all walked in the door. They all replied with various versions of 'no'.

"Well, since it's no one's lighter can I have it back? I kinda like it," said Remus.

"No. You're a pyromaniac and no one trusts you with any type of fire." Janus answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Please- I really like it I think I'm attached-"

"To a lighter?"

"Yeah- just- please-"

"Remus, you don't need it."

"Janus, I really like it! Come on- I won't set anything or anyone on fire!" Remus exclaimed, starting to get angry.

"You... don't... need... it."

"FINE-" Remus suddenly yelled and tackled him to the floor. Janus grunted and tried to push him off, but Remus pinned him down. He took the lighter and got off him then sighed heavily and sat back down on the couch.

Patton and Virgil went over and helped Janus off the floor quickly then helped dust him off, "I'm fine guys, I'm okay."

Roman looked at Remus and smacked the back of his head, making him grunt and look back. "The hell is wrong with you Re???"

"I tried to ask nicely! I wanted it back and he wouldn't give it back so I took it back myself!" Remus explained.

"You didn't have to do that, though." Roman sighed.

"Yeah yeah, I know." Remus directed his focus to the lighter and lit it. He zoned out into his thoughts and as his thoughts drifted through his mind, one thought kept coming up. "What if I could move the fire with my mind..." he muttered under his breath and focused on the flame. After a few seconds of trying, the flame waved a bit. Remus' eyes widened and he tried to make it move more to make sure it wasn't just his imagination or a breeze. When the flame grew and got brighter he jumped up from his seat and said "GUYS I JUST MOVED THIS FLAME WITH MY MIND."

Everyone looked at him and Logan chuckled a bit. "That's impossible, Remus."

"No! Watch!" He ignited the lighter again and tried to move it again, but nothing happened.

"See?" Logan questioned, "It was probably just a light breeze."

"No- but- it got bigger!"

"Then it was your imagination."

"I'm not crazy! I did it! I made the flame grow! I promise!" Remus frantically explained, but no one believed him. The more he tried to explain, the more the others worried for him. He got so frusterated that no one was listening to him. The fire in the fireplace started flicking more violently until Remus tightened his fist and stood up quickly to exclaim: "UGH!! JUST LISTEN TO ME!!" Suddenly the fire erupted and grew three times it's original size and shocked everyone, including Remus.

The flame went back down after and everyone was silent until Janus spoke up, "I believe him." With that, everyone nodded. Logan went to inspect the fireplace and Janus examined Remus, who was staring at the fireplace in amazement. "Are you okay, Remus?"

"Mhm. I just- I actually did it. I honestly started thinking I was crazy." He replied, still half focused on the fireplace. He then looked at Janus and smiled wide, "I FUCKING DID IT!!" He hugged Janus really tight and laughed. Janus hugged back with a light dusting of blush on his face. He was slightly confused, but happy Remus was happy.

"Yes- I saw that- you can let go now-" Janus spoke between grunts as he was being squeezed in a very tight hug.

Remus took the hint and let him go. Janus dropped a couple inches down to the floor as Remus was much taller than him. "Uh- anyway- I just moved fire with my brain and I need an explanation other than magic and glitter," as Remus said that, he glanced at Roman and Patton, who noticed and looked at each other then smiled. "So, nerd, whatcha got?" He continued, looking to Logan for answers.

Logan, who was previously looking at the fireplace, was now leaning on it. "I don't know. It was certainly abnormal. I would need to experiment to understand further as to what this is."

Remus thought for a second then said "I'm a supervillain!" Then Roman looked at him and said "No you secretly care too much to actually be a supervillain. If anything Logan's the supervillain."

Logan looked at Roman quickly and said "I couldn't be a supervillain. I don't have the fashion sense of such."

"Fair enough. You'd need more black, shiny, and an incredibly complicated outfit." Roman stated, obviously judging Logan's plain black shirt, blue jeans, and black tennis shoes.

"Oh, like your outfit is any better, Roman." Virgil suddenly spoke up, pointing to Roman's red, white, and gold swirling t-shirt, white skinny jeans, and white Vans.

Roman glared at him and spoke in a very salty tone, "What do you know about fashion emo?? You wear a black hoodie with purple plaid patches, accompanied by black, ripped, skinny jeans and black combat boots. You look like a vampire."

"Thank you. I like vampires." Virgil stated plainly. Roman just glared more, if that was even possible.

"So! Changing the subject back to what's important, Remus has magical powers!" Patton exclaimed, he was excited, but mostly worried for everyone's safety.

Remus slightly bounced on his heels "I have superpowers!!" He exclaimed joyously.

The others, however, shared a mixed expression of confusion and worry.

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