Fishcakes - Yedam

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Today was really exhausting, there were a lot of customers compared to the usual day we have at the cafe. I rest my head against the wall as I waited for my shift to end. My tummy grumbles. I hope the fish cake stall that I always go to is still open. I sighed as I remove my apron then fixed my things. I took my time-out then bid farewell to my co-workers. I started to walk along the pavement and think of what I should get on the stall. Hahaha sorry, I'm just really hungry. I haven't eaten anything since my shift started.

Five minutes later...

Yes, I'm so close to filling my tummy up! I was about to cross the street when I heard a beep. I turned around and saw a car coming my way, the driver's window went down. I look closely who it is. Ohhh, its Yedam!

"Hey (Y/N)! Are you going home?" He says upon seeing me.

"Hey Yedam! Yeah, I was just about to eat dinner before I go home." I point at the fishcake stall.

"Oh, perfect! I already bought some, I mean a lot hahaha! We could share."

"Really? That's nice of you."

"Don't mention it, come on in! Let's eat when we get home." He opens the door to the passenger's seat, I went in and seated comfortably.

"I bet you haven't eaten anything yet. Knowing you, of course you prepared before your shift except for the energy you need. Tsk tsk." He grins then looks at me.

"Of course, Mr. Know-it-all doesn't let that pass. I'll remember to eat before I go tomorrow."

He smiles and pats my head. "Good."

I felt my cheeks heat up a little. "Aish, just drive faster so we could eat already." I look to the window and push his hand away. I hear him chuckle and speed up to the road.

10 minutes later...

We arrived at the dorm and I hurriedly went inside. I threw my bag onto the sofa and plopped down. I just want this day to end. I rest my head on the armrest while my stomach grumbles.

I feel a hand caressing my hair. I look up and see Yedam smile.

He raises the bag with food and I nod. I stood up and fixed the foldable table in front of the sofa while Yedam takes out the food and placed them in a bowl.

I sat down and wait for him to finish. He smiles and hands me a pair of utensils before he sat beside me. I hand a spoonful of tteokbokki to him and he ate them while doing the same for me but with fishcakes.

"Mmmm, dis ish sho goood. Craving shastisfied!" I exclaimed while my mouth is full

"Hahaha, looks like it! You really love fishcakes do you?" Yedam says before he takes a spoonful for himself.

I blushed as I nodded happily and continued to eat.

"I guess I should buy fishcakes for you again some other time."

"Hmmm okay, then I'll buy you chicken on my payday."



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