Chapter 7

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*Chapter Heavily Edited

Fun Fact!!
Author-san likes to write songs, but she doesn't know how to use an instrument or a device to create the melody.

Wednesday finally came, Shiratorizawa was in absolute chaos, why?? What do you mean why?! Shoyo's walking down the hall as handsome as ever, not only that, he was accompanied by Tendo; the singing weirdo. They were on their way to the Principal's Office, which was a lot more trouble than expected. Many students were crowding the hall since it was free time and unsurprisingly was too dazed by Shoyo.

Shoyo wasn't really a uniform type person, so instead, he wore one of those black turtle-necked down to the lower hip shirt, and those simple type jeans. Although simple, he was rocking it. "My, my, who is this cutie?" Whispers erupted, girls would squeak like mice whenever Shoyo accidentally made eye contact – he didn't mind it, find it annoying even. He simply kept walking until he got bumped by someone running. "Oh, dear! My apologies!" The boy hurriedly apologized, as he quickly picked up the scattered materials he was once holding. "Fancy seeing you here Sekai-san." Shoyo chuckled, lending him his hand. The boy immediately looked up.

"Giri no ani?"

Shoyo smiled as he pulled the boy now known as; Sekai who had gratefully accepted his hand. "Are you hurt anywhere?" Shoyo asked as he helped on picking up the remaining fallen items. "I'm quite alright, thank you."

Sekai Viouchi, 18 years old. Known to have unnatural eye color of which looked almost parallel to sunset, and his wavy light blue – almost white – hair, somehow represents the sky. "Why are you here? In Shiratorizawa I mean?" Sekai asked confused. "Am I not allowed to be here?" Shoyo countered haughtily, a smirk placed upon his face. "You know that's not what I meant..." Sekai pouted. "Joking, joking." Shoyo laughed happily.

"I'm simply here to inform the principal about the upcoming Volleyball Camp practice, and take the advanced requirements."

"Eh- Let me guess you're going to tutor them yourself?"

Shoyo sighed but nodded in response. "Giri no ani, don't overwork yourself!" Sekai scolded, with a small pout. "Shoyo-chan? Why's he calling you 'brother-in-law?" Tendo asked, being clingy towards Shoyo, hugging him non-stop since the past few conversations. "He's my older step-brother's fiancée. Sekai Viouchi... speaking of fiancee, I can guess that he is picking you up today if the running and the being twitchy all over gives out." Shoyo chuckled, a playful smirk painting his face. Sekai was in a panic once he realized and remember the purpose of his running, knowing his fiancée for about 11 years (Sekai is 17- Shoyo is 18- Zhou is 20), he should've known better than to be late, man, was his fiancée scary!

As if on cue, spoken fiancée arrived, an irritated –not really directed towards Sekai, he was simply impatient- look on his handsome face. "You made me wait, love." He growled, huskily, the steps he take seems to have shaken the ground as he made his way toward Sekai who nervously smiled, ignorant that his own brother was there too. "Now, now dear, I have... y-you see..."

"Cut him some slack Zhou-zhou, why must you be so dominant?" Shoyo crossed his arms, teasingly smiling, while he tried and successfully got Tendo off him. The fiancee named; Zhou immediately looked behind him, his face held a mixture of confusion and stupidity, then quickly turned to embarrassment.


It seems the big brother and younger brother roles got switched. Zhou was embarrassed by the fact that Shoyo saw a weird side of him, he was in tinted pink, a hand covering his face, as he coughed his way out. Shoyo simply laughed. "Why so peach? I always knew you were this type of man." "Zip it, brother." Finally, after a few moments, Zhou gain back some composure, though still pink... he held himself high. "So, what brings you here brother?" Zhou questioned, while he signal his assistant to take Sekai's belongings.

