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Didn't sound too minacious, right?


The brunette let out the breath she was holding for a bit. To be honest, Eleanor wasn't expecting the mind fuckery to begin this early.

Because really, she thought the realm would only be about dreams, hopes, and one's greatest desires in life. That it would only consist of the mythical creatures she saw earlier and continuously have its Wizard of Oz type of scenery. But, of course, it's obvious Morgana will make sure she will not leave this realms alive or as a whole.

Still staring apprehensively at her grown-up daughter Erica and her son with Charles, Nathaniel Xavier, Eleanor took a step back. Both of them looked very much in the flesh. They weren't in their astral form nor were they spirits. Could it be that they were indeed real and not just a figment of her imagination?

No, it's a trick. Eleanor thought to herself. For how could they exist in the flesh, right? Erica died and this version of Nathaniel wasn't even born.

She took her time with observing them. They remained standing over their places, smiling brightly as if they were expecting to see her.

Erica, her supposed firstborn, was the same as she last saw her in her dream with chocolate-brown hair and curious blue eyes. She was smiling kindly paired with a gleam of excitement in her gaze. Nathaniel, on the other hand, had thick eyebrows and sparkling blue eyes, somehow resembling Charles and her father, Matthew. She narrowed her eyes, making a mental note to give him a nickname so she won't confuse her real son from this illusion.

"Illusions." mumbled the brunette, pursing her lips. "Just mere illusions, nothing more." And with that, she spun on her heel, not entertaining the phantasm the realm had conjured to drive her mad.

"Hey, mom! Wait up!"

She turned around, smiling coldly. "No, you stay there." Building up a glowing scarlet orb above her palm, she used it to push away the two individuals approaching her. "I don't want to hurt you two, but I will if I have to."

"We're not illusions! We're real!" contended her supposed firstborn, fighting against the force Eleanor was exerting upon her. "We exist! But, just... in these realms."

"I don't believe you."

"Of course, you won't, mom." muttered Nathaniel. Tilting his head towards Erica, he argued, "I told you we shouldn't have done this!"

"I just wanted to see mom again!"

"Mom currently thinks we're illusions, Erica. That we're here to drive her crazy. At this point, we're just making this all complicated for her."

"Natty, just shut up, will you? Let me handle this." asserted Erica. "Mom, I need you to please listen to us, okay? We're not spirits or astral projections. We're real! You can touch us!"

FALLING EMPIRES   ✵   𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐊 𝐋𝐄𝐇𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑 [on hold]Where stories live. Discover now