Chapter 12

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Fun Fact! Author-san has eaten an octopus, frog, snake and shell before without him knowing for he was still young. Parents told Author-san when he was 12 which was a year ago.

The people left were only Zheng and Shoyo...Zheng was frightened since his combo are his brother and him so he couldn't do anything instead dodge and attack.

Shoyo grinned and vanished once more, without warning a small touch on Zheng's shoulder coyld be felt, Zheng quickly touch and their stood a normal smiling Shoyo holding a ball on hand.

"I win." Shoyo happily chirped.

"Gahh! No fair, we were suppose to tie today!!" Keechi groaned in annoyance while throwing a ball somewhere.

"Hehehe, can't be help when it comes to Brother Shoyo!" Kaichi who is a good sport at playing, happily complimented Shoyo.

Shoyo simply smiled again and gave a head pat to Keechi, who lean in at the touch.

The crowd of people who were watching was just plainly silent, whether it's Hinata's skills, the unconsiously showing of abs a while ago or just plain up both, but before anyone could talk again...the door to the court openly bang, revealing a panting girl who seem to just be running.

"No-re?" Keechi spoke and went towards her.

"Woah what's the rush No-re-re!"Kaichi patted her back as she continue to pant for breath, trying to gain back his composture.

"I...heard that...the second brother...of Hinata Household" She spoke between breath, then quickly straight up pump her fist as he look directly at Zhou, who quickly pointed at Shoyo.

Her gazed quickly went from Zhou to Shoyo and quickly run up to him, and started bumbling un-understandable words.

"Woah woah No-re-re, just so you know Brother Shoyo will get annoyed went he can't understand what a person is talking about." Kaichi said while patting her back once more.

No-re inhaled a large amount of oxygen and exhaled to calm himself down.

"Shoyo-senpai pls help us in this competition!" The petite girl put her hands together in a praying form and bowed down.

"And what competition is it exactly?"Zheng asked while putting on his vest.

"It's a singing competition and our lead singer is sick! Pls help us!" She bowed down again in tears this time.

"This is our last hope to save our club! If we don't win, we we'll lost the only thing that held our small family together!" She was in the verge of tears as she darted her eyes  everywhere.

Shoyo looked at her and smiled.

"I like you, you have passion...I'll help you then." The girl beamed and then came back to a sad state.

"I'm really sorry to push you out of the blue, but it's a original and the show is tonight, I don't think we can make it that far..." She stated while tears fall down from here face.

Shoyo looked at his siblings, who gave out a devilish grinned, making an aura surround the whole gym.

"That's Brother Shoyo, you are talking to, No-re! He can memorize anything in a glimpse. If you were here this morning, who would've saw him memorized all of the Volleyball players' names and faces by just looking at a piece of paper." Kaichi proudly bragged.

"Wait!? That's why he know our names at analyzation!!" Kuroo was in dead shocked, like even Kenma asked him what his name about 5 times before actually remembering it.

"But what-?" Kinoshita was genuinely confused while the others was in the same confusement.

"So COOL!!" (You know who this two people are.)

"Just give me the lyrics, I'll be their at 6:00 tonight.." Shoyo instructed, the girl nodded and off she went, sprinting.

"Can't wait for Brother Shoyo to sing again!!" Kaichi and Keechi said in unison.

"I guess me and Zhou can stay for a bit."Zhou nodded and spoke himself.

"Sekai is here too, so I won't need to worry about him being home alone."

"Brother stop! Your making me jealous of not having a lover myself." Keechi faked cried while gripping of Kaichi shoulder who tapped it in an sad acting way.


It was already night time and the band was readying the people who came to watch the show was flooding the ticket booth. Shoyo was in the backstage preparing himself, he haven't sang in a while as well and they didn't properly practice so he just got to follow the drums and guitars tunes.

"Are you sure about this No-re, he seem to have no passion in singing at all?" A boy near No-re whispered, but enough for Shoyo to here, while another boy who is much taller than both of the two nodded along the statement.

"His our only hope Shiou!" She head his head with her drum sticks which the biy rub in pain in respond.

And without a second wait the curtain open and the MC (Mic Controller) spoke the introduction.

Shoyo was in the middle while No-re the drummer was behind him and the boy who whispered was near Shoyo and the other which is the DJ was still beside the other side of Shoyo but a bit further.

And BADAMNBAM!!It started....


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