"Long explanation... anyhow, here." Shoyo took Sekai by the shoulder, pushing him towards his older brother. "Sorry for taking some of your wife's time." Shoyo gave him a big toothy grin, Sekai on the other hand was the next victim of embarrassment. Zhou tensed, having a small coughing fit. "May I know who this is Kohai?" Tendo popped out of nowhere, head tilted as always, his voice laced with sing-sang. "Hmmm? Oh- Tendo, meet Zhou Hinata, my older step-brother. The one next in line on taking my father's business."

"Hmmm- never knew you have siblings."

"You don't know everything, darling."

Zhou is a tall man (unlike Shoyo) about the height of 6'1, his hair was similar to slightly burned metal, it started off from black-ish grey to white, his eyes were like those of oceans, very deep and shining with blue. "I suppose, I could pardon you. But only this time, got it!" Zhou glared, with no malice whatsoever, just some playful childish habits. Zhou may be Shoyo's older brother but when it comes to roles, Shoyo is the one who acts like the older one... Zhou does not mind it as well, in fact, he really likes, loves it, but he'll never admit that.

Even his own fiancée can't do the things that Shoyo can do to Zhou, which proves that their bond was really strong. Back in day, Sekai would have a hard time controlling Zhou not to buy him unnecessary items, no matter what he says or do, Zhou always resisted and insisted on buying him whatever. But Shoyo could immediately restrain Zhou simply by words. Zhou adores Shoyo, loves Shoyo, admires Shoyo, of which he tries really hard in whatever he does to get him to notice and praise him, almost as if Shoyo was the parent.

Actually, the one who got chosen to be the next in line of their father's family business was Shoyo, but he eventually decline the offer and gave the title to Zhou, knowing that it is what Zhou really wanted.

"Look at the time, pardon us Shoyo, we need to get going. Mom has been missing you lately, visit us often?" Zhou took Sekai by the hand, ready for departure, Shoyo smiled nodding. "Very well, all right." He watched as the couple left before sighing, slightly tired. "Tendo." "Hmmm?" Tendo answered. "Let's get going as well." He turned, on his way to the Principal Office, all the while Tendo catching up before clinging on Shoyo again, a wide smile of content on his face.




"Tendo... may I know why on god's name does the school thinks your dating one of the Hinata's?!" Yamagata screeched, a phone squished on Tendo's face, unstopping comments on a picture of him clinging onto Shoyo as they walked the hallways.

"Kohai?" Tendo sang confused.

"Wait- wait. That person three days ago was a Hinata?!" Shirabu yelled, a mixture of what to feel rushed onto him at once, how did Tendo manage to befriend a member of the Hinata household? They are like the big deal, owning 4 business buildings, one of the three mothers owns the most popular boutique store, the other owns the biggest library in Miyagi, Shoyo's mom was literally a veteran! And the patriarch is the third richest businessman in Miyagi.

Tendo was poorly being yelled at and questioned. He backed up trying to escape but miserably failed, until his savior arrived. "Tendo-kun, hello!" A sing-sang voice parallel to Tendo greeted with a low bow. She was shorter but has the exact same hair as Shoyo, she smiled happily. "lil' Natsu?" Tendo looked confused but eventually smiled. "Brother Shoyo told me to bring you this." She pulled out a small stack of paper, handing it over to Ushijima whom what Shoyo instructed that she would do. It was quite easy really since Shoyo provided her a picture of whom is the captain. "Pardon me, my name is Natsu! Ani told me to inform you that it is about the Camp Information, things to bring, and things that are already there at camp." She has a bouncy personality which literally is that she can't stop moving or pun intended bouncy. The smile never left her face, she waited if there were questions, none did, so she nod and bit farewell.

"Well done, I assume none has any question? If so, I'll excuse myself, I have to get in time for my tutor." She waved his hand and began to skip her way to the bus stop, humming gleefully.






"Gather yourself and go to your perspective bus, it may be a long ride but please be patient." Leaf instructed as he helped the many people who are loading there things and looking for the bus.

"Everyone's here? If so, the bus leaves in ten minutes." Shoyo informed.


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