Special treat - Jeongwoo

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It's Friday and that means there's no classes today! Me and my bestfriend, Jeongwoo, are going to IKEA to check out some things for his recording studio. He asked me a few days ago if I could accompany him today because he knew that I don't have to go to school today. Well, there's nothing else to do anyways and I miss bonding with my bestest bestfriend in the entire world.

I woke up early and took a bath to keep myself fresh. Good thing I already prepared what I'm going to wear today so it doesn't consume time before I go to his house. I put on my white tank top pairing it with some ripped jeans and black boots. I curled my hair with an iron and put on some light makeup. I stand up in front of the mirror to check how I look. I smiled as I pose and took some mirror selfies. I look awesome today. I got my bag and checked my things before I went and drove to his house.

As soon as I arrived at his home, I rang the doorbell and his mom welcomed me. I gave her a hug and she smiles at me. " It's nice to see you (Y/N). You haven't been here so often but I can't blame you. I know school has been tough now that the semester is about to end."

"It is, Auntie, but don't worry break is just around the corner.I'll come to visit here often. You know how much I like helping Jeongwoo record his songs."

"Oh yes, you two work so well. I can't wait to hear some newly produced songs from my son." Mrs. Park smiles and pats my shoulder. "By the way dear, sorry for the trouble but the boy you're waiting for isn't awake yet. May you wake him up? I've been trying to for a few times this morning and he hasn't budged at all." She sighs.

Why am I not even surprised? Typical Jeongwoo, he even sleeps through some classes at school.

"It's okay, Auntie. I got this." I gave her a reassuring smile then I hastily went to Jeongwoo's room.

"Yah, Park Jeongwoo! Wake up! I'll never help you with your songs anymore if you don't get up this instant!" I scream loudly as I barged into his room, making sure his ears split. I may not have a tenor voice like but he does but he knows how loud I could get when things are up.

He seems startled by my voice because he ended up falling on the floor making me snicker. He went frantic as he picks up the pillow and blanket, laying it on his bed before kneeling in front of me with his hands pressed together.

"Noona, I'm awake! I'm sorry, please. I'll make it up to you, just don't leave me hanging. I can't produce good music without you." He starts to tear up.

"Well, if this was the only day you slept in, I might have let this slide but your friends told me that you were sleeping at some of your classes recently." I pursed my lips and pretended to ponder before I looked at him intently.

His eyes widens then he exhales a deep breath as he looks down at the floor, guilt expressed on his face. "I know I promised you I won't do that anymore and sometimes it slips my mind. I'll never do it again, I swear. If I do, then you could—"

I pulled his chin and made him look at me as I wiped his tears away with my thumb gently. "You know I won't but please do it for yourself, okay? I won't be here always to keep on reminding you that." I patted his head and gave him a smile.

It's my turn to get startled as he pulled me against him and hugged me tightly. I gently rubbed his back and after a while, his breathing calms down. 

He pulls away and scratches his neck. "So, (Y/N), wait for me okay? I'll be quick this time, I promise." He says then gets his towel and clothes before running to the bathroom. 

I shake my head as I leave his room and went down. I waited by the sofa while drinking coffee Mrs. Park offered me.

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