Chapter 25

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"Thank you all for taking the time out of your day today." Jackson stood tall and mighty outside the two towering buildings as he addressed the large crowd of at least two hundred employees.
"I'd like to first talk about some issues that arose the other evening at what should've been a pleasant night of celebrations. Instead, people were fired and the one most precious to me left in tears! She was disrespected as was I and therefore, I was not happy!" Belle could see Jackson's jaw stiffen and clench as he spoke holding back his aggression.
"In regards to the RUMORS spread by Veronica Swigg, as well as the rude and insensitive remarks said by three other women, they have ALL been terminated! And let this be my one and only warning to all of you!" Jackson pointed a stern finger with the rise of his voice to a tone of dominance and authority. "If I hear any of you speaking negatively about my wife or our marriage, you will be next!" Belle lowered her face to the ground with the harshness of his words but she knew it needed to be done out of respect to her and her husband.
"I hope I've made myself clear!" His voice echoed through the crowd of silence.
"Now, moving onto the announcement that was meant to be presented to you at the gala," Jack extended his hand out to Belle who stood off to the side amongst the crowd. "Belle, please join me up here." Belle met his hand as she joined him in front of the crowd and Jackson turned to her, addressing her more than his audience.
"It is because of you, my beautiful Rose, you brought magic back to my life and have changed the man in me." He brought her hand to his lips for a kiss.
"When a marriage gets pounded by turbulent seas, it can either chose to give in to the waves and be lost forever or it can fight to stay above water and survive. Let ours be a force that can't be reckoned with." Her eyes met his with a smile and a twinkle of endearment and love as her stomach bubbled with warmth and affection.
"And so," he brought his attention back to the audience still holding onto her hand.
"My wife and I are proud to present to you and to the youth and future of our city, the Merryweather Mason School for Children! All Mason Enterprise employees will be granted first enrollment and your children's education will be right in the same building as your office and also paid in full by me. Run by none other than my amazing wife!"

Gasps and applause erupted through the crowd with cheers from women with excited faces. The rest of the hour was filled with Belle and Jack being torn from each other by the hugs and gracious thank yous of all the employees until he grabbed her hand and swept her away for a moment of privacy and to be able to breathe. He led her up the elevator and to his office and shut the door behind them.
"Back to where it all started," Belle said walking in with a smirk remembering too clearly their first encounter when she walked in on him.
"That's all changed now," he scooped her in his arms and sat her down on his desk.
"Plus, if I recall correctly you were very adamant that day that I would be the last man in the world you would ever marry!" he spoke against the sensitive skin of her neck.
"Are you sure I said that?" she let out with a moan.
"Mmhmm. What are your thoughts on the matter now?" he asked moving his mouth down to the buttons of her blouse as his hand rode up her skirt.
"I very much like being your wife now, Mr. Mason."
Her voice was etched as her heavy head fell back and he took it as an opportunity to ravish her exposed neck and busy his fingers unbuttoning her shirt.
"And I'm all yours, Mrs. Mason." His tongue dipped underneath her bra and Belle let out a moanful cry.
"Jack! We can't do this here!"
"I can't wait any longer to taste you again!" He pried himself off her breasts and lowered his head between her thighs.
"Obviously someone could walk in!" She whacked him on the back of his head before forcing his head back up.
"Please don't make me wait!" he said between kissing her lips heavily trying to stir her to give in.
"And what would happen to your good plans for the company if your employee walked in on you and the teacher of their children, hmm?"
"Ugh! Fine! Why are the wives always right," he rested his head against her unbuttoned chest as his head bobbed up and down from her own heavy panting and he tried to subdue the throbbing beast protruding against his pants.

Just then, the door quickly rattled open and in waltzed Marcel. Belle immediately drew her blouse closed and turned her body away as she felt embarrassed.
"Don't worry, it's not the first time I've walked in on Jackson with a woman, I knew it wouldn't be the last either. You can change the image but can't change the beast inside."
"Why are you filling her head with such unpleasant words? Have you not just heard what I said about disrespecting Belle?" Jackson spat as he hovered in front of Belle's body while she quickly buttoned herself up.
"I heard everything you said, which is why I'm here to speak to you!" He stood prominently with his arms folded over his chest.
"Belle, if you wouldn't mind letting us talk some business."
"She can stay if she'd like!" Jackson huffed.
"It's ok, Jack. I'm feeling rather exposed right now anyways," she whispered still holding her closed blouse.
"I'm sorry," he kissed her forehead.
"Don't be. We'll continue where we left off at home."
"I definitely won't be late tonight!" He pecked her lips with a kiss and watched her make her way to the door.
"Pleasure seeing you, Belle," Marcel said with a snarl and a sly grin that made her stomach twist.

He kept on his fake smile until he watched her shut Jackson's office door behind her. When he turned back to face Jackson, an expression of rage came over his face.
"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?" Marcel shouted with spit escaping his mouth.
"I'm getting more invested in this company! That's what I'm doing! You've wanted me to represent a good Mason name and what's better than funding a high-quality education for our staff and our city?"
"It's going to a good cause and we have enough of it to give! I think my parents would be proud!"
"PROUD?" Marcel roared a huff of laughter that struck a cord in Jackson.
"You are NOT the one in charge here, Marcel! If you don't like the way I run things then I suggest you do something, such as LEAVE!"
"HOW DARE YOU, BOY! I have done everything for this company! I have been the BACKBONE here since your father died!"
"Backbone, Marcel! NOT the head! And you will never be the head! Now I think this conversation is done!" Jackson sternly walked over to the door and swung it open for his uncle to leave. Marcel scowled as he straightened his posture and pulled on his fancy suit to smooth it out before gracefully walking towards the door.
Just as Jackson started to close it, Marcel stopped the door from closing with his fancy Italian Oxford leather shoe.
"That woman has done nothing but make you soft! Just wait until you come running to me to pick up the pieces once she's gone!" And with his piercing words, he stepped away letting the door close.

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