Chapter 13

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Fun Fact! Author-san is both a masochist and a sadist, he is atheist aswell, without his parents knowing for he is afraid to get scoulded.

Pls bear with how this is going to be since I'm not reallly good at writing a detailed song chapter, the song that will be use is up above entitled;Ghost by Confetti...

And I will also not forget that the song ain't mine, it belong to their owners and credit to them.


No-re started the first tune which are a the banging of her drums...

The three behind Shoyo sang.

La la la la, la la la la, la la, lala~

And that's his qeiu.

Look I don't wanna fight you.
You got to know that I'm in it-
When I said that "I like you"

Hinata looked at the crowd and interlock eyes with Kageyama, perfectly timing the ' I like you' in the lyrics before he smirked and-

Or maybe just the idea...
I bought it, don't want it, now return this sh*t like IKEA.

Hinata notice the team who was behind Kageyama and looked at them directly.

Apologize? I'm not a mind-reader...
I need attention so I tried to be a crowd pleaser.
It was easy-Till it got a little deeper,
Now I don't know how to deal with you so Im'ma dissapear~

He wink at them and boi did they turn red, Kaichi in the back just snickered quietly while Zhou who was holding Sekai gaving a thumbs up towards Shoyo.

I'm a Ghost!
Now you see me, now you don't...

Shoyo did a tiktok face moved. He slid his hands on his face and gave out a tongue, revealing a piercing in it,(bruh I don't need to tell you what the other people feels anymore...-_-)

I'm a Ghost!
Everytime you hit the phone.

He looked at Tendo then back to the entire crowd who just melted by seeing how hot a boy can be, both his face and voice if you asked them.

I'm a Ghost!

His temporary band then did the back up vocals while Shiou was enjoying his bass guitar (Sorry Davie204 I don't know how to describe...TnT^)

La la la la, la la la la, la la, la la.

Shoyo: Now you see me now you don't~

La la la la, la la la la, la la, la la.

I know it's inconvenient, to change your background but let's back down.
So you can see this is a problem,
I don't wanna put myself in front of
That's why I block cause I'm not the guy you should rely on.

Shoyo pointed at Sugawara and smirked before waving his hands back and forth like it was nothing.

Or spy on, creep on, I dont know...
You just ain't that type of h*e.

The 4 different teams were in tensifying shocked. They might see Hinata as scary but they didn't know he could actually speak such 💫 professional 💫 words!

If I don't holler? Let me go!
I should've said it but I didn't and I won't~

I'm a Ghost!
Now you see me now you don't

I'm a Ghost!
Everytime you hit the phone-

I'm a Ghost

BV (Background Vocals): la la la la, la la la la, la la, la la

Now you see me now you don't

BV: la la la la, la la la la, la la, la la

Hinata then looked at Iwaizumi who quickly darted his eyes away.

I know you hate me, hate me, hate me, hate me.
Cause I've been shady, shady, shady~
I don't get reception, missed your call
But best believe, I got the message...

Why don't you just leave me alone
I think it lasted way too long
I thought that you would know-
But since you don't~

I'm a Ghost!
Now you see me now you don't!
I'm a Ghost!
Everytime you hit the phone-

I'm a Ghost!

The song ended with a loud enough beep, Shoyo put the mic up in the air whiel the crowd went wild.

Shoyo put his hand down and run a hand on his hair, making the crowd even wilder.

Hinata went off the stage and into the back where he would change out of the uncomfortable clothes. Not to long after, the mini concert was over.

Poor ticket guy, his suffering from the people who refunded their V.I.P ticket to a new one which was Hinata's and BOI- their sure are plenty of them.

But that doesn't matter to the 4 Volleyball teams since they already got the V.I.P ticket before hand. They immediately walked into the room where Hinata will be...Tendo jumped immediately once he saw Hinata.

"Kohai!! You were awesome!!" Tendo screamed while giving Hinata a death hug and a head pat which he didn't actually mind.

"Your so CoOL Hinata-san!" Nishinoya pumped his fist up the air, starry sparks cab be seen in his eyes.

"That's Brother Shoyo to you!"The four sibling came in, Kaichi gave a toothy grin as he bragged about having Brother Shoyo as a sibling is absolutely great.

"That was a great performance Brother Shoyo...but we should go back to home, Sekai is getting sleepy and Keechi is out of energy as well." Zhou explained while holding Sekai in the shoulders in front of him to sypport him from falling down.

"Sure, sure Big Bro, you can go now since it's already finish..."Hinata gave a smile and a waved one last time before his siblings went of home and they shoyld probably do so too since they got another practice match tomorrow.

"Thank you so much for helping us Hinata-senpai!" No-re quickly bowed along with the other two behind him as he gave gratitude to what Hinata did.

Hinata smiled in respond and asked for a leave since he wanted to get some sleep. Kiyoko suggested she would make tonight's dinner since Hinata is to drain to do so and she did. Kwajun and Shiratorizawa came back at the hut house once they were done eating and cleaning up, only to find a peculiar sight which made them both Jealous and cute.

Tendo and Hinata snuggled in one huge grey sleeping.


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