Chapter 10

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Fun Fact! Author-san can draw, but he needs a copy to actually draw, cause Author-san cannot use his imagination, believe me, I tried (cannot count how many times anymore) and I failed.

'The Meeting of the Hinata Household...'


It was already Monday, the day Shiratorizawa and Kwajun Volleyball players are gonna fight.

Everyone was woken up by the Tangerine one by one. He may be a bit scary to look at and the aura he was surrounded in but man is he gentle. (No bad stuff people...)
He simply slowly nudge them to wake up, he didn't even lost his cool on waking up the Demon Sleeper; Tanaka, instead he went on the others first, making him the last to wake up.

Eveyone was just watching Hinata, wake up Tanaka while changing to their team clothing.

This was a bit weird for the Crows cause waking up at some camps would do a lot of yelling, mostly towards Tanaka, but Hinata? His the definition of Cool.

After a while Tanaka, finally woke up surprisingly...since Tanaka never wake up unless it is the banging of the pans from Sugawara.

"Morning Sleeping Monster-" Hinata smiled before getting up and headed towards the door.

"Hurry up and change I made Katsudon, Omelet rice, Fried Seasoned Fish, Eggs, Dumpling, Macarons and Fruit Salad for dessert and Some Pink Lemonade. I hope you like them..." And with that he went outside.

The two teams were in a hurry at readying everything, cause they literally want some of Hinata's cooking, even Kiyoko and Yachi were hurry for the Macarons. Ittetsu and Couch Ukai for the Fruit Salad as well.

"What are you doing here ummm?" Fukanaga asked.

"Shoyo Hinata, that's my name call me whatever you like." Hinata stated while carelessly waving his hand back and forth.

"Ummm Hinata what are you doing here?" Fukanaga as utterly confused.

"Can you take me to everyone, I have a bit of surprise." Hinata gave him a small smile which tense up Fukanaga a bit, before he reluctantly nodded and started to walk, Hinata following behind him.

"Shoyo what are you doing here? Morisuke asked.

"If I'm correct, you still haven't have nor make breakfast yet, right?" Hinata questioningly smiled towards Nekoma befor ethey hesitantly nodded.

"Great. Good thing I made food for all of us, come on..."Hinata started walking away, leaving Nekoma in a shocking state.

They didn't even new the guy, well...except for Morisuke and decided to make food for us. Everyone was having some fake anime tears before running off to follow the Tangerine.

"What are they doing here??" Tanaka scowled at them.

"Do you want them to die of hunger Tanaka??" Hinata aura of devilness came back, making everyone gulped in fear.

"N-no.." Tanaka cried.

Hinata went out first again, everyone already finished eating yet Hinata was nowhere to be found again. Knowing that he already knew this place, they weren't too worried now unlike before.

They put and cleaned the plate away and walked to the Gym only to find, Date Tech Volleyball Players and seems like a Family...wait...HINATA??

Everyone went inside to be meet by some people fangirling over one and only Oikawa. But some were on the other side of the court as well to the group of Family Member were Hinata was also their.

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