Chapter 27

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It had been two days of waking up to the addictive scent of Jackson left behind on the pillows of the bed they share. Every day through the time difference and miles apart, Jack still had a way of making butterflies form in her stomach, goosebumps rise on her skin, and a smile to linger on her face just thinking about him. It didn't matter what time zone he was in, he made sure to send a message at the exact moment she would wake up and go to sleep.
"I picked a rose today thinking of you. But it didn't look or smell half as sweet."

It was the third and final day Jackson was to spend in Paris, but this morning Belle was left empty with no message from him. She carried on with her day heading into work at Mason Enterprises at least having her heavy heart be filled with the youthful affections of the children. By lunchtime, she still hadn't heard anything and she was starting to worry. She reluctantly took the elevator up to the top floor of the neighboring tower, knocking on Marcel's door.
"Oh hello, Belle. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I haven't heard from Jack yet today and that's not like him. I hope nothing is wrong. Have you heard from him?"
"Jack?" He questioned her name for him as he pondered her statement for a moment. "Well, yes. I heard from Jackson this morning. He's working with the construction crew on the new resort. In fact, I just received this message from him a little while ago." Marcel stood over his desk and pressed the button on his phone receiver and he and Belle listened to the message play on the speaker.
"I need that contract faxed over to me ASAP! And tell my assistant to contact the jeweler. I left everything she needs with a note on my desk. I want it taken care of by the time I come home."
"Oh," Belle swallowed down the lump in her throat. "Well, he must be busy then being it his last day there."
"Do you know anything regarding his business with the jeweler?"
"Oh, well...perhaps you'll hear from him tonight." Marcel shrugged.
Belle nodded with a lick of skepticism. "Thank you, sorry to bother you."
Belle was about the open Marcel's office door when it opened for her and in walked the all too familiar black stiletto, flaming red pencil skirt wearing vixen.
"What are YOU doing here?" Belle scoffed at Veronica's presence.
"I work here."
"No, you don't. You were fired!" Belle turned back to Marcel with a scowl on her face.
"Miss Veronica Swigg was one of my best personal assistants so I saw to it that she was rehired. Jackson approved my request. I'm surprised he didn't mention it to you." Marcel stood there with a sly grin seeing Belle begin to question Jackson's truthfulness.
"You have a little something in your hair," Veronica said with a chuckle as she looked down on Belle. Belle fumbled her hands through her hair embarrassingly until she felt a dried chunk of Elmer's glue and glitter knotted in her messy vine.
"Anyways, I must be getting back to work. Miss Swigg, do you have the documents I requested?" Marcel said.
"Yes, sir. Right here," Veronica strutted her curvaceous and big tits body over to his desk as Belle watched with loathing her blonde hair bouncing. She finally peeled her hateful eyes away and closed the door. Meeting the portrait of an emotionless and beastly-looking Jackson hanging in the hallway, she felt the lump of fear, heartbreak, and doubt begin to grow in her throat.

She tossed and turned in bed that night. Having retired earlier than usual not able to focus on anything else but her racing mind. She still hadn't heard from Jack and every time she tried to call it went straight to his voicemail. She didn't want to unleash her anger and accusations over the phone so she kept everything to herself. But this wasn't like him to just disappear in radio silence.
After a night of no sleep, Jackson had never made it home. Worry and panic set in above all her doubts and she believed Jack would have reasonable truthful explanations about everything. With everything they've been through, everything he's said to her, she gave him the benefit of the doubt. He wouldn't hurt her, he had proved his devotion and loyalty towards her and they left each other on such a positive note with the future of having children together.


This time, she marched her feet back into Marcel's office, not even bothering to knock as she barged her way in and found him sitting at his desk reading through documents.
"I don't believe you!" She accused.
"I-I beg your pardon?"
"I don't believe you! Jack never came home! I haven't heard from him! And I think you're trying to put speculation in my mind! I know Jack better than anyone and I won't believe you! Where is he?"
"Is that so," he casually leaned back in his leather tufted chair. "Take a seat, Miss Le Fleur," he pointed to an open chair opposite his desk.
"You can address me as Mrs. Mason!" she spat.
"Actually, I don't. Your contractual obligations are finished."
"Excuse me?" she crossed her arms over her chest.
"See for yourself."
Marcel tossed the papers in his hand across his desk and right away Belle saw the signature of Jackson Mason on the bottom line. Her warrior stance dropped as she grabbed the papers not comprehending why it had been signed.
"Jackson's message that I played to you yesterday was his request to fax your marriage contract over to him so he could sign and annul the marriage. So it seems you are free to go back to your own life."
"I-I don't understand," she said in a weak voice but pulled her mind back to the bond she has with Jack. "I don't believe you! He wouldn't sign this. We don't care about the contract anymore. We both want to be with each other!"
Marcel leaned himself back on his chair as he let out a deep chuckle.
"I knew when you first walked in here you were a naive woman, Isabelle. And that hasn't seemed to change. I told you Jackson wasn't capable of loving anything anymore. You think you know him well but I've known him his whole life. His heart stopped beating when Charlotte left him just after his father's passing. She was all he had left. He planned to propose to her and he's always been waiting for her to come back. He even kept the ring after all these years."
Marcel stood from his chair and buttoned his suit jacket. "You, we're just a toy. A comfort to fill his bed like all the rest of the women until his Charlotte came back."
"Th-that's not true!" Belle said with weakness evident in her voice.
"No? Still don't believe me? Follow me then."

