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THE MORE SHE stared at the wall, the more she wanted to hit her head at it

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THE MORE SHE stared at the wall, the more she wanted to hit her head at it.

Rubbing her face in frustration, the woman paced around the prison to release the worry she was feeling. It had been an hour already ever since Charles was abducted and they were captured by Colonel Stryker. She wrung her hands together, releasing a breath.

She had already tried to incinerate the doors earlier, but before her energy could even reach it, the operators above them fired the compressed sound waves at her, incapacitating her once again. Stryker was really determined to lock them up for his plan.

Eleanor had tried to reach out to her children and Charles, but her telepathic abilities were being limited by the magnetic fields around the room. She could only sense them all and as of the moment, Charles' mind was being hidden from her. She knew it was En Sabah Nur who was doing that in order to conceal their location.

The woman couldn't also help her thoughts wander to Erik. If he knew Peter and her twins were his children, would he change his mind? Possibly, but sometimes Erik would be in too deep in his rage that he forgets the people that matters most to him.

"I'm so going to burn that En Sabah Nur's rotting gray ass." She muttered, scratching her head in frustration.

"Yes, me too. But first, we have to get out of here." Valerie beside her remarked, crossing her arms.

Eleanor sighed. "If only there was someone..." She paused, suddenly feeling a weak tug inside her mind. She tilted her head as she took a step forward and mumbled, "Jean?"

"Miss Ridges!"

The woman released a sigh in relief. "Where are you? Are you alright?" With all her might, she established their mental connection. Though it was only weak, it was enough to telepathically communicate with her.

"Yes, we are. We're here in this facility they are keeping you in. Do you know where you exactly are in right now?"

Eleanor glanced around, looking for anything that might give away their location. She snickered when she caught sight out of it on the side of the door. She pressed her finger to her temple. "B cell 64."

A few moments later, Jean spoke up again. "We found you, but we've got a little problem. Kurt can't get inside. We'll have to cut the power, ma'am. We'll be right back."

The woman nodded. "Alright, be careful. Oh, and uh, Jean... Nathan, Ana, and Jacob are also somewhere out there. If you ever see them, can you get them out too?"

"Yes, ma'am."

And with that, their connection was severed and she gasped, catching her breath. It took all of her strength to create the mental link between her and Jean since the field around the room was too strong for her to break. It was a miracle that she was able to do it. Eleanor furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Was this a sign that her abilities have accelerated due to En Sabah Nur's amplification?

FALLING EMPIRES   ✵   𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐊 𝐋𝐄𝐇𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑 [on hold]Where stories live. Discover now