Fanmeet Event 1 - Doyoung

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Two weeks before the event...

"Yah, (Y/N)!" My bff, Polly, shouts and it's just quarter to 7, the sun just started to rise. I stopped writing my schedule for this week and looked at her.

"Keep your voice down, it's early in the morning! What is it?" I scold her.

"Hmp! Okay okay, but don't you remember what's going to happen later?" she asked. I shaked my head and checked my timetable. There's nothing special today right?

"Aish, today is the day for us raffle winners. The company will randomly pick from the fans who won for a short meet and greet with one of the members for a few minutes! I hope I get Haruto! He's so handsome you know!" Polly says and you can see the excitement radiating from her.

"Ohhh, right." I forgot that it was today. Though it's quite ironic, I've been thinking about it non-stop for days, not because of excitement to be honest.

"Hey, you okay? You don't seem excited? Don't worry too much (Y/N), I hope you get Doyoung-oppa!" She says happily before fixing her stuff.

To be frank, I hope I get anyone besides him. You know why? I'll feel awkward in his presence and I bet other fans would be able to use the time with him better than I could. A little back story, we were schoolmates back then. I was a senior, he was a sophomore and we were on good terms. There's one thing that happened that's such a bummer. Before the day of my graduation and the day he was about to start training, somebody told him what I thought of him and how I feel.

Me liking him wasn't really a big deal and I really have no plans of telling him because of our future plans. He was going to be an artist, yes I had full confidence that he would be one. As for me, I'm currently a researcher in the field of medicine. Just imagine how we would work things out with our busy schedules. It's quite impossible in my eyes.

Later that day...

I was at the pantry eating some snacks then suddenly a ringtone came up. That's the sound for my email, it must be from YG Corp. I finished eating quickly and chugged down some water. I left the pantry and went to the rooftop, opening my email as I go.

***Meet & Greet with Treasure***

Good day, Ms. (Y/N)!

Once again we congratulate you on winning the raffle for our Meet and Greet with Treasure. Today is the day we've chosen who you'd be having a few minutes with but before we tell you, please breathe and calm yourself. After doing that, kindly click on the link below and it would send you to another site and a short video of the chosen member for you would pop up. All the details for the said event would be followed up by next week. That's all, we hope you have a great time on August 7, 2027!



YG Corporation

Oh my goodness! This is it. I clicked on the link and my heart was beating so fast. I'm so nervous, I closed my eyes as I waited for the video to load and play. Please, please. Not him.

"Hello, my dearest teume! How are you? It's Kim Doyoung here!"

Oh my goodness, its him. That's his voice. My heartbeat stops. I can't breathe, I open my eyes and his wonderful smile welcomes me.

"Yah, teume are you okay? Hahaha, breathe with me first okay? Inhale, slowly."

I followed him and tried to calm myself down. Fate, I know you're enjoying somewhere right now.

"Good, now exhale. There you go. Well, I hope to see you on the 7th of August. Will be having our time together, dress well okay? I'll be waiting for you! See you and take care! Bye bye!

He ends with an arrow heart aegyo before waving goodbye. Oh heart, we both know it's still him after so long.

Time! To be continued ;)

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