Chapter 5

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Alexander POV

While we were getting ready I thought.

I am going to have to stop after today, I can't do this forever. I want to, I love him, too much. It's going to be hard to leave him after I've slept with him. He tastes really good, wait, no, I can't think that.

John is standing by the bed, I wonder if I could...

No. I can't do that. Why does he have to look so damn hot?

I walk over so I'm in front of him and I look up so I can see his face. He's in his underwear and an unbuttoned shirt.

Why is he so irresistible!

He smiles down at me, his beautiful smile compliments his features. I did what I didn't want to do.

I jumped on him so he fell back on the bed.

I looked down at his pulchritudinous body, and pin his shoulders down.

"Um- whatcha doing Alexander?"




"Because you promised yourself only once. And if we do it again I think we both know that this won't stop."

"What if I don't want it to stop?"

"You know we have to."

"Why? We could just keep this a secret forever."

I wanted to tell him that I loved him but I know I cannot do that.

"It's too dangerous."

"So we'll be careful."

"No, we have wives and children. You would not do this if they were here."

"I wanted you before I even met Betsey."

"I know my dear boy" he put a hand on my face and stroked my cheek "but you know this is illegal and sinful".

"I don't think it is a sin to sleep with whom you wish."

"I know but society does."

"I don't care about society, they can mind their own business."

"We would be hung. You would not leave your children and wife alone."

His hand moves into my hair and he pulls my face down to his. We kiss. "I will miss your affections but this cannot continue."

I put my forehead to him "I apologize my dearest, Jack".

His hands go to my bare back and he rubs my shoulders.

I lay down on top of him. I feel him press a kiss to my hair, his hands go lower and he rubs my back in a comforting manner.

I fall asleep in his arms.

(We now entering dreamland)

It's the war, I am sitting at the table with Tilghman, Meade, Lafayette, and McHenry

I see Laurens standing in the doorway.

He has light surrounding him so he looks like an angel. More so than usual.

He says "may I borrow you, Hamilton?"

I get up and follow him outside. "Where are we going?"

"To our tent."


We arrive and walk into our tent.

"So Jack what are we doing here?"

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