Chapter 9

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Fun Fact! Author-san is not lactus intolerant but still would throw up milk, if he is being force drank, if not, he would get dizzy and needs atleast 2 hours or more of sleep.

It was already dawn and Hinata wasn't back yet, everyone started to get worried, mostly the Mama Sugawara. After a while of more waiting, they finally decided to go look for them.

It took them a good 30 minutes to finally found the Tangerine, apparently he was on one of the study hall of Building #4. He was behind a very flustered...YAKU!. What is he doing here?

" need to eliminate 4x to both sides of the equation in order to get the correct answer after than, do the fraction next." Hinata seem to be teaching him some school work.

By what the two were positioning, they look like a married couple. Hinata the Top Husband, who is pinning Yaku the Bottom Wife who was sittingon one of the chairs, on the table, both hands on each side of Yaku's leaving him no space to get out.

Hinata who just continue on with his teaching, didn't mind the positin at all while Yaku's was questioning his sexuality by now, not paying much attention to Hinata's tips and suggestion on correcting his answers of linear equations.

"Yaku...Kuroo said you can go-" A fake blonde boy entered the room, only to get a visible shocked on his face. His face was a bit pink from the position the two were doing.

He also realised that some people who seem to wear the same clothing as the boy on top of Yaku were inside, along with other volleyball dressed people.

Hinata heard the noise and looked at the crowd of people in front of them. Hinata loosen his pinning stance and stood dully, with a not really caring look. Once Hinata proper his stance, Yaku quickly gathered up and shoved all the things in his bag, he took it and started to try walking.

Key Word? Try.

He couldn't walk his legs were numbed from the position they were on and a hint of embarrassment making his feet wobbly.

"Do I need to help you Morisuke-san?" Hinata said while helping him, not lossen his standong position. His hands were on Yaku's chest while the other were on his back.

This cause Yaku to get flustered even more, his sexuality has been answered...His gay now. His face heated up so hard that it was the same tone of red of Tendo's hair  and without a second passed, he started having a nose bleed.

"Boke- Since when did you guys get into first name basis?" Kageyama asked, still in utter shocked and jealousy.

"Since today...I was just walking by some rooms to see what people were doing and saw Morisuke-san, all alone and struggling to answer something."Hinata explained while putting Yaku down on the chair and gave him his hankerchief.

"So you let him call you by his your first name, at the day you first met." Kenma asked.

Yaku just nodded in a dazed.

Kenma was in silence before he went out without a word.

The Kwajun team was silent, Shiratorizawa too...No one knew what to say and what to do.  Some were jealous *Cough Cough* All of them *Cough Cough* while some were...turning to yanderes.

"You should go and do what you want...I'm staying with Morisuke-san. We still have some unfinished business to finish." Hinata suggested, not really paying attention on what his saying, cause BOI! Does it sound gay.

"Uhhhh...sure guys let's leave!" Tanaka quickly answered, pushing all the people out of the door.

"Shall we continue Morisuke-san??" Hinata smiled, looking at Yaku. Yaku stared at the happy face of Hinata, he wanted to keep it so much and I bet his the only one who saw this face of his and it's gonna be that way.

Yaku nodded in approval.

Love in first sight. Yaku thought to himself, he never really felt for anyone like this before, except for that one girl in Grade School but this has a more lovey feeling.

"Morisuke-san, Morisuke-san~ You dazing off for the second time again." Hinata spoke while waving his hands, up and down, in front of their face.

"Uhhh-Ahh-I'm sorry!" Yaku flusteredly respond. Hinata just started laughing.

"Your cute, Morisuke-san..." Hinata spoke once more before he continued laughing.

Yaku was so flustered again, his stomach were having butterflies, his mind were all on Hinata and his lips were having urges to get it on his.

This feeling only comes once in a lifetime were the one and the only finally came in and introduce themselves.

"Let's continue shall we? And no more dozing off again." Hinata suggested and Yaku just nodded for the fifth time.

"Woah, who is that? His cute..." A boy from Nekoma asked while staring simp daggers at the Tangerine.

"I believe, his probably a new player of the Crows..." Kenma answered.

"The crows?? Why is he doing with our enemy..." Kuroo got furious.

"But look...he isn't that bad, his also helping poor Yaku in his school work." Yamamoto happily smiled.

"Oh and by the way, they just met today and  Yaku immediately let him call that boy by his first name." Kenma pointed out.

"WHAT?!" The whole group shouted to Kenma, making the person inside the room hear.

Without any more time wasted, the door opened to the Tangerine, who wasn't in his happy state, a few seconds ago.

He was just back to his emo one.

"Are Morisuke's teammate?" Hinata asked, looking a bit curious, making his face cute at some point.

"Yes we are, we were gonna get him but seems like his busy." Kuroo sheepishly answered, completely uncomfortable off the weird aura around the boy. Aura of Untrusted people.

Yaku then put his hands on Hinata's shoulder, his bag on his shoulder with all the work they've done inside. He smile at him and spoke.

"I'm fine now...I think I got the basics already." Yaku stepped out of the room and onto his team.

"Bye Shoyo!" Yaku beamed a bit before following his teammates to their hut house.

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