Chapter 32

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"Jackson, I hope you don't mind that I have called the companies shareholders and board of trustees here today for our meeting to discuss the change of ownership." Marcel sat leaned back proudly as Jackson entered the conference room seeing everyone gathered around the long table.
"No, not at all. I think it's pretty convenient actually." Jack said hiding a smirk knowing Marcel had just bit himself in his own ass.
"Jackson, is it true you're stepped down from owner of the company?" One man asked and before Jackson could open his mouth to answer, Marcel spoke for him.
"Yes, it is. He's decided it is what's best for the company."
"Your father would've wanted you to carry on the name for the Mason Empire. He had such high hopes for you, son."
"Thank you, Philip. That means a great deal to me." Jackson said patting his back as he held a powerful stance leaning over the conference table choosing not to take a seat.
"Well Philip," Marcel spoke with a wicked snarl, "I don't think my brother would've minded seeing me as the new owner. I am family and a Mason as well."
The room fell silent and the Phillip lowered his head feeling the wrath of Marcel.
"Let's get down to business shall we, I've brought you all here as witness to Jackson's decision to step down. I've gone ahead and drafted up the new documents stating I will be in charge from here on out. Jackson, would you come here and sign them please."
"Well, actually I wanted to discuss with everyone first where we stand on the companies finances. You're all aware of the seventy million dollars that has been unaccounted for." Jackson addressed the room still holding his powerhouse stance.
"Yes, have you gotten to the bottom of that yet?" They all honed in closely to the topic at hand and Marcel cleared his throat stepping over Jackson once again. "Yes, we have. It has come to light recently that our companies long-time accountant had been funneling money into his personal accounts." The crowded room of businessmen gasped in shock but Jackson and Marcel silently glared at each other from across the room.
"Is this true? Why hasn't this been brought up by the media?" they questioned.
"Because Marcel wanted to draw attention away from it," Jackson said taking his lean off the table and moving about the room.
"Tell me, Marcel, how did you first notice the money was gone? You and I both know we are too busy to look at the accounts ourselves, hence why we have an accountant. And he wouldn't have made you aware if he was the one stealing, now would he?" Jackson halted his movements folding his arms over his chest. The whole boardroom turned their heads to Marcel in anticipation awaiting his response.
"W-well, I-I-" he choked on his words not expecting to be outed.
"Do you not remember? I mean it did happen more than six months ago. So I thought I'd bring in the source himself." Jackson moved to the conference room door and opened it, revealing Belle securely linked to her nervous father's arm.

Julien was terrified and shaking in Belle's hands as she helped move in feet into the conference room. He didn't want to be present but Jackson and Belle both thought it best Julien be there to clear his own name.
"This, gentlemen, is Julien Le Fleur. Mason Enterprises' accountant for nearly fifteen years. Trusted by my father and now trusted by me." Jackson announced before turning to Julien with a warm smile and putting a comforting hand on his shoulders.
"What is this, Jackson!" Marcel spat with anger in his eyes.
"This is the proof, uncle, that the person who has been stealing from the company is none other than you!" The room gasped in outrage and Marcel finally rose from his seat at the head of the table.
"That's preposterous!"
"Is it?" Jackson stayed calm as he went back to the table of files in front of him. "Because it seems to me you fired Mr. Le Fleur for alerting you about the discrepancies in the accounts before he could find the trail leading back to you!"
"That isn't proof!" he shouted and Jackson smiled letting out a chuckle.
"That's what I thought you'd say."
Jackson handed out some of the highlighted accounts he copied as evidence to each member in the conference room.
"For every purchased account this company brought in since my father's passing, you went back in and changed the amount of the sale. Recently Mr. Claremont's deal for five million, you changed to eleven. André Baudelaire's sale for three and a half, you changed to nine million; funneling the extra money into multiple offshore accounts so that it would be hard to trace!"
Jackson turned to Julien who was cowering in the corner with Belle. "Luckily we have a brilliant mind who you couldn't sneak anything past!"
"Marcel! You snake! How could you do this! This company was your brother's legacy!"
Marcel's eyes grew wide with such anger and refused to answer to a home.
"You always had a way with your words, uncle. Always putting me down, making me think I couldn't carry on my father's legacy..."
"Jackson! You are stepping on some dangerous ground here, young man." Marcel pointed an enraged finger at Jackson.
"You were the problem, all along, and my father would ashamed of what you have done. Your time here is over and as far as I'm concerned, you are no longer considered a Mason." Jackson spoke calmly but dominantly fierce as he opened the door to two security guards there to escort Marcel off the premises.
"YOU THINK THIS COMPANY CAN SURVIVE A SECOND WITHOUT ME, THINK AGAIN! YOU'RE MAKING A BIG MISTAKE JACKSON! YOU JUST WAIT AND SEE!" Marcel shouted like a raging lunatic fighting the grasps of the guards as they hauled his fancy-suited body out the door.

The group of businessmen all took their time to shake Jackson's hand as well as Julien and Belle's. They were all happy to see Jackson continuing the reign of the company and praised him for his professionalism despite the awful family matters that arose. Stating that his father would be proud of how he's handled the company, as well as the new changes and addition of Merryweather Mason school.

After they departed Jackson found himself in and between his office as well as Marcel's going through paperwork and files as he cleared out Marcel's office. He came across the file for their contract of marriage and with it the forged copies of documents. One where he believed Belle had signed and he didn't and the other with Jackson's forged signature along with Belle's.
"Hey, are you almost done in here?" Belle knocked on Marcel's office door finding Jackson in there behind the desk. He lifted his head from the documents and Belle noticed the sorrowful look in his eyes.
"Jack, what's wrong?" she made her way in from the doorway to his side to comfort him.
"I wanted to find the contract to prove to you I didn't sign it." He handed her the document with her forged signature and his empty line.
"You didn't need to show me or prove anything. I believe you, Jack." She noticed the other document in the pile of files he held in his hand and on the top was the one she actually signed.
"I was an absolute wreck that day," grazing her fingers over the now dried tear-stained scribbled signature next to Jackson's forged one, her memories of that day came flooding back.
"I thought something happened to you, Jack. There was no other reasoning in my mind for you not coming home or answering your phone...until Marcel said all those things."
Jackson grabbed the documents and placed them down on the desk to wrap Belle fully in his arms, squeezing her so tightly her breasts pressed against his chest.
"I'm sorry, Belle. I hate Marcel so much for putting you through all this! For splitting us up! I never want anyone or anything to separate us again! I can't take it! I can't take losing you!" He nuzzled his face in Belle's neck and squeezed her even tighter; this time something sharp poked at her bosom and she was reminded what she was wearing.

Belle pulled herself out of his arms and removed the brooch from her dress.
"This was my mother's. Given to her by my father to resemble our name, Le Fleur. He told me she'd always say, "Love will protect us. And that nothing can break the bond of true love." She grabbed Jackson's overcoat and helped guide his arms in each sleeve, pulling it over his shoulders until he wore it.
"Together our love is a force not to be reckoned with remember? Nothing can tear us apart now." She pierced it through the fabric right over his heart and raised herself to her tippy toes to kiss him.
"I love you." Jackson kissed her back deeper taking her in his arms again just as her knees grew weak.
"I love you too. Now, please take me home, Mr. Mason. It's getting late and I don't want to miss dessert."

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