Basketball P.E. Class 1 - Mashi

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"Gosh, why is she on our team?"

"I know right, she's very clumsy."

"She's already near the ring and she still can't shoot the ball."

I hear as the other girls on my team gossip about me. Honestly, I'm not really an athletic person and I don't engage in a ton of physical activities. I'd rather be an audience by the bleachers and just watch people play.

"Yah (Y/N), don't just stand there! If you can't play right then just sit by the bleachers. You are no use to the team."

"Ummm okay, sorry, I'll just sit down." I bow my head and turn to leave.

"Good, no more useless person on this team"

As I was about to walk, one of the girls bumped into me so hard that made me loose my balance. I closed my eyes and waited for myself to hit the floor but then someone took a hold of me before I reached the floor.

"Hey, are you okay?" the person asked.

"Mashi-oppa, w-what are you doing here?" I hear one of the girls asked.

Mashi-oppa? I lift my head and see that it was Mashi who broke my fall.

"Ohhh yes, I'm okay. Thank you" I straightened myself and gave him a half-smile. He nods and smiles at me.

"Why did you have to push (Y/N)? She was about to walk to the bleachers." He exclaimed.

"Mashi, it's okay. Just let them be. I was just really clumsy so I got off-balanced and fell" I told him and took a hold of his arm.

"How dare you not call him oppa when he's older than you!" I flinched as she screams at me. I let go of Mashi as I took a step back but Mashi stopped me and held my hand.

"But Mashi-oppa, she was in the way. I just bumped into her but I didn't push her." she says trying to act innocent

"Even so, why did you do it? You could go the other way, there's so much space and besides, I saw everything with my own eyes! You even badly talked about her while she was there with all of you, trying her best to cooperate with your team. What did she do to all of you for you to treat her badly?"

"Mashi, let's go please. Let them be, I'm fine. P.E class is finished anyways." I tugged on his sleeves, wanting to get out of this scene. He looks at me and sighs before walking away.

The girls looked at me sharply and I just hung my head low as I followed Mashi on the way out of the gym.  

Time! To be continued ;)

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