He led her out of his office and into Jackson's. Walking straight over to his desk with papers neatly organized in piles to complete once he got back.
"Remember the message about the jeweler?" he said to Belle and his extended palm led the way to the black velvet box she'd seen before, hidden away in his nightstand. Jackson's message replayed over and over again in her mind.
"I need that contract faxed over to me ASAP! And tell my assistant to contact the jeweler. I left everything she needs with a note on my desk. I want it taken care of by the time I come home."
"Do you believe me now?" Marcel's voice brought her back to reality. "Or do you need more?"
Just as he asked, he pressed the button on Jackson's phone receiver and it began to play on speaker his messages.
"Hey Jackson baby, it's me Charlotte. I know you're still in Paris but I just needed to hear your voice again. I can't wait to see you when you come home. I can't tell you how sorry I am that I left. But I promise I'm back now, and we can pick up right where he left off. I love you, baby. Bye."

She felt the slippery wet tears trickling down her face with the feeling of her heart shattering through her insides. Marcel slowly stepped from behind the desk closer to her and sat himself on top of Jackson's desk with his arms crossed over.
"So where is he now? I got word he sent his jet to pick up Charlotte last night and bring her to Paris to stay an extra night. It seems you took the obligations of your pretend marriage a bit too far, Miss Le Fleur." He didn't seem to care she was distraught and didn't offer any kind of condolence as he simply leaned over the desk to grab a pen and handed it to her.
"If you'd please, sign the contract so you can be on your way."
Hatred coursed through her thumping veins as she tore the pen from his hand. She began signing, only realizing she was writing Mrs. Isabelle Rose Mason. When she stopped herself, a tear fell from her cheek pooling the wet ink and erasing her mistake. Ironic she thought as she continued signing Miss Isabelle Rose Le Fleur and sliding the contract back to Marcel.
"There. Everything is done. As the contract stated in its terms, you will be removed at once from Jackson's house, all contact will cease and you and your father will never step foot on Mason Enterprise property." Marcel read the document before rolling it up like a scroll and sitting back down on Jackson's desk.
"Now, seeing as things have changed since the start of the contract, that means you're position as the teacher for The Merryweather Mason School will have to be terminated. And considering Mason Enterprises now owns your apartment building..." Marcel paused in his words and Belle's throat constricted even more. "Well, I won't go as far as kicking you out of two residences on the same day so I'll let that one slide. But I would consider finding a new place of residence in the near future; just so issues don't arise between you and Jackson... Or Charlotte for that matter, seeing as you've clearly developed feeling for him, it would be best you separate yourself from Jackson as much as possible." His words tried to come out sincere but she could tell he thought nothing for her. She kept her head down low and tried to hide her tear-stricken face as she made her way through the lobby and out the door.
Suddenly the world around her felt different. The noise of the traffic was piercingly ringing in her ears, the number of people shuffling past her in a hurry made her scurry the streets like they were giants and she was a tiny rat; nothing of importance and no use to anyone. She realized she was having a panic attack, just like her father. The anxiety was crippling and she just wanted to curl herself in a ball and hide away from the world. Was this what her life was to become? She'd end up tortured and abused, a social unwanted outcast just like her father.

She finally made it to Jackson's house just as the clock struck five. She was drowning in her anxiety; not knowing when he'd be home, not wanting to see him, yet a part of her longed to see him one last time. But would he have Charlotte hanging from his arm? Probably. He would most likely just look at Belle like yesterday's leftover dinner. Not wanting any part of her, he'd probably help her pack and throw her out to continue with the life he's been waiting to have with the person he's loved all along.
"Mrs. Mason?" she heard Flora calling, sensing she was distraught.
"What happened?"
"What are you doing? Where are you going?" Flora questioned heavy heartedly.
"I'm leaving!"
"What? Why? You two were so happy?"
"He doesn't want me anymore, Flora!"
"Of course he does! He loves you!"
"No! He doesn't!"
And with Belle's final answer she packed the clothes that were hers and made her way towards the door. Turning around once more to see all the fancy dresses Jack had bought her left out on the bed. She wanted to gander one last time into the library but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She carried her bags to the front door saying her final goodbye to saddened Flora as she closed the door behind her.

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