Campus Tour - Asahi

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It was my first day at Truz Academy and as a new student, specifically an exchanged one, I am already lost. The school was quite huge and this map I'm holding isn't helping me that much or maybe I'm just really confused where to go.

There is no assembly scheduled so there were tons of students on the school grounds. A lot of them were walking in groups. Awww, that just made me miss my friends from my hometown. I wonder how it is going for them. I wish I could find someone, even just one to be my friend while I stay here.

I continued to walk around until I saw a black-haired guy sitting alone. He looks so charming. He's holding a pen and it seems like he was sketching something. Hmm, is he a new student like me? Should I approach him? Or maybe not, he's preoccupied with something.

I glanced at him for the last time and hastily looked away after a second because he looked up directly at me as if he knew I was staring at him for a long time. This is so embarrassing. I walk quickly in the other direction.

"Miss, wait!" the guy called out.

I stopped in my tracks and looked back seeing that he followed me. I smiled awkwardly and bowed.

"Hello, sorry for staring at you. It was rude to do that. I just thought you were a new student like me."

"Ahh, about that... it's okay." The guy smiled and a dimple showed. What did I just see?

"So you're a new student? I'm actually an old student. I'm just having alone time right now but my friends are at the open field playing some football."

"O-oh, that's nice, and yes. I'm really an exchange student from America."

"Well, I got free time now, would you want a campus tour?"

"Yes! Please! I've been lost since I entered the school and I'm really no good with directions and reading this map!" I exclaimed then I realized how embarrassing I looked and sounded. I blushed hard and covered my face with my hands while I heard him chuckle quietly.

"Okay, okay. So, shall we? I'll tour you first at the famous spots where you could stay during your free time."

I nodded happily. We start walking out of the garden and the campus tour starts.

After 1 hour....

"Well, that's the end of our tour today. Don't worry there's more time to explore the campus this week because actual classes will be starting by next week. By the way, you can call me Hikun. I really hoped you enjoyed walking around and being familiar with the places here."

"Oh yes, of course! I absolutely love what I've seen so far. By the way, I'm (Y/N). It's really nice to meet you. Thanks for keeping me company and giving me a campus tour."

"Don't mention it, I'm glad I could help."

"Asahi, we've been looking everywhere for you!" someone from the hall shouted.

Hikun turns around and there's a guy running our way.

"Yah! You said you'll be waiting for us in the garden, did you forget? We were about to eat lunch by the way." The guy said, he was the one who shouted and he called Hikun "Asahi". Huh?

"Oh right, I'll follow you guys to the cafeteria, and may you please get me a slice of pizza and a cola?"

"Fine, fine. I'll do that. You owe me one, okay?" the guy said then he catches up with a group of guys.

"So that was one of your friends?" I asked.

"Ah, yeah. Sorry about that." He rubs his nape as he looks away.

"No worries, it's okay. You should go as well, they're looking for you. I'll be okay! I think I should stay at the library for a while." I say and give him a genuine smile.

"You sure? Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning before the assembly (Y/N). I'll meet you at the entrance okay? Bye!" He smiles with his dimple showing again and waves goodbye.

I smile and bid farewell before walking towards the library. Well, that was nice for my first day, and Hikun seems like a good guy. I can't wait for tomorrow to roam around again. Oh, I should also ask him why the guy called him Asahi. Was that his nickname?